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Refugee crisis3 min read


[VIDEO] 80 percent of Ukraine’s refugees are women

Today is International Women’s Day, a time normally devoted to celebrating the equality and achievements of women around the world.

But this year, it’s a little different. Because I don’t know about you, but I’m having a hard time celebrating when I’m constantly hearing stories of women facing incredible trauma and struggling to survive in Ukraine.

Around 80 percent of Ukrainian refugees are women. These brave women have had to leave the country without the men that they love and be strong for the children and other female family members traveling with them. They need us to stand with them today.

Our partners told us the story of one woman who arrived at their center in Poland with a 19-day-old baby. This woman and her husband had tried to have a child for 10 years. Finally, they got what they had dreamed and hoped for. Almost immediately, though, the father had to leave and join the Ukrainian military on the front lines. In two weeks, they went from happiest moment to being separated in two different nations.

Another woman they met was traveling with her 11 children. She hadn’t slept in four days and told them she would sleep once she figured out what was next for her family and they were safe.

Countless other women like Ina, whom we shared about yesterday, are arriving with just the clothes that they had on their backs. The trains that carried them to safety were so packed, they couldn’t even bring a single suitcase.

But even under these harrowing circumstances, women are also rising up to do whatever they can to help.

You may have read last week about Tatyana, who is helping make camouflage for Ukraine’s soldiers. Other women are working behind the scenes distributing clothes, making meals for the displaced, and volunteering to entertain refugee children so their moms can get a little bit of well-deserved rest.

One common theme that these women keep repeating is “We are more unified than ever before.”

Still, these women need our help. They need us to be unified with them as well and support them in any way that we can.

This International Women’s Day, I’m asking you — both men and women — to take action by praying for and giving to help the women of Ukraine who are struggling to survive.

Every $35 you give will provide a week’s worth of essentials like food, shelter, and more for a refugee in Ukraine or another high-conflict area.

Click the button below to give today.

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