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World Help Videos



Faithful World Help supporters have planted churches, distributed God's Word, and brought hope to the nation of Cuba for over two decades. As doors swing open for more spiritual development in the nation, it's time for you to engage Cuba further--to share the hope of God with even more individuals.
- Under: Church Planting, Projects

Cuba for Christ

9 years ago

Thailand is a major hub for victims of the sex industry both from rural, impoverished areas of the country and other nations with impoverished backgrounds. Women and young girls are forcibly taken or lured with promises of economic opportunity in cities like Pattaya which is home to at least 30,000-50,000 sex workers.
- Under: Freedom, Projects

Freedom from the Sex Industry | Thailand

8 years ago
- Under: Community Development, Projects

Village Transformation

8 years ago
- Under: Projects, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts

8 years ago

World Help is committed to providing light in the darkest places on earth.
- Under: Bibles, Persecution, Projects

North Korea | Bible Distribution

7 years ago
- Under: Bibles, Projects

just now

Clean water is one of our most vital needs. But one in 10 people around the world don’t have access to it. When you give one person the gift of clean water, you give him improved health. You give him more time that can be spent working or getting an education instead of walking miles to gather water. And you give him an opportunity to see the love of Christ at work. Learn more and give at
- Under: Projects, Water

Give water. Give life.

7 years ago

War is one of the leading causes of famine. Crops are destroyed, people fleeing can’t afford nutritious food … and it is always the children who suffer most. But for $40, you can help one starving child survive. You gift will provide enough food for an entire year! Give today, and save a life. Learn more at
- Under: Hunger Crisis, Projects

Feed a starving child for a year

6 years ago

The refugee crisis is not isolated to any one part of the globe. People worldwide have been driven from their homes for a variety of reasons including violence, famine, and severe religious persecution. But they all have one thing in common: They’ve lost everything. You can give one desperate refugee the help he needs and show him the love of Christ. Your gift today will provide lifesaving supplies such as healthy food, clean water, medicine, and more. Learn more and give at
- Under: Projects, Refugees

just now

More than 8,000 people are believed to be dead, over 14,000 have suffered injuries, and hundreds of thousands are completely homeless. In a matter of days, our international development team was able to fly to Kathmandu to assist in aid distribution and begin devising a strategy for rebuilding efforts.
- Under: Community Development, Humanitarian Aid, Projects

Rebuilding Nepal

9 years ago

Ukraine Refugees

- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees

just now
- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees

just now
- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees

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- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees


3 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees

just now
- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees
Homepage Ukraine

just now
- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees
Homepage Ukraine

just now
- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees
Homepage Ukraine

just now
- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees
Homepage Ukraine

just now
- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees

just now
- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees

just now

About World Help


This year we are celebrating World Help’s 25th anniversary—a quarter century of providing help and hope around the world! Since inception, we have seen and over 70 million lives impacted worldwide! Thank you for joining us for this incredible journey . . . your faith, compassion, and generosity are making miracles possible.
- Under: About World Help

Celebrating 25 Years of Help and Hope

9 years ago

For the last 25 years, World Help has worked to provide help for today and hope for tomorrow to impoverished communities around the world. We believe that transformation is only possible when the needs of the body and the soul are met at the same time. This shows people that they matter to God both now and for eternity. For thousands of Guatemalans, this ethos has brought immediate and long-term hope. Learn more about World Help's holistic approach to transforming lives in Guatemala, and how you can partner with us.
- Under: About World Help

Help and Hope | Guatemala

9 years ago
- Under: About World Help

General World Help Overview

8 years ago

World Help is a Christian humanitarian organization serving the physical and spiritual needs of people in impoverished community around the world. Since 1991, the World Help family has impacted more than 80 million people in over 70 different countries with help for today and hope for tomorrow. We invite you to get involved today. Your support will help bring clean water to communities, lifesaving supplies to people in need, Bibles to persecuted Christians, and so much more. Learn more and give at
- Under: About World Help

Who is World Help?

