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Guatemala Trip Update: Blanca Olivia

Today I had the special privilege of seeing Blanca Olivia. She was at the Baby Rescue Center for a routine check-up and is doing well. She is gaining weight and her health is improving. Update with Blanca from World Help on Vimeo.

Guatemala Trip Update: Days One and Two

Here are a couple video clips to give you a preview of our time in Guatemala so far. We have had the opportunity to tour the Hope of Life facilities and sort clothing to distribute in a nearby village. Today we had the privilege of visiting the Baby Rescue Center...

How to Save a Life – Thoughts on the Crisis in Somalia

In the hills of rural Guatemala, Blanca, a 3-year-old girl, is on the verge of death. The reason? Lack of food and water. Not many people know where Blanca lives. Her story will never hit the evening news. Her family lives in extreme poverty and the chance of them...

Got Milk Challenge Extended!

Thank you for your enthusiasm and support of Tour of Hope’s Got Milk campaign for malnourished babies at Danita’s Children in Haiti. So far, we’ve raised a little over 10 percent of our goal in just two weeks! We truly believe that with more time, we can definitely...

Reach Haiti’s Children

One of our featured speakers for Tour of Hope is our partner and my dear friend Danita Estrella. Twelve years ago, she left her life in the U.S. behind, moving to Haiti with nothing but a stirring in her heart to serve the people of Haiti in any way God directed her....
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