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Advocacy1 min read


Challenge to Liberty: “Change Your World”

Blog Team
Aug 27, 2013

Yesterday, World Help President Vernon Brewer stood in front of 10,000 Liberty University students in their convocation and encouraged them to use their God-given abilities to change the world.

He reminded them that, like so many of their peers before them, they have the visionary enthusiasm needed to change lives . . . restore hope . . . and rewrite futures.

Will you climb into the unknown, like so many Liberty students before you, even in the face of uncertainty?” – Vernon Brewer

World Help has partnered with Liberty University for two decades to transform lives around the globe. From building clean-water wells in dry and dying communities to smuggling Bibles into nations held captive by communist rule—these inspiring young adults have joined World Help in leaving an eternal legacy.

And they’re taking the vision even further. Currently, World Help is partnering with Liberty University to bring hope to those suffering through the largest humanitarian catastrophe today—the Syrian refugee crisis.

Watch Liberty University & World Help | Restoring Hope from World Help on Vimeo.

World Help partner and Liberty University alumnus Albert Mavunga also shared the stage during yesterday’s convocation. He spoke of his childhood in Zimbabwe—a country ravaged by AIDS and abject poverty—and his desire to attend Liberty University, a dream that was laughed at by many of his peers.

Confident of God’s calling on his life, Albert battled seemingly endless odds to become a “champion for Christ” under Liberty’s training. He reminded the students, “Nothing is impossible for God.”

Albert Mavunga Liberty University

Today, World Help partners with Albert’s ministry in Zimbabwe to care for over 150 impoverished children. His dream has become a reality—and it’s changing lives.

World Help believes in the unquenchable spirit of Liberty University students, like Albert Mavunga, and their potential to change the world.

Our president left the student body with this challenge:

God is waiting for you to take a step of faith. The question is: What’s stopping you?”



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