6 years ago

World Help is a mosaic of people united by one desire: To be the hands, feet, and heart of Jesus. Thank you for uniting with us to share hope. Together, we can change the world!
- Under: About World Help

Hands, Feet, and Heart

9 years ago



World Help is committed to providing light in the darkest places on earth.
- Under: Bibles, Persecution, Projects

North Korea | Bible Distribution

7 years ago
- Under: Bibles, Projects

just now
- Under: Bibles, From the Field, Refugees

Bibles for Iraq

8 years ago

Gift of a Bible to those in need
- Under: Bibles, World Help Gifts

just now

More than 70,000 people are being held in North Korean labor camps simply because they are Christians. But despite the threat of persecution, the North Korean church is rapidly growing. You have the chance to be a part of that! For $10, you can provide hope through the gift of God’s Word to a believer or seeker in North Korea. Learn more and give at
- Under: Bibles, Persecution

just now

For North Korean Christians, each day could be the day that soldiers arrive at their door to take them away to a political labor camp … simply for believing in Jesus. Just owning a Bible puts them and their families in extreme danger. But many are choosing to take that risk. They know God’s Word is worth it, and they continue to beg for more Bibles. Your gift of $10 today prints and sends one Bible to a persecuted believer or seeker in North Korea. Learn more and give at
- Under: Bibles, Persecution

North Korean Christians are desperate for Bibles

7 years ago
- Under: Bibles

just now
- Under: Bibles, From the Field, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Restoring Hope With the Word of God

9 years ago

Child Sponsorship


In impoverished communities, the children are often the ones who suffer most. And unless they receive help, many of them will remain trapped in poverty their entire lives. But you can help break the cycle. For just $35 a month, you can provide one child with life-changing essentials like healthy food, medical care, and educational opportunities. You’ll also have the chance to write to that child and build a lasting relationship with him or her. Learn more today at
- Under: Child Sponsorship, From the Field

From the Field: Rescue a child from poverty

6 years ago

World Help sponsors are transforming the lives of thousands of children with help and hope. They change the lives of children by impacting global communities, providing confidence and encouragement, and opening the door for healthy futures. Visit to learn how you can come to the aid of disadvantaged children worldwide and "put your love on the map."
- Under: Child Sponsorship

Put Your Love on the Map | Child Sponsorship

9 years ago
- Under: Child Sponsorship, Freedom, From the Field

From the Field India | Sponsorship Brings Freedom from the Sex Industry

6 years ago

Forty percent of children in Haiti are illiterate. But through child sponsorship, Haiti’s children are receiving education, food, and medical care. When you invest in the life of a child, you give him the tools he needs to succeed in life—and you are helping raise the next generation of Haiti’s leaders. To learn more, visit
- Under: Child Sponsorship, From the Field

From the Field: Haiti | Impacting Haiti’s Future Generation

8 years ago

Writing letters to your sponsored child fosters a special relationship. For these children in Haiti, their sponsor's words are a constant reminder that they are loved, valued, and important. For more information on how you can start a relationship with a child in need, visit
- Under: Child Sponsorship, From the Field

From the Field: Haiti | Words that Breathe Life

8 years ago

Did you know that when you sponsor a child, you give them access to life-saving medical treatment? Because of the love of her sponsor, Landia underwent surgery to have a cancerous tumor removed from her eye. Today, her life is finally returning to normal—she can’t wait to start school! For more information on how you can start your sponsorship journey, visit
- Under: Child Sponsorship, From the Field

From the Field | Where Medicine and Compassion Meet

8 years ago

Looking for something to send your sponsored child that’s inexpensive, easily shipped, personal, and fun? Try this paper spinner craft! Read more about in our blog.
- Under: Child Sponsorship

A Fun Craft for Your Sponsored Child

8 years ago
- Under: Child Sponsorship, Children of the World

Child Sponsorship | Wangdi's Story

8 years ago
- Under: Child Sponsorship

Child Sponsorship Birthday

7 years ago

Sponsorship is giving impoverished children in Uganda a second chance. War and AIDS have left many boys and girls orphaned and trapped in a cycle of poverty. But you can give one child a way out. Your gift of $35 a month will provide essentials such as food, education, and basic medical care. And your prayers and encouragement will give your sponsored child the courage to build a better future. Start your sponsorship journey today at
- Under: Child Sponsorship, From the Field

