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An expectant mother pays the ultimate price

An expectant mother pays the ultimate price

The massacre lasted for five hours. Esther listened from the makeshift outhouse as she hid behind the door. “Convert or be killed!” shouted Boko Haram militants. Their commands were followed by screams, the popping of machine guns, and the smell of burning flesh and...
Teaching your kids to pray for persecuted children in North Korea

Teaching your kids to pray for persecuted children in North Korea

When I was a child, I liked to hide. I’d build a fort out of blankets, slip underneath my parents’ desk, or sit in the back of the linen closet to color, play with my dolls, and just be by myself. But for the children of Christians living in North Korea, hiding is not...
Preaching in the face of persecution

Preaching in the face of persecution

He’d heard the Gospel all his life while growing up in a Christian home in China. His family even hosted services and church activities at their house. But it wasn’t until he was an adult, while attending an evangelical meeting, that Yuanbo gave his life to Christ....
Streams of mercy, never ceasing

Streams of mercy, never ceasing

“Ask for water from your Jesus!” one man sneered.Arjun stood helpless. His eyes darted anxiously at the well he had walked so far to find. But now, with several men standing in his way, he knew he’d have to return home to his family empty-handed. I’ve changed Arjun’s...
Place an entire Bible in their hands

Place an entire Bible in their hands

It took me 15 minutes to hand copy the passage. I got halfway through Romans 8 before my hand cramped so much that I couldn’t continue. Honestly, I don’t write out Scripture passages too often — maybe a memory verse on a notecard in my bathroom or in my car. But I...
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