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Middle East1 min read


Urgent Need in Aleppo: Will You Help?

Blog Team
Aug 23, 2016

Your help is needed today to make an emergency delivery of relief supplies to war-ravaged Aleppo in Syria.

Airstrikes and mortars have pummeled relief camps throughout the Aleppo area in the last 72 hours, cutting off thousands from life-saving supplies. More than 300,000 are now trapped in the eastern part of the city and violence is escalating at an alarming rate.

For just $30, you can provide emergency aid—enough for one entire family—in the greatest area of need.

Your gift will supply: canned food, baby milk, diapers, first aid kits, and basic bedding . . . literally life-saving resources.

By now, you’ve probably seen his face. The chilling expression of 5-year-old Omran Daqneesh that made headlines everywhere Friday afternoon.


Credit: Aleppo Media Centre

Heartbreaking footage surfaced all over the Internet that revealed the young boy’s lifeless frame as it was pulled out of a damaged building following an airstrike in northern Aleppo.

He could hardly be recognized under the thick layers of dirt and blood that covered his body. But most deeply unsettling was the detached expression on his face . . . Young Omran stared blankly into the camera as if completely resigned to a life of violence, trauma, and heartbreak.

Later, we learned that Omran’s older brother was killed by the airstrike. 

For every one child that makes our news headlines, there are countless thousands more devastated, young lives that go unnoticed.

The world can no longer shake this horrifying reality.

World Help Refugee Child

Innocent men, women, and children are caught in the bloody crossfire of this conflict, and we cannot stand by and do nothing. 

Today, you can save the life of a child like Omran. For just $30, you can reach into overwhelming fear and pain with the comfort he desperately needs.  

This emergency distribution will sustain hundreds of families in the camp until we can establish a follow up response.

You can stand by while this ghastly crisis continues unfold, or you can wrap your arms around a traumatized child with comfort and hope today.

Which will you choose?


Just $30 can provide a family with life-saving supplies.


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