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Aid and Relief5 min read


These shipments will save lives … but not without you

Emily Towns
May 08, 2019

Yolanda could barely get out of bed or stand on her own. The 12-year-old was severely malnourished due to the lack of food in her Guatemalan village. Her family was extremely poor and couldn’t afford a doctor’s visit. But because of donors’ generosity, donated medical supplies reached Yolanda in time to save her and others like her.

Cristina lives in Honduras and is raising her two granddaughters. Many days, the family didn’t eat because they had no money for food. But thanks to generous World Help supporters, Cristina and her granddaughters received bags of rice when they needed it most.

These are just a couple of examples of what happens when you help send shipping containers to people with critical needs. Plus, your gift is multiplied 33X! Every dollar you give ships $33 worth of aid to people around the world.

Nutritious food, medical aid, and medicine arrived just in time to give these stories a happy ending. But without your help, this isn’t always the case.

War, famine, natural disasters, and extreme poverty leave people and communities across the globe on the brink of death. Local clinics don’t have enough equipment or supplies to properly treat patients. Refugees lack food, clean water, clothing, and other essentials they need to survive. New mothers struggle to keep their babies alive without formula, hygiene kits, and other necessities. And families face the effects of chronic malnourishment and eventually, starvation.

A shipment full of aid is necessary to save lives in these communities. But how does it work? Where do the supplies come from? And why is your $30 gift so important?


Here’s a look at how World Help ships aid around the world — and the critical role you play in the process:

Step 1: We receive grants and donations of critically needed items 

Through government grants and the generosity of our corporate donors, World Help regularly receives goods such as medical equipment, boxes of nutrient-dense food packets, clothing, furniture, and more. Aside from a few exceptions, these materials are delivered to our warehouse where they are sorted, organized, and packed up until they are ready for shipment.

World Help works closely with partners all around the world, determining where these items are needed most. Once that is decided, our team starts loading a shipping container.

And that is where YOU come in.

Step 2: You help cover the shipping fees

Shipping a container full of emergency relief to places like Rwanda, Guatemala, or Iraq can be expensive. That’s why we need your help.

Every dollar you give ships $33 worth of food, clothing, medical equipment, hygiene kits, and other emergency aid to people in need.

That means your $30 translates into $990 of lifesaving supplies — multiplying your impact 33X!

We receive generous donations of goods from companies and organizations around the country; but the truth is, we can’t send any of it without your help. You play a key role in getting food, medicine, medical equipment, and more to people who are dying without it. Your gift rescues people in urgent need.

Step 3: Shipping containers are packed and sent to people in need around the world

Once you and other generous supporters give the funds necessary to send the relief items, containers are filled and shipped out to people in places such as Haiti, Uganda, Zimbabwe, and Nepal. The shipments can take a while to arrive, but once they do, your gift immediately begins to impact lives.

Here are some of the types of supplies you help ship:

Medical equipment and medicine

While many communities have a medical clinic, the facilities are often under-resourced. What equipment they do have is outdated, making it difficult for doctors to accurately treat their patients. This means people living in poor, rural communities often die of simple illnesses.

But your gifts help send containers full of hospital beds, surgical equipment, medication, dialysis machines, and many other types of lifesaving medical supplies.

Emergency food and water

When you give to help ship a container of emergency aid, you help send boxes of shelf-stable food items and bottles of clean water into places that have been devastated by famine, natural disaster, or violence.

Without food, these people would starve — but your quick action helps save lives.

Clothes and shoes

Shipments of clothing and durable shoes are desperately needed in many impoverished countries around the globe, but they can be particularly helpful to refugees. Many of these men, women, and children left everything they owned behind. What clothing and shoes they do have quickly wear out, making traveling difficult and leaving them exposed to the elements and injury.

By shipping shoes and clothes, you help provide these items to people who would never be able to afford them otherwise. You protect their feet from infectious cuts, protect their skin from painful sunburn, and give them a sense of pride when they can exchange their ragged clothes for new ones.

Diapers, formula, and hygiene kits

In many communities, mothers struggle to keep their babies alive and safe from illness. Items such as baby formula, diapers, and hygiene kits help children stay healthy and ward off disease and unsafe bacteria.

By helping ship these items, you partner with parents as they do everything they can to give their children a bright future.

Helping ship lifesaving aid around the globe is an incredible way to rescue people on the brink of death. For just $30, you will play a crucial role in meeting someone’s physical needs. And by doing so, you open the door for our partners to share the love of Jesus.

Every dollar you give multiplies 33X, changing more lives than you could even imagine. Are you ready to play your part?


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