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Where Needed Most2 min read


Update on COVID-19

Blog Team
Mar 19, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has put a strain on thousands of businesses and nonprofit organizations around the world — including World Help.

We are on the verge of a $2.3 million shortfall due to canceled fundraising events as a result of COVID-19.

Will you please give to help erase this shortfall and provide practical help and healing to people who are suffering?

Our biggest fundraiser of the year has been canceled, as well as other fundraisers we had scheduled around the country. Our Children of the World choir — which introduces new people to sponsorship — has been shut down for the foreseeable future. 

Because of these changes, we will lose $2.3 million in income that we were counting on. But the people around the world who need to be rescued — starving children, refugees, the poor, the unchurched — still need your help.

​And since charitable giving tends to dwindle during times of crisis, many of our international programs are struggling. Without your help, the impoverished people they serve won’t be able to receive aid like healthy meals, clean water, access to medical care, or a copy of God’s Word.

There are no extra funds in our budget to meet this unexpected shortfall. But your gift today to thecoronavirus emergency fund will provide instant relief.  

Don’t let panic drown out the voices of people crying out for help — help they’re waiting on you to provide.

You’ll help people in real need. And every day counts right now.


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