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From the Field1 min read


The Difference a Day Can Make

Kender, Mildred, Danny, Brendy– these are the names of just a few of the children who touched my heart last week. They are real children with real and heartbreaking stories. I held them, and for a moment, I experienced part of their lives.

I was completely overwhelmed. The rescue center was bursting with children in need, and I felt surrounded by death. I could smell it, I could touch it, and I could see it.

But the next day, I experienced something completely different. The same children in whose eyes I had seen pain and death the day before were now sitting up and smiling – even playing. There was happiness in the rescue center and there was hope. What a difference a day can make when we are willing to reach out and help.

On our last day we visited Margarita, a young girl I met on my first trip to Guatemala. This last video is of our time with her.  I loved sharing with our group her powerful story and letting them see firsthand her message of hope and a life restored. To read more about her story, click here.

Update with Margarita from World Help on Vimeo.

Check back over the next few weeks, as I continue to blog about our life-changing experiences in Guatemala. And if you missed our other video blogs from the trip, view them here.

I would love to hear your thoughts and comments . . .


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