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transforming borkeda

Blog Team
Dec 10, 2011

Several years ago, Barbra Bhai painfully watched as her children walked down the road to their home, struggling to stand upright due to the weight of the jerry cans they carried. The children should have been in school, but instead they spent their days walking to the nearest water source, carrying 40-pound jerry cans full of contaminated water back home. This was the only water they had for washing, cooking, cleaning, and drinking.

Barbra could do nothing as her children became sick from the dirty water, further preventing them from attending school. She used what little money she had to buy medicine for her family, but the situation was bleak at best. The others in Barbra’s hometown of Borkeda, India, were all battling with the same problem. The water source for the community was contaminated and caused sickness. As a result, children missed school, adults missed work, and hope was lost.

Thankfully, clean water came to Borkeda, bringing with it health, education, and hope. As a result of a causelife well, Barbra’s community is no longer sick. The children spend their days receiving an education rather than walking to get contaminated water. The entire village is full of life, and hope has been restored. And all it took was something as simple as clean water.

This Christmas, we have the amazing opportunity to bring life and hope to five communities in desperate need of clean water! For more information and to learn how you can get involved, visit our Change the Present website.

Change the Present . . . build the future!



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