From the Field | A bright ray of hope in Uganda

7 years ago

There are more than 600,000 orphans in Rwanda and many more children who are living in poverty. But through sponsorship, you can offer a child a better future. All it takes is $35 a month to provide the tools to succeed such as food, education, and medical care. Best of all, you’ll give your sponsored child the opportunity to learn about Jesus Christ. Become a sponsor today at
- Under: Child Sponsorship, From the Field

From the field | Rebuilding Rwanda one child at a time

7 years ago
- Under: Child Sponsorship, Children of the World

Child Sponsorship Testimony | Amrit

7 years ago

Sponsorship truly changes a child’s present circumstances and future possibilities. When you sponsor a child, you’re not only providing physical needs such as food, clothing, and educational opportunities. You’re also building a personal relationship through letter writing and prayer. Sponsor a child and change a life for just $35 a month. Learn more and give at
- Under: Child Sponsorship, Children of the World

The power of sponsorship

6 years ago

When Tabitha was 3 years old, she was all alone. She had no future. But because of sponsorship, she was able to live at a children’s home where she received food, clothing, education, and love. Tabitha’s mentors at the children’s home — lovingly nicknamed “aunties” and “uncles” — invested in all areas of her life. After Tabitha finished her education, she became a teacher at the same school where she was mentored as a girl. She has come full circle — now she is an “auntie.”
- Under: Child Sponsorship, Children of the World

Auntie Tabitha’s sponsorship journey

6 years ago
- Under: Child Sponsorship, Children of the World

Child Sponsorship | Rohit's Story

6 years ago
- Under: Child Sponsorship

Guatemala | Child Sponsorship Party

9 years ago
- Under: Child Sponsorship, Community Development, From the Field

From the Field in Nepal | Grace Home

9 years ago
- Under: Child Sponsorship, From the Field

From the Field in Nepal | Child Sponsorship

9 years ago

In the Bang Na slum of Thailand, children are left alone while their mothers are forced to work in factories during the day … and Bangkok’s red-light districts at night. These kids are often at risk of being exploited for labor or sex, and they have no hope of an education. The cycle will continue with their own children someday if nothing changes. But when you sponsor one of these precious children, you will help keep her off the streets and give her the chance to have an education. Visit to learn more.
- Under: Child Sponsorship, Freedom

Stop cultural slavery before it begins

6 years ago
- Under: Child Sponsorship, Water

Brenda's Story

9 years ago
- Under: Child Sponsorship

Child Sponsorship | Ronald's Story

11 years ago

REBUILD FUTURES | CHILD SPONSORSHIP To invest in a child is to invest in the future. World Help’s Child Sponsorship Program provides help and hope to thousands of children in 25 countries around the world. Rescuing is just the beginning . . . lasting transformation takes time and commitment. In the place of heartache and devastation, hope is able to take root . . . healing and renewing what was once broken. Through sponsorship, children are given the chance to thrive with access to healthcare, educational opportunities, nutritious food, clean water, and most important, the message of hope through Jesus Christ. FOR ONLY $35 A MONTH, YOU CAN BEGIN MAKING A LASTING DIFFERENCE IN A CHILD’S LIFE. As a sponsor, you’ll be able to correspond with your child, send gifts, participate in special projects, and receive updates and photos. Our response to brokenness must be to act as Restorers, people who initiate and cultivate wholeness and stability in the lives of those who need it. This creates an environment where hope can begin to flourish again. And when a child has hope, the days ahead are full of possibility and potential. The concept is simple, but the impact is eternal. Renew hope for a child who desperately needs someone who cares. Become a sponsor today!
- Under: Child Sponsorship

Child Sponsorship | Francis' Story

12 years ago

REBUILD FUTURES | CHILD SPONSORSHIP To invest in a child is to invest in the future. World Help’s Child Sponsorship Program provides help and hope to thousands of children in 25 countries around the world. Rescuing is just the beginning . . . lasting transformation takes time and commitment. In the place of heartache and devastation, hope is able to take root . . . healing and renewing what was once broken. Through sponsorship, children are given the chance to thrive with access to healthcare, educational opportunities, nutritious food, clean water, and most important, the message of hope through Jesus Christ. FOR ONLY $35 A MONTH, YOU CAN BEGIN MAKING A LASTING DIFFERENCE IN A CHILD’S LIFE. As a sponsor, you’ll be able to correspond with your child, send gifts, participate in special projects, and receive updates and photos. Our response to brokenness must be to act as Restorers, people who initiate and cultivate wholeness and stability in the lives of those who need it. This creates an environment where hope can begin to flourish again. And when a child has hope, the days ahead are full of possibility and potential. The concept is simple, but the impact is eternal. Renew hope for a child who desperately needs someone who cares. Become a sponsor today!
- Under: Child Sponsorship

