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Time is running out — give by Dec. 31 to DOUBLE your gift!

Vernon Brewer
Dec 11, 2019

The deadline for you to DOUBLE your year-end gift is almost here!

The world has witnessed some terrible tragedies this year. Violence in Syria continues to drive people from their homes, Christians worldwide face increasing persecution, and families in the Bahamas lost everything when Hurricane Dorian struck the island nation.

But you can give these people hope before 2019 is over!

And when you make your tax-deductible gift before MIDNIGHT on Dec. 31 (EST), it will be matched up to $50,000! That means your $35 gift will provide $70 worth of necessities like food, clean water, warm clothing, medical care, Bibles, and other lifesaving aid.

People around the world are waiting for help and hope — help and hope that you can give. I’ve met many of these people myself. Some of them I know personally. I have heard their stories. And I promise you that your gift will completely transform their lives.

When you give today (and your gift is DOUBLED!), you will help people like:

• A homeless family from the Bahamas still reeling from Hurricane Dorian

• A Syrian grandmother shivering this winter in a refugee camp without thick blankets or warm clothing

• A child from Uganda who is dying of starvation

• A Christian living in North Korea who has never owned a Bible

• A little boy living high in the Guatemalan mountains and in desperate need of lifesaving medical care

There’s still time for you to leave 2019 better than you found it.

Before we usher in a new year, finish this one strong by doing one more thing that will outlive you and last for eternity … like making one final, year-end gift to help people struggling to survive.

I’m asking you because I know you care deeply about helping people in need. And with this special, last-minute opportunity, you can help 2X as many people!

Our partners around the world are ready and waiting to distribute more lifesaving aid and help the people in their communities. But unless generous people give — unless gifts like yours come in — that won’t be possible. Their ministries might not even be able to continue, and people won’t receive the help they need.

It breaks my heart to even think about that possibility, so will you please give today so we can tell these men, women, and children that help is on the way?

And don’t forget to give before midnight Dec. 31 (EST) to instantly double your gift up to $50,000.

I’m praying you’ll choose to give generously to send emergency aid to individuals and families around the world who need it right now.

Many families are afraid of what this next year will hold. They don’t know if they’ll be able to feed their children, rebuild their homes after a natural disaster, or if they’ll ever be able to hold a Bible in their hands.

Your gift today can remove this fear and make this the year someone is finally able to overcome poverty or hear the Gospel for the first time.


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