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Devotionals2 min read


The joy that never fades: A video devotional

Blog Team
May 28, 2023

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” — James 1:2-3 (NIV)

Here’s a hard truth that many of us don’t want to hear: God tells His children that they will face tribulation. It’s inevitable because we live in a broken world. But He also promises something else when we trust Him: supernatural, radiant joy.

Christians in North Korea endure incredible difficulties every single day. But, despite constant trial and hardship, they have joy. And it’s not the kind of joy the world gives them — fleeting, earthly, and materialistic. Instead, it’s a heavenly joy that comes right from God.

Watch this short devotional from World Help president Noel Brewer Yeatts to learn about how God’s joy is touching Christians in North Korea … and how you can have it in your life, too:

When we depend on God for our joy, nothing can take it away. North Korean Christians may face persecution, but they know what awaits them: eternity with Christ.

No matter what challenges we face, God gives us His joy to sustain us when we persevere through those difficulties. Always remember that true joy doesn’t come from what’s around us … but from the One who loves us unconditionally.

One incredible way to shine the light of His joy is by helping others in need. When you give to help Christians in North Korea, you’ll send food and Bibles to North Koreans who need it most.

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