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Disaster Relief2 min read


URGENT NEED: Hurricane Delta victims need your help

Blog Team
Oct 10, 2020

Parts of the Gulf Coast are under water … again. 

Hurricane Delta slammed into Louisiana last night, bringing dangerous flooding and damaging winds to some of the same communities hit hardest by Hurricane Laura less than six weeks ago.

These were the areas “least prepared to take it,” Louisiana’s governor said. Many people in the region still had tarps on their roofs from the last storm. Now, Delta has brought even further destruction, tearing up homes and knocking out power across the Gulf Coast.

As families sort through the wreckage, they are desperate for relief … and for hope.

Here’s how you can help people affected by Hurricane Delta:

1. Pray. The people affected by Hurricane Delta were still reeling from the previous storm, not the mention the ongoing pandemic … and now this. Please pause whatever you are doing today to say a prayer for these families.

2. Give. World Help has partnered with domestic disaster response teams to rush the emergency supplies you provide where needed most. Your $50 will provide one person with basic essentials like food, water, and hygiene kits in the wake of this storm.

Your gift will help a family pick up the pieces of their lives and will remind them that they are not alone.

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