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Child Sponsorship2 min read


The First Letter

Blog Team
Jul 20, 2011

There is something unique and captivating about receiving a personal letter . . . they are timeless. You can do your best to replay a conversation in your head, but it will be fuzzy at best. The average human mind does not possess the ability for total recall. But letters provide limitless revisits to the same moment. Sponsored children understand this fully, as worn pages and torn creases tell of the special value children place on the letters they receive from their sponsors.

The hardest part of any journey is always the first step. You don’t become healthy without taking the first step of your run, and you don’t learn a new skill without first gathering your resources. In the same way, you don’t start building a lasting and genuine relationship with your sponsored child without first sharing yourself with them. The first letter your child receives from you will become the foundation for your sponsorship. They will be encouraged to respond back which will create a meaningful relationship between you, and will open the floodgates of communication.

So where do you start? Tell them about yourself. Talk about the things that make you happy . . . the hobbies you have, your family, do you have pets? Anything that will help create a picture in your child’s mind. Don’t shy away from sharing about your life—this is exactly what your sponsored child wants to know. Send pictures, share dreams, and tell them how special they are to you.

Here are just a few examples of the impact sponsor’s letters have had:

“I was overwhelmed when I receive your letter so I know you didn’t forget me and you’re always praying for me.”  –Lovenia, 16

“Good day to you Auntie. I’m so happy to receive your letter. Well, it’s my pleasure to say thank you so much!”  –Jamsy, 12

“I’ll write you a very long letter… Every day I wait for a letter from you.”  –Zhaksilik, 15

“Thank you for the letter and package that you gave me, I am so happy about it!”
–Venancio, 11

It is obvious that letters make a profound impression on the children who receive them. By opening up your life to them, you’ve given them the encouragement to do the same with you. Take the opportunity to write, and share your heart and life with your special child today.

Want to learn more on how you can take your first step? Visit our Sponsor Connect page today!



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