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We are proud to be reviewed and held accountable by these independent third-party organizations.

Save money on your taxes? Check. Help save lives? Check.

Save money on your taxes? Check. Help save lives? Check.

Did you accomplish everything you set out to do in 2019? Here’s a simple way to knock out two big goals before the year ends and it’s time to get started on your new resolutions for 2020: When you make one final donation before midnight Dec. 31 (EST), it will DOUBLE...
Biggest matching gift of the year ends soon

Biggest matching gift of the year ends soon

You still have a list of things to get done in 2018 and time is quickly running out. So, we’ll keep this short: Right now, when you make a tax-deductible gift to help meet some of the most urgent needs around the world, your donation will be DOUBLED up to $150,000! ...
Don’t miss your chance to double your giving

Don’t miss your chance to double your giving

There’s still time to give a gift in 2017 that will make an impact for someone in need AND an impact on your taxes! If you give before midnight Dec. 31 (EST), your gift will still be included as part of your 2017 tax-deductible charitable giving. So give now and help...
Now through Dec. 31: Your tax-deductible gift doubles

Now through Dec. 31: Your tax-deductible gift doubles

There’s still time to give a gift in 2017 that will make an impact for someone in need AND an impact on your taxes! If you give before midnight Dec. 31 (EST), your gift will still be included as part of your 2017 tax-deductible charitable giving. So give now and help...
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