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Persecuted Christians2 min read


VIDEO: 15-year-old John gave his life for the Gospel — here’s his story

Blog Team
Oct 12, 2022


The story of 15-year-old John is a powerful reminder of just how desperate North Korean believers are for the Gospel, and we don’t want you to miss it.

Crossing the North Korean border was extremely dangerous, but John had no other choice. His family was starving, and they desperately needed help.

But John found more than just physical aid when he escaped. He also found the Gospel … which he would eventually give his life to defend.

Watch the incredible testimony of this young martyr, as told by our North Korean partner:

North Korean Christians like John are willing to risk everything — even their lives — to get their hands on God’s Word. They’re desperate to read it for themselves and share it with others.

And now more than ever, the people of North Korea need the comfort of Scripture as they suffer through a historic famine that has left countless people on the verge of starving to death.

Today, you can help answer the prayers of a North Korean like John waiting for a Bible … and provide them with lifesaving aid! Your $20 gift will provide one hungry North Korean with a week’s worth of nutritious food plus their very own Bible.

Our partners have a secret underground network that they’ve used to distribute Bibles and other aid throughout North Korea for over 20 years. Using this network, they’ll ensure that the help you send gets into the hands of the people who need it most.

And since North Korean believers often share their Bibles with trusted family and friends, each copy you give will impact as many as five people — multiplying your impact!


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