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From the Field2 min read


the legacy of Joshua's well

Blog Team
Feb 22, 2012

The sound of clapping and cheers flooded over Tammy Cupp like a wave as she passed by the villagers of Manzanotal, Guatemala. Though she smiled genuinely as she saw their faces, tears still streamed silently down her cheeks. This was truly a joyous occasion for Tammy . . . but it was an emotional one as well.

As she reached the village well, Tammy turned and faced the large crowd before her. A hush came over the multitude of spectators as she began to share the story of the well beside her .  .  . the story of Joshua’s well.

Joshua, Tammy’s son, passed away when he was 18 years old. As any mother would be, Tammy was devastated over the loss of her son. She desperately wanted to make a lasting tribute in memory of Josh, but she wasn’t sure what to do.


About two years after Josh’s death, his paternal grandparents, Dick and Kay Hall, went on a trip to Guatemala. They were in disbelief when they saw the effect that dirty water was having on so many Guatemalan villages. They knew that lives could be saved, and communities could flourish if only they could be given access to a clean, safe water source.


When they returned home, Dick and Kay shared what they had seen with Tammy. Immediately, Tammy knew how she could honor the memory of her son . . . she would donate a well in Josh’s name.


Tammy knew her goal would not be reached quickly or easily, but she began the fundraising efforts to provide a deep bore well.


 A little while later, several states away, a woman by the name of Theresa received the devastating news that her son had passed away due to combat-related injuries. Theresa’s son had left all of his assets to her with the stipulation that they be used to “help children.” She knew exactly what to do. 


Theresa had been following Tammy’s blog and heard about the well she was trying to fund on behalf of her son. She knew she could honor her son’s legacy by helping another mother to do the same. In one phone call, Theresa donated the remaining funds needed for the well. The village community leader donated the land for the well.

Tammy with the community leader

Tears streamed down the cheeks of the villagers as they learned that the well that had saved the lives of so many of their own children had come at the great loss of these two boys. Mothers held their babies closely and whispered words of heartfelt gratitude.

Through death, life was given. Through pain, joy was received. Through devastation, hope was restored.

This is the legacy of Joshua’s well.


Tammy with children from Manzanotal around Joshua's well.


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