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From the Field4 min read


[VIDEO]: Russia bombed a kindergarten playground


A year and a half ago, Ukrainians were faced with news of the sudden and violent invasion of their homeland. Since then, millions of civilians have fled to neighboring countries, fearing for their lives. In many cases, they’ve left everything behind.

Victoria and her young son are two of those refugees. Watch this short video to hear their heartbreaking story:

At first, Victoria and her family stayed in Ukraine after the invasion … but they were constantly on edge, wondering when the war would reach them.

One day, it did … in one of the worst ways possible.

Victoria sent her young son to school, only to discover a short time later that Russian forces had bombed his kindergarten playground because they suspected a military base was nearby. It’s hard to even imagine Victoria’s fear when she heard the news.

After such a close call, Victoria and her little boy left Ukraine, knowing it would be safer living as a refugee outside the country. She had no choice but to leave behind her husband and his family.

Victoria hasn’t seen him in over a year.

Ukrainian refugees are waiting for help
Ukrainian refugees don’t know when they will be able return home

Now, she fears for her husband and worries about the effects the war will have on her son. He hasn’t even started elementary school, but he’s already endured so much destruction and witnessed more pain than many of us will see in our whole lives.

All Victoria wants is for life to return to normal. Until then, she prays that God will protect them and bring peace to their war-ravaged nation.

“Please pray for peace in Ukraine,” she said. “Pray our kids won’t know more war.”

As we’ve seen in the news, Russia has bombed hospitals, maternity wards, schools, and even hit one of our partner’s humanitarian aid warehouses. It’s become clear that no one is safe from these attacks.

But when they flee, many refugees settling in foreign countries don’t know where their next meal will come from. They don’t know whether their loved ones are safe. They can’t plan for the future.

The good news is that you can help meet their urgent needs right now.

For just $35, you’ll provide emergency supplies like food, water, clothing, and more to one refugee from Ukraine or another war-torn area. Your gift will be an incredible blessing to someone struggling to survive.

Please give to help refugees today. Your support as the hands and feet of Jesus will be a lifeline … and a tangible reminder of God’s love.


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