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The Faces of the Persecuted: Jordan

Today, I’m in Amman, Jordan, on the frontlines of the humanitarian crisis that has swallowed up the Middle East in panic and desperation. ISIS’ systematic slaughter of Christians from Syria to Iraq has driven multitudes from their homes with nothing to call their own...

From the Field: When the Odds Are Against Us

Our team has stayed extremely busy these past few days in Guatemala. This week alone, 15 children were rescued from surrounding mountain villages on the border of Honduras, all the way up to the Belizean border in the northeast. Several were clinging to life,...

From the Field: Our Neighbors Are Hurting

For me, stepping off the plane in Guatemala is almost like coming home. I travel here several times a year because of the sheer number of programs we facilitate through our partnership with Carlos Vargas and Hope of Life. God is moving in Guatemala in miraculous ways....

On the Syrian Border: Our Neighbors in Need

Our second day on the ground in Jordan was even more sobering than the first. The needs here are absolutely overwhelming! Being here is like stumbling on the scene of a mass tragedy. There is chaos, confusion, utter despair—the full scope/range of human misery on...

A New Beginning for Victims of the Sex Trade

After an incredible time in Myanmar, our team headed to the Thai capital of Bangkok . . . Southeast Asia’s gateway city for human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Thailand is a major hub for trafficking victims from other nations with impoverished backgrounds....
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