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Village Transformation6 min read


The village of El Paraiso is looking a lot different these days

Blog Team
Sep 15, 2019

Nix and Linnea Daniel first heard about the needs in Guatemala when a friend invited them to a golf tournament sponsored by World Help supporters. Within a year, the family had traveled to the impoverished country to see the needs for themselves.

Moved to action by what they saw, the Daniels committed to a Village Transformation in El Paraiso, an extremely impoverished village in the mountains of Guatemala.

Sunday School members, business associates, friends, and family agreed to help. Today, they have been able to provide a clean-water well, a new church building, additions to the local school, bathrooms, a playground, and 11 new homes for families in need.

“I feel very happy, blessed, and grateful for this great gift,” said Antonio, a member of the community. “We do not have words to express our feelings and gratitude. God bless you.”

The Daniels and their friends have also been able to make a truly lasting impact by sponsoring more than 50 children in El Paraiso and building relationships with them.

Village Transformations like Nix and Linnea’s restore and revive communities from the ground up. And often they are combined with YOUR gifts of critical aid to meet the needs of families in poverty.

For example, Karina lived in another Guatemalan community and was thrilled when she learned that someone had committed to transform her village and provide a safe home for her family. But she had no mattress to put in her new home … at least until generous donors helped ship one to her.

“Thank you very much,” Karina said after receiving the mattress. “I do not know how to repay so much kindness to me and my children.”

Everyday essentials like medical equipment, clothing, blankets, shoes, and mattresses are donated to our warehouse through generous corporate donations and grants. But we need YOU to help cover the shipping costs.

Your generosity means that vital aid can finally arrive at its intended destination and placed into the hands of people like Karina.

You can help make a difference by filling new homes, schools, clinics, and churches with the vital supplies these people desperately need.

Through Village Transformation and your gifts of lifesaving aid, the lives of countless Guatemalans and others around the world can be improved … one community at a time.


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