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Disaster Relief2 min read


Thousands displaced after deadly landslides in Nepal

Blog Team
Jul 17, 2020

Police and military forces search debris for dead bodies across the country of Nepal. Now simply surviving is at the forefront of every victim’s mind.

Heavy monsoons have caused relentless landslides that have sliced through most of the country. Now, thousands of people have no homes, no viable land, and no supplies to keep themselves alive.

In the district of Myagdi alone, 28 dead bodies have been discovered, 32 people are still missing, and 954 families have been displaced. Meanwhile smaller landslides continue to plague the country as more and more people are losing their homes and their lives.

Houses and roads have been completely demolished or washed away. Grocery stores and other essential businesses are gone. People can’t find food or hygiene items like soap, and there’s no clean water anywhere.

But you can help provide emergency disaster relief to one person for just $50. Your gift will help rush aid like food, clothing, hygiene kits, and temporary shelter to someone who has lost everything.

Our partners in Nepal are already assessing the situation and trying to help as many people as possible. But they still need YOUR help.

“Please remember the families who lost their homes, cattle, and their loved ones,” our partner said. “They immediately need emergency relief supplies, reasonably good size tents, clothes, cooking pots and pans, blankets, and shelters to stay.”

Your $50 will help rush emergency disaster relief to someone who is struggling to survive.

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