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You’re helping ship lifesaving aid for years to come!

Thank you for helping build a bigger World Help warehouse to ship lifesaving aid to people for years to come.

Your generous gift toward this historic project means more medical equipment can be shipped to hospitals around the world … more clothes and blankets can be shipped to families that have little protection from the cold … and more food can be shipped to starving kids.

You have truly made an impact that will outlive you and last for eternity.

Thank you for helping build a bigger World Help warehouse to ship lifesaving aid to people for years to come.

Your generous gift toward this historic project means more medical equipment can be shipped to hospitals around the world … more clothes and blankets can be shipped to families that have little protection from the cold … and more food can be shipped to starving kids.

You have truly made an impact that will outlive you and last for eternity.

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