Child Sponsorship | Umaru's Story

12 years ago

World Help’s Child Sponsorship Program is creating brighter futures for thousands of children in 25 countries around the world . . . children just like Saroj. For just $35 a month, you can provide an impoverished child with healthcare, a quality education, nutrition, clean water, and most important, the message of God's love for them. The concept is simple, but the results are eternal. Make this transformation investment in the life of a child who desperately needs it. Start your sponsorship journey today at
- Under: Child Sponsorship

Child Sponsorship | Saroj's Story

9 years ago

In places like Thailand and India, extreme poverty has forced many women into the sex industry. But they aren’t the only victims — growing up in the red-light district is detrimental for their children, as well. For just $35 a month, you can help protect one boy or girl from this dangerous environment by providing essentials like a safe place to live, medical care, healthy food, and a quality education. Learn more at
- Under: Child Sponsorship, Freedom

Rescue a child from the sex industry

6 years ago

Sponsorship changes a child’s present circumstances and future possibilities. When you sponsor a child, you’re not only providing physical needs like food, clothing, and educational opportunities. You’re also building a personal relationship through letter writing and prayer. Become a sponsor today and help rescue a child from poverty for just $35 a month. Learn more at
- Under: Child Sponsorship, From the Field

From the Field: Why child sponsorship matters

6 years ago

Children of the World


Whether you sponsor a child or have provided for others around the world, you have shown the love of Christ. For that, we want to say a big “thank you” and wish you a very happy Valentine’s Day! You are making an eternal difference in so many ways for people in need.
- Under: Children of the World

Happy Valentine’s Day from the Children of the World

6 years ago
- Under: Child Sponsorship, Children of the World

Child Sponsorship | Wangdi's Story

8 years ago
- Under: Child Sponsorship, Children of the World

Child Sponsorship Testimony | Amrit

7 years ago

When you invite World Help’s Children of the World International Children’s choir to your church, you will be blessed with song, dance, spoken word, and creative media. You’ll learn about the staggering realities of poverty, the untold stories of disadvantaged children … and how your church can help. These children have traveled around the world from countries including the Philippines, Uganda, Honduras, and Nepal to minister to churches just like yours. To book the choir today, call 800-541-6691.
- Under: Children of the World

Let the Children of the World encourage your church!

7 years ago
- Under: Children of the World

The Children of the World International Children's Choir

7 years ago

Sponsorship truly changes a child’s present circumstances and future possibilities. When you sponsor a child, you’re not only providing physical needs such as food, clothing, and educational opportunities. You’re also building a personal relationship through letter writing and prayer. Sponsor a child and change a life for just $35 a month. Learn more and give at
- Under: Child Sponsorship, Children of the World

The power of sponsorship

6 years ago

When Tabitha was 3 years old, she was all alone. She had no future. But because of sponsorship, she was able to live at a children’s home where she received food, clothing, education, and love. Tabitha’s mentors at the children’s home — lovingly nicknamed “aunties” and “uncles” — invested in all areas of her life. After Tabitha finished her education, she became a teacher at the same school where she was mentored as a girl. She has come full circle — now she is an “auntie.”
- Under: Child Sponsorship, Children of the World

Auntie Tabitha’s sponsorship journey

6 years ago
- Under: Child Sponsorship, Children of the World

Child Sponsorship | Rohit's Story

6 years ago

The Children of the World International Children's Choir wants to take a moment to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and let you know that we are thankful for you. This Thanksgiving, count your blessings … and know you are cherished by all of us here at World Help. God bless you!
- Under: Children of the World

The Children of the World wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!

