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This Is One of the World’s Most Complex Humanitarian Crises

This Is One of the World’s Most Complex Humanitarian Crises

  Can you believe that it’s been three years since the Taliban’s violent takeover of Afghanistan? In the past 36 months, 3.4 million people have lost their homes and livelihoods. They now live in camps with other internally displaced people … and they’re in...
Nigeria: The Growing War on Christianity

Nigeria: The Growing War on Christianity

  It was a normal Monday night for Christian girls attending a boarding school in Chibok, Nigeria. The school had been closed because of the increasing threat of attacks by militant groups, but the girls returned for one day to take their exams. Most of the girls...
Kira: “Jesus, if I give up drugs, will you heal my daughter?”

Kira: “Jesus, if I give up drugs, will you heal my daughter?”

  I’ve always known that one Bible can impact many lives — and I recently heard an incredible testimony about a woman from Iran that reminded me of how powerful God’s Word really is. Kira stumbled across an illegal Bible in Iran, started reading, and her life was...
The Country Where Christmas Is Illegal

The Country Where Christmas Is Illegal

  The whole world seems to light up during the holiday season as people decorate their Christmas trees, eggnog sales skyrocket, and radio stations play festive music from dawn to dusk. But there’s one part of the world where almost nobody celebrates Christmas....
Do You Know the 5 Most Dangerous Countries to Follow Christ?

Do You Know the 5 Most Dangerous Countries to Follow Christ?

  “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of...
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