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Spiritual Development1 min read


Urgent Need: Thailand

“ When are you going to open? I want out!”

This desperate plea came from a girl living in Pattaya, Thailand, looking for a way out of the sex industry. She is waiting . . . literally waiting . . . for our new initiative to open its doors. It is her only hope.

This safe haven is strategically located in the heart of Pattaya, the birthplace of the sex industry in Thailand and is home to as many as 50,000 sex workers. It will offer a place to live, an opportunity to attend vocational school, and a cafe where women can be hired out of the sex industry while simultaneously creating income for the program. Most importantly, they will hear about the hope of Jesus, who has a much better plan for their lives.

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But days ago, we found out that if we are not able to raise $66,000 in the next two weeks, (no later than August 1st), we will lose part of this property. Even worse, we will lose an incredible opportunity to rescue even more girls trapped in the sex industry.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t sit by and let this happen.

And that is why I need your help. Over the next two weeks, we can accomplish something together that we could never do on our own.

I know that this is a lot of money to raise in a short amount of time, but with your help, I know we can achieve it.

Just think, what if 1,000 people each give $66?

Or, if only 66 people commit to giving $1,000 . . . we can meet this goal immediately.

The point is, we can do this . . . together.

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But time is of the essence. Literally, every dollar you can give will help make a difference.

When I think of that young girl crying out for this safe haven to open, my heart breaks. But we can offer her a choice . . . something she’s never been offered before. A choice for a better life — ­­­­a life outside of the sex industry — and an eternal hope through Jesus Christ.

Together, we can answer that young girl and so many others by saying, “We’re open. Come in. You’re safe now.”



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