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Urgent: Refugees need supplies to survive the winter

Blog Team
Dec 11, 2017

Cold weather is here again. That means scraping ice off your windshield or warming up the car before you leave for work. You have to make sure you don’t forget your coat and gloves when you’re going out. And your monthly heating bill is probably on the rise.

For us, winter can be a hassle. But for refugees like Hamida, it can be deadly.

Hamida is 26 years old and has three children. She’s been a refugee ever since she fled her town in Syria to save her children from the fighting. But now she faces another enemy she fears she won’t be able to protect them from: the cold.

You can provide lifesaving winter supplies for refugees around the world like Hamida. All it takes is $35. And right now, your gift will be doubled!

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Countless refugees in places such as Syria, Iraq, and Greece are facing freezing weather without the supplies they need. They know this weather has the potential to be deadly, especially for children. But there’s nothing they can do about it. Refugees like Hamida can’t afford or don’t have access to warm clothes, blankets, or heaters..

However, you can make sure they receive those supplies before it’s too late. But this need is urgent: you have to act now!

January and February are the most bitterly cold and dangerous months for many refugees, so it’s our goal to help 20,000 of the most vulnerable refugees before this deadly period hits. Will you help meet this critical need?

Your gift of $35 will provide $189 worth of supplies to help a refugee like Hamida survive this winter.

And if you give right now, your gift to help refugees around the world will be matched up to $100,000!

Refugees need your help to survive the frigid temperatures coming their way. You can make sure they have what they need to make it through the winter as they wait to return home.


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