Sponsorship provides children around the world with physical and emotional health through nutrition, medical care, quality education, and spiritual nurturing. While World Help works diligently to deliver necessary resources to those in dire need, we also depend on the love and encouragement of sponsors to provide the children with a lasting support.
As sponsors, you have the opportunity to go beyond a $40 monthly gift by spending time in prayer for your sponsored child. Whether you do so individually or make it a family activity, prayer can be a fundamental part of your sponsorship commitment.
Pray for your sponsored child’s individual needs and even pray for his entire family and community. When writing letters to your child, consider asking for any specific prayer requests, and you can also share some of your own. Your dedication to sponsorship has the potential to establish a meaningful prayer partnership.
“We pray for your protection, for your health, and for your safety.” –The Trapp Family, sponsors from Texas
“I hope and pray you are doing well and that you know you are in my prayers.” –Aunt Tammy, a sponsor from Michigan
While you spend time in prayer for your sponsored child, they also pray for you!
“I love you so much and pray for you every single day so that you proceed in life.” –Angom Robinah, Uganda
“I [am] so proud of you because my future became so bright through you. Whenever I pray to God, I feel my heart smiling inside.” –Norbert Okello, Uganda
One of our previous Children of the World team leaders said that while on tour, many of the children in the choir requested to pray for their sponsors every single day. Whether it is while they are in the states or in their home countries, they continuously pray for their sponsors who invest hope in their lives.
One sponsor shared with us that he keeps a picture of his sponsored child on his mantle as a reminder to pray. Every day, he spends time praying for her, asking that God would meet all of her needs.
Many of these children come from difficult backgrounds and carry heavy burdens as they live in some of the most poverty-stricken areas of the world. Making a commitment to pray for your sponsored child can be an integral aspect of your sponsorship as they continue to grow and develop. While your monetary gifts provide resources they desperately need, the power of your prayers and God’s love gives them eternal hope.
Sponsorship truly transforms lives. It is through your prayers and letters of encouragement that you are given the opportunity to invest in your sponsored child’s spiritual development. With your help, we are providing children with opportunities for enrichment they would otherwise never receive.
Begin making a difference in the life of a child today through the power of sponsorship and prayer.