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Spiritual Development3 min read


The Cuban people are starving for Bibles.

Vernon Brewer
Apr 22, 2016

But YOU can provide them a Spanish Bible for just $10.

The doors to Cuba are open . . . and God is clearly moving there! 

But there are just not enough Bibles.

Some pastors don’t even own their own Bible. House churches are lucky to have a copy to share, handed from person to person—row to row—just to read God’s Word for themselves.

The need for Bibles is so great because God’s Word isn’t allowed to be printed in Cuba.

However, YOU can provide a Spanish Bible to a Cuban brother or sister for just $10.

The joy on the face of a Cuban receiving their very own copy of God’s Word for the first time is incredible. Tears fall, smiles reach from ear to ear, all the while praising God . . . all because they now have their own Bible.

You can help give this kind of joy to our Cuban brothers and sisters today.

The average cost to print, ship, and deliver a Bible into the hands of a Cuban man or woman—who will treasure it in ways that you and I probably don’t understand—is just $10.

Only $10 gives a person seeking hope the message of the Savior . . . or gives a believer who is struggling to nurture their beliefs in the face of rampant atheism exactly what they need!

World Help Cuba Church Planting

Let me tell you a story about how far one young university student went just to get her own copy of a Bible . . .

After coming to know Christ, she desperately wanted a copy of the Bible so she could study God’s Word herself. She prayed earnestly that God would direct her to a place where she could get a copy of the Bible, and soon after, she heard about the opening of a new house church. Just before coming to the service that I was attending, she said a quick prayer asking God to lead her to a place where she might receive her very own copy of the Bible. After I gave her the Bible, she began thanking God for answering her prayers, and made a promise to God that night that she would read and study the Bible and follow His plan for her life.

Imagine being the person who provided that Bible! Imagine the joy you’d feel when she first held her very own copy of God’s Word, knowing she would treasure it, study it, and began to live as God wanted her to!

There is no greater joy on earth than to help another person come to know God personally.

Jesus was very clear when He said, “I am the light of the world.” And He was very clear that you and I are to be the light of the world today.

You can share that life-saving Light right now for just $10. You can be His provision—the hands of Jesus, spreading His Word.

World Help Cuba Bible Distribution

Here’s what your gift will do:

  • Provide Bibles—God’s Word—to people in Cuba
  • Give church planters the resources needed to equip their congregation
  • Provide believers with the tools they need to grow in their faith
  • Grant church members the opportunity share the Gospel with their unsaved peers
  • Allow the Word of God . . . the name of Jesus Christ to be read for the very first time by lost individuals

Cuban men and women desperately search for eternal hope but don’t have access to the most basic faith tool—the Bible. The situation is heartbreaking . . . but that can change!

It’s clear that change is happening for this nation. This is an opportunity . . . a chance to flood Cuba with God’s Word. For $10, you can encourage and equip a Christ follower with a Bible.

Just a few years ago, the freedom to ship and distribute Bibles was nonexistent. Imagine how much of an impact can be made now!

Cubans are starving for Bibles. Act today on behalf of our brothers and sisters in Christ by sending them what they need to thrive—Bibles.

You can equip this generation of Cuban believers to carry Christ’s name throughout the island nation.

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