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Disaster Relief3 min read


URGENT NEED: Help victims of deadly Beirut explosion

Blog Team
Aug 05, 2020

A massive explosion shook the port of Beirut in Lebanon yesterday. More than 100 people were killed and over 4,000 injured.

Although the exact cause of the blast remains unclear, the result is certain — this is another devastating blow for a country already suffering from a crippling economic crisis and the fallout of the coronavirus pandemic.

On top of that, the explosion destroyed 85 percent of the country’s grain which was stored in nearby silos and caused irreparable damage to the port, which is one of the country’s main sources of income.

The people of Lebanon are still in shock … and they desperately need your help.

Hospitals are flooded with injured patients on top of the many coronavirus cases they were already dealing with. As many as 300,000 people are now homeless, their houses wiped out by the blast. And with one in three people already out of work in Lebanon, this latest tragedy on top of it all could spell total economic collapse for many families.

Our local partners are already there assessing the damage, praying with people affected, and helping families repair their homes. They also plan to help distribute food and assist with victims’ medical expenses. But they need your help to meet the overwhelming need.

As men, women, and children sort through the wreckage of their lives, they are desperate for answers, for relief … and for hope.

Will you be that hope?

Right now, people need basic necessities such as food and medical care. They need you to stand beside them in their darkest hour.

Here’s how you can help the people of Lebanon:

1. People are terrified. They’re wondering if their lives will ever be the same. Please stop whatever you’re doing and pray on behalf of the Lebanese people impacted by this explosion.

2. Give. Your $50 gift today will help rush emergency relief like food, clean water, and medical care to one person in urgent need.

Please do something to help today. Your involvement during this critical time will save lives and remind the victims of this tragedy they are not alone.

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