6 years ago

Church Planting


Faithful World Help supporters have planted churches, distributed God's Word, and brought hope to the nation of Cuba for over two decades. As doors swing open for more spiritual development in the nation, it's time for you to engage Cuba further--to share the hope of God with even more individuals.
- Under: Church Planting, Projects

Cuba for Christ

9 years ago

Over the past several years, the nation of Cuba has seen a rapidly growing network of local churches. But there are still many people who have never heard the name of Jesus. For just $30, you can help church planters in Cuba and around the world reach more
- Under: Church Planting, From the Field

just now

Community Development

- Under: Community Development, Projects

Village Transformation

8 years ago

More than 8,000 people are believed to be dead, over 14,000 have suffered injuries, and hundreds of thousands are completely homeless. In a matter of days, our international development team was able to fly to Kathmandu to assist in aid distribution and begin devising a strategy for rebuilding efforts.
- Under: Community Development, Humanitarian Aid, Projects

Rebuilding Nepal

9 years ago
- Under: Community Development, From the Field

From the Field: India | Hope Arrives in the Slums

6 years ago

Many communities around the world lack access to critical needs like food, medical care, and clean water. Without these essentials, families spend every day just trying to survive. These people deserve a Village Transformation — one that drastically improves health, education, economics, and spiritual growth. That’s where YOU come in. You can help restore a community to a thriving place where families are empowered to build brighter futures for generations to come. Learn more at
- Under: Community Development

Make a commitment to transform a village

6 years ago
- Under: Community Development

Kelly's House | Special Needs Home, Guatemala

8 years ago

Impact of the gift of cows to those in need
- Under: Community Development, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Cows

8 years ago

Impact of the gift of pigs to those in need
- Under: Community Development, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Pigs

8 years ago

Impact of the gift of chickens to those in need
- Under: Community Development, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Chickens

8 years ago
- Under: Community Development, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Goats

8 years ago
- Under: Community Development, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Vocational Training

8 years ago
- Under: Community Development, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Uniforms

8 years ago
- Under: Community Development, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Livestock Bundle

8 years ago
- Under: Community Development, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Merchandise

8 years ago
- Under: Community Development, From the Field, Refugees

From the Field | Middle East | School

7 years ago

In many villages along the Amazon River in Peru, clean water and adequate medical care are almost unheard of. Even more heartbreaking, there were very few churches, and many people in these remote communities have never heard about the love of Jesus. But you can help completely transform a village — both physically and spiritually. Your gift will help provide clean-water wells, build medical clinics, renovate schools, and construct church buildings so local church planters can expand their ministry. Learn more and give at
- Under: Community Development, From the Field

Help transform a village in Peru

6 years ago
- Under: Community Development, From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

From the Field in Nepal | Chaku

9 years ago
- Under: Community Development, From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

From the Field in Nepal | Laboring Together

9 years ago
- Under: Child Sponsorship, Community Development, From the Field

From the Field in Nepal | Grace Home

9 years ago
- Under: Community Development, From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

From the Field in Nepal | Rebuild

9 years ago
- Under: Community Development, From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

From the Field in Nepal | Rebuilding Together

9 years ago
- Under: Community Development, From the Field

From the Field in Nepal | Churches in Need

9 years ago
- Under: Community Development, From the Field, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Hope for Refugee Children Through Education

9 years ago

Creative Giving


You can give in more ways than by check, cash, or credit card ... and you can save doing so. Learn more at:
- Under: Creative Giving

Give wisely through your stocks

8 years ago

World Help is a mosaic of people united by one desire: To be the hands, feet, and heart of Jesus. Thank you for uniting with us to share hope. Together, we can change the world!
- Under: Creative Giving

Hands, Feet and Heart (Planned Giving)

8 years ago

Have you ever thought, “I would love to give more, but I just don’t have enough in my checking account?” The truth is there are numerous gifts you can afford when you begin to look beyond your checkbook. Contact one of World Help’s financial experts today to discover how you can put your financial assets to work helping others. Visit to learn more.
- Under: Creative Giving

Discover creative ways to increase your giving

6 years ago



Thailand is a major hub for victims of the sex industry both from rural, impoverished areas of the country and other nations with impoverished backgrounds. Women and young girls are forcibly taken or lured with promises of economic opportunity in cities like Pattaya which is home to at least 30,000-50,000 sex workers.
- Under: Freedom, Projects

