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The $10 bill in your wallet can help fight for women’s rights

The $10 bill in your wallet can help fight for women’s rights

I don’t bake much, but when I do it’s usually at Christmas. I follow one of my grandmother’s most cherished recipes: her incredible, red velvet chocolate cake. It’s hard work to get it right, but it’s worth it because of all the memories that come flooding back with...
Thailand: education vs. cultural slavery

Thailand: education vs. cultural slavery

Most kids get excited when you ask what they want to be when they grow up. One week it’s a teacher. The next week it’s a police officer or a firefighter. Next month, it might be a scientist or a helicopter pilot. Regardless, they have big dreams as they think about...
Who is your Mina?

Who is your Mina?

I’ll never forget the day I met Mina. She arrived at the center the same week I did. I was spending a semester in South Asia, working with a program dedicated to helping girls get off the streets and acquire the education and access to vocational training they needed....
Children shouldn’t be for sale

Children shouldn’t be for sale

When you think of human trafficking, you may think of girls locked in a shady hotel room or being transported in a dark, dingy tractor-trailer. But many of those working in the booming sex industries of Thailand and India are trapped in an invisible cage — a life...
Let a girl dream in 2019

Let a girl dream in 2019

On the downhill slide after Christmas and into the last week of 2018, you’re probably looking forward to what’s ahead in the new year. By now you’ve set goals, made plans, and are wishing for all the good things that are waiting for you. Maybe this is the year you’ll...
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