When Russia began its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Victor decided to wait out the war at home. His wife had died just a few years before, and he didn’t want to leave the home they had shared.
But as you can imagine, living in an active warzone is terrifying.
When Victor wakes up each day, he wonders if it will be his last. His biggest concern is when and where the next shelling will drop. And one afternoon, his worst fear came true.

Distributing Bibles worldwide will give people hope when they need it most
A rocket exploded in Victor’s garden, and the blast shook his entire house. The walls cracked, the chimney broke, and his furnace was completely destroyed.
To stay warm during the winter, Victor had to keep his stove burning all day. But with the furnace gone, the smoke stayed trapped in the house, damaging the walls and causing Victor to have serious health problems.
Thankfully, our partners in Ukraine were able to install a new stove for Victor to heat his home safely… but that’s not all Victor received.
World Help’s Bibles for All Ambassadors also provided Victor with his own Bible in Ukrainian!
Bibles for All Ambassadors are a special group of supporters who give each month to distribute Bibles in the most spiritually dark places on earth, from North Korea to Nigeria and beyond. They are helping to make God’s Name known in every corner of the world.
And one of the Bibles they provided made its way to Victor!

As a Bibles for All Ambassador, you’ll send three Bibles around the globe each month!
After giving him the Bible, our partner shared the Gospel with Victor and told him how he could find peace and salvation through God.
Victor immediately thanked everyone who made it possible for him to receive such a wonderful gift. He said that he couldn’t wait to begin reading God’s Word.
If you are currently a Bibles for All Ambassador, I want to thank you for bringing eternal hope to people like Victor.
And if you aren’t, I encourage you to sign up and join Bibles for All today. Each month, you’ll send Bibles around the globe to believers and seekers who are eager to build a relationship with Christ.
And your impact won’t end there. Since Bibles are often shared with family and friends, each one you give will reach about five people. That means you’ll share God’s Word with up to 180 people in your first year of giving!