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Humanitarian Aid3 min read


This Human Rights Day, help Afghan families whose rights are in danger

Sam Campbell
Dec 10, 2021

“Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including foods, clothing, housing and medical care …”

That’s a direct quote from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a document drafted in 1948 by the United Nations General Assembly.

Unfortunately, many families in Afghanistan are no longer enjoying these rights. They’re displaced within their own country. They’ve had to flee their homes. And now they’re struggling to survive without food, water, or shelter.

That’s why they need your help on this Human Rights Day.

Human Rights Day is a chance to acknowledge and help the oppressed, those people who don’t have access to the rights they deserve.

People like Sara.

We’ve changed her name due to the ongoing violence in Afghanistan, but Sara’s struggle is all too real. She’s one of many Afghan women who recently lost the right to receive an education or go to work.

The Taliban has stripped it all away.

“Without your help, we have nothing,” Sara said. “No jobs, no chance to go to school, and no chance to move around like before. It is hard to think of our future. Thank you for not forgetting us …”

Your gift today will help make sure people like Sara aren’t forgotten.

Every $35 provides a week’s worth of food, clean water, and other lifesaving aid for one displaced person in Afghanistan or another high-conflict area.

When you give, you will help restore the basic human rights these people have lost.

And that’s not all. In addition to meeting their immediate physical needs, your generosity will also show the love of God to people struggling to survive.

Please give right now in honor of Human Rights Day.

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