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‘The most valuable thing you can do’ for Ukrainians this World Refugee Day

Sam Campbell
Jun 20, 2022

Ukraine became a warzone nearly four months ago — and the violence continues today.

Brightly colored buildings are now charred from the flames of Russian attacks. Streets are littered with burned cars and trees. Windows are shattered. Homes are nothing but piles of rubble.

“What was common at the beginning of the year and affordable is not anymore,” one of our Ukraine partners said.

The lives of Ukrainians have turned upside down. Millions have fled the country, leaving family members and most of their belongings behind. They’re struggling to find the food and healthcare they need amid the chaos.

No one knows when this nightmare will end … but your gift to ship emergency aid will help refugees survive the days ahead.

Emergency food will keep hungry refugees strong and healthy

Today is World Refugee Day, a time to remember the struggles of refugees around the globe and help them in any way possible. So, if you’ve been keeping up with the Ukraine crisis and thinking about helping, now is the perfect opportunity to do just that.

This war has destroyed so much already, and every moment that passes is critical. Refugees can’t keep running and hiding forever. They need essentials like food, clothing, and shelter to survive.

“The most valuable thing that anyone who cares about our country can do now is be open and ready to respond to the needs of Ukrainians,” our partner said.

Will YOU respond this World Refugee Day?

Every $1 you give will ship $21 worth of lifesaving aid like food, clothing, diapers and baby care items, medical equipment, and more to Ukrainian refugees and other people in need.

That means your gift multiplies 21x!

Displaced Ukrainian families need a place to rest — like this refugee center — as they run for their lives

Our partners on the ground are doing their best to meet displaced families’ needs. So far, volunteers have driven more than 100,000 miles to deliver critical aid to Ukrainians who can’t fend for themselves, like the elderly and disabled. Ukrainians had to adapt quickly to the new normal — even a seminary run by one of our partners was transformed into a refugee center.

But they can’t do it alone. This great work can’t continue without your help.

Our warehouse is full of donated supplies — items refugees need to keep going. When you give today, your gift will help cover the shipping cost so this emergency aid can reach people in need as quickly as possible.

A gift of just $30 is enough to ship an incredible $630 worth of aid!

Please give as generously as you can this World Refugee Day.

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