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Unite Your Church. Help Save Lives. Reach Souls for Christ.

Is your church looking for a practical, hands-on way to experience global missions? When you participate in a Community Transformation, your congregation will unite behind the goal of making sure every community member feels the love of Jesus.

You’ll meet both physical and spiritual needs by ensuring the children in the community have essentials like food, clothing, medical care, educational opportunities, and spiritual mentorship. You can also help through special projects such as constructing a church, building homes for families, providing clean-water wells, improving schools, and more.

Your church can help bring Jesus to the nations!

See What Other Pastors and Church Members Are Saying

“World Help has been critical for me to be able to literally disciple my people to have a vision for the whole world.”

– Pastor John Lloyd

“It gives people the opportunity to see what missions is really about. It helps us connect with people from a foreign country like never before. Then, it’s an opportunity to share the Gospel and meet physical needs.”

– Craig Peters, Maranatha Bible Church

“It is one of the most powerful ways of being the hands and feet of Jesus that I have ever experienced. The ripple effects of touching a child’s life will only be fully known in eternity.”

– Mayda Tress, Christ Fellowship Church

How Community Transformation Works

Step One – Choosing A Community

World Help staff will help you choose a community that urgently needs your help and is a perfect fit for your church.

Step Two – Investing in the Next Generation

Church members can choose a specific child they want to come alongside and support both physically and spiritually.

Step Three – Visiting Your Community

Your church will have the option to travel to your community to witness the physical and spiritual transformation you’ve made possible.

Where Will Your Church Transform a Community


How Can We Help?

Are you looking for more information on Community Transformation? Would you like to request a speaker for your church? Fill out the form below:

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