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Experience the Journey With Us

Experience the Journey With Us

Upcoming Trips

Stories from the field

You’ve read the stories, seen the images, and watched the videos. You know that your gifts are making a difference.

But have you ever wanted to experience the transformation firsthand? We believe the very best way for our supporters to understand the value of their impact is simply to see it for themselves. That’s why we’re inviting you to join one of World Help’s team excursions and journey with us to outreach locations around the world.

If you have a passion to be the hands and feet of Jesus on the ground, this opportunity is for you! Learn more about upcoming experience opportunities below.

Our Upcoming Trips

Preview thumbnail for the trip: Honduras Medical | November 2024

Honduras Medical | November 2024

Trip Date: November 2 - 9, 2024
Registration Deadline: July 19, 2024

Trip Cost
$1,775 + Airfare

Recent stories on our blog

Preview thumbnail for the article: What’s the Difference Between a Refugee and a Displaced Person?

What’s the Difference Between a Refugee and a Displaced Person?

  Do you know the difference between a refugee and a displaced . . .

Preview thumbnail for the article: What is Life Like for a Mother in Afghanistan?
Where Needed Most

What is Life Like for a Mother in Afghanistan?

  War, famine, drought, and earthquakes. These are just a few . . .

Preview thumbnail for the article: Selling Daughters for Survival: The Tragic Reality of Child Marriage
War Child

Selling Daughters for Survival: The Tragic Reality of Child Marriage

  Ten-year-old Zahra* sits inside her family’s home, nervously . . .

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