Freedom from the Sex Industry | Thailand

8 years ago
- Under: Child Sponsorship, Freedom, From the Field

From the Field India | Sponsorship Brings Freedom from the Sex Industry

6 years ago

Walking Street in Pattaya is the heart of Thailand's red light district, where countless women and young girls are forced by chains of poverty into a life of sexual slavery. World Help is working to provide a way out—a place of refuge, restoration, and true transformation. And your support is helping us to do exactly that. To learn more, visit
- Under: Freedom, From the Field

From the Field: Thailand | Hope Reaches the Streets of Pattaya

9 years ago

Bangkok is at the center stage of the international sex industry. Night after night, thousands of sex workers earn their living here. But there's so much more to the story. These girls and young women are enslaved to a system without justice . . . without hope. Learn how World Help is partnering to provide these women with second chances through a rehabilitation program that values education, empowerment, and the healing love of Christ. Visit for more information.
- Under: Freedom, From the Field

From the Field: Thailand | Rebuilding Lives of Sex Workers in Bangkok

9 years ago

Walking Street in Pattaya is the heart of Thailand's red light district, where countless women and young girls are forced by chains of poverty into a life of sexual slavery. World Help is working to provide a way out—a place of refuge, restoration, and true transformation. And your support is helping us to do exactly that. To learn more, visit
- Under: Freedom, From the Field

From the Field: Thailand | Hope Reaches the Streets of Pattaya (WH)

8 years ago
- Under: Freedom, From the Field

From the Field: Thailand | Da's story

7 years ago
- Under: Freedom, From the Field

From the Field: Thailand | Minn's Story

7 years ago
- Under: Freedom

Help end cultural slavery

6 years ago

Here in Thailand, thousands of young girls are trapped in cultural slavery. They have been told their entire lives that they have no worth. But you have the chance to change that. For $50, you can introduce one girl to a freedom she has never known. You can provide a safe place to live, education, counseling, medical attention, outreach, and more. But most importantly, you can introduce her to the love of Jesus. Learn more and give at
- Under: Freedom, From the Field

From the Field: Breaking chains in Thailand

6 years ago

In Thailand, cultural slavery begins in the slums. Poverty steals a girl’s hopes and dreams. It forces her to do unthinkable things like enter the sex industry just to survive. But for $50, you can help introduce one girl to freedom. Your gift will help provide things such as a safe place to live, education, medical care, counseling, and outreach. Learn more and give
- Under: Freedom, From the Field

From the Field: The source of cultural slavery

6 years ago

When you help introduce a girl to freedom, you provide things such as a safe place to live, education, medical care, counseling, outreach, and more. But most importantly, you give her a chance to learn about spiritual freedom through Jesus. That’s something she will want to share with her family and friends! So your $50 gift does more than introduce just one girl to freedom. It has the power to influence an entire community. Learn more and give at
- Under: Freedom, From the Field

From the Field: Freedom is contagious

6 years ago

Many girls in Thailand and India have never been asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Because of poverty, they have only one option: life trapped in the sex industry. But you can help introduce one girl to freedom today. Your gift of $50 will help provide her with a safe place to live, counseling, education, medical care, outreach, and more. Learn more and give at
- Under: Freedom

Help introduce one girl to freedom

6 years ago

Many girls in Thailand and India are trapped in a life of cultural and sexual slavery. But for $50, you can help one girl gain her freedom. You will help provide her with a safe place to live, access to education, medical care, and trauma counseling. Most importantly, you will help introduce her to the ultimate source of freedom — Jesus Christ. Learn more and give at
- Under: Freedom

Help a girl find physical and spiritual freedom

6 years ago

In the Bang Na slum of Thailand, children are left alone while their mothers are forced to work in factories during the day … and Bangkok’s red-light districts at night. These kids are often at risk of being exploited for labor or sex, and they have no hope of an education. The cycle will continue with their own children someday if nothing changes. But when you sponsor one of these precious children, you will help keep her off the streets and give her the chance to have an education. Visit to learn more.
- Under: Child Sponsorship, Freedom

Stop cultural slavery before it begins

6 years ago

Human trafficking is a multi-billion dollar industry. But not all those bought and sold for sex are trafficked in the traditional sense. In Thailand and India, for example, girls are told they need to be the breadwinners for their families. Without an education, that often means a life in the sex industry. But by sponsoring a child in this culture, you can help break the cycle of cultural slavery before it even begins. For $35