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Advocacy1 min read


Time to Make a Difference | Human Rights Day

Melissa Schultz
Dec 10, 2015

Can you imagine losing everything?

Without time to think, you must abandon all earthly items you hold dear—your home, possessions, mementos, and clothing. You must give up your job, daily routine, and hobbies. Even more devastating is the fact that you may never see your friends, family, or community again. Your entire sense of reality is shaken.

Refugee camp - World Help

But can you imagine the fear?

You are running—fleeing—for your life, terrified that your family may not make it . . . or worse, maybe you had to leave without knowing where ISIS took your brother, wife, or child.

For the estimated 15 million people in Iraq and Syria who have been displaced from their homes to surrounding areas due to civil war and the mind-numbing brutality of ISIS, this is not just a mental exercise.

This is reality.

Refugees - World Help

Today is Human Rights Day, which commemorates the day in 1948 when the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It’s a day we pause to recognize and give voice to those whose basic rights have been stripped from them.

The refugee crisis in Iraq and Syria is the most poignant example of human rights abuses and injustice in recent years. And yet, their stories are going unheard by a largely deaf international community. There is no justice, equality, or safety available for exiles as ISIS scorches a path through communities of faith.

Hatred, extremism, and discrimination have denied the basic human rights of millions throughout the Middle East. And we refuse to let these innocent people go unnoticed, especially on Human Rights Day.

Humanitarian aid - World Help

The very least we can do today is acknowledge their suffering and give what we can to provide a source of hope—clean water, food, medicine, blankets, coats, and heaters.

We believe that all people matter to God because they are made in His image . . . making every day Human Rights Day for Christ followers. Will you join us in sharing love, restoring dignity, and fostering well-being? Please don’t wait to make a difference. Our brothers and sisters in Christ need our help now.


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