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Aid and Relief2 min read


There's still time to have your gift matched

Vernon Brewer
Dec 14, 2018

This year has been full of crises and disasters. Famine has caused children to go without food. Floods, hurricanes, and other natural disasters have driven people from their homes. And continued violence has escalated an already enormous refugee crisis.

But you have the opportunity to give 2018 a more hopeful ending. You can demonstrate the love of Jesus to people who have been through unimaginable circumstances this year.

And when you make your tax-deductible gift before midnight on Dec. 31 (EST), it will be matched up to $50,000, so you can help twice as many people!

I’ve personally met many of the people who are waiting for help and hope — help and hope that you can give. I’ve heard their stories. And I promise you that your gift will completely transform their lives.

You can rescue families struggling in poverty, refugees far from home, girls trapped in sexual slavery, and so many more. And you can point people to renewal in Christ by helping distribute Bibles and plant churches worldwide.

Please don’t let 2018 end without doing something that will outlive you and last for eternity … like making one final, year-end (and DOUBLED!) gift to help people in need right now.

Every dollar you give goes directly to helping people with the most critical needs around the globe. Even $5 can transform a life!

When you give today, you will help people like:

A mother in Haiti who needs food for her starving child

A child refugee in South Sudan whose simple illness could turn deadly without medical care

An elderly man in Africa who can no longer walk long distances to collect water from the nearest stream, which is contaminated

A persecuted Christian in North Korea who prays every day for a Bible

You can give these people hope by meeting their urgent needs and reminding them that they aren’t forgotten. You can make this the year someone is finally able to overcome poverty or hears about the Gospel for the first time.

But you have to act soon. Give before midnight Dec. 31 (EST) to instantly double your gift, up to $50,000.

I’m praying you’ll choose to give generously to send emergency aid to individuals and families that need it right now. When you do, I’ll make sure your gift impacts as many people as possible.

Don’t wait — give now and double the difference you make this year!


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