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Aid and Relief5 min read


These Incredible Volunteers Shine Bright in Our Warehouse!

Megan Stoia
Apr 22, 2024


It’s Volunteer Appreciation Week! While we might be slightly biased, we believe World Help has the best volunteers around.

So, join us in celebrating a few of our superstars who come ready to serve in our Humanitarian Aid Distribution Center:

In his free time, Sam enjoys traveling, reading, and playing piano

Sam is a first-year medical student at Liberty University. When a classmate told him about local serving opportunities, he was drawn to World Help.

Sam wanted to help prepare lifesaving supplies for Ukrainians affected by the war. This cause is near to his heart because he volunteered in Moldova, a country that borders Ukraine and harbors many refugees.

“Having lived in a poor and underserved country as a volunteer before, I know that donated clothes, medical supplies, and other necessities work miracles in the lives of those who are in need,” Sam said. “They truly do need those items, and volunteering at World Help is the perfect way to contribute.”

When asked about his favorite memory in the warehouse, Sam said he especially enjoyed sorting and packing sportswear. He bonded with his friends and other volunteers over a shared love of sports.

Jeanine & Hannah Belsterling

“We have been so blessed by our times serving at World Help.” – Jeanine Belsterling

Jeanine and her family moved to Virginia last year from Ohio. Back in her hometown, she taught Spanish and ELS in a Christian school. Her daughter Hannah, who has a disability, enjoyed volunteering in the kitchen and art class at the school.

Since moving to Lynchburg, Hannah joined Special Olympics and began working with CraveABLES. Hannah and Jeanine missed volunteering together … but they didn’t need to look far for another service opportunity.

Jeanine’s son worked at World Help, and he recommended they volunteer in our warehouse. Since then, they have become regulars!

Jeanine and Hannah love serving alongside others, especially with their friend Barry. They also enjoy learning where the items they help sort and pack will go.

Madi Bedwell

Outside of class and volunteer work, Madi enjoys cooking new recipes!

Madi is a senior at Liberty University studying psychology. When she’s not working on homework or tutoring high school students with dyslexia, she is often with her best friend, Ally. In fact, Ally introduced Madi to World Help.

Now, Madi absolutely loves volunteering in our warehouse! Each time she signs up, she’s excited to meet new people. So, if you ever see her around, feel free to stop by and say hello! Madi also loves how volunteering provides an opportunity for her and Ally to spend some quality time together.

If you’ve ever doubted volunteering makes an impact, Madi has some words of wisdom to share:

“It can sometimes be hard to feel like I am making an impact because it feels like I am doing such a small part in the whole process. But I sometimes stop and look at the pictures on the walls in the warehouse and remember that I am playing a part in helping people across the globe.”

Tamara Ehlinger & Mountain View Church

Encourage your church family to volunteer with World Help just like Mountain View Church

Tamara is the Missions Chair for Mountain View Church in Forest, Virginia. After the pandemic, she wanted to bring volunteer work back to the forefront of the church.

She hoped to provide a hands-on service opportunity for her church family to do together. She knew God would point her in the right direction … and He did!

Due to construction, Tamara took a back road while driving home one day. On the way, she happened to drive past our old warehouse, where the sign was still up. Once she got home, Tamara googled World Help and contacted us. The rest is history!

Mountain View Church now volunteers several times a year in the warehouse.

One of Tamara’s favorite memories is when the church helped to sort shoes. A few weeks later, she saw a picture of the same shoes in the hands of children halfway around the world. It served as a powerful reminder of the impact that can be made through volunteering!

Thank you to Sam, Jeanine, Hannah, Madi, Tamara, and all our other incredible volunteers!

Without your help, people living in poverty wouldn’t receive the help and hope they desperately need.

If you want to volunteer in our warehouse, visit our website to learn more and sign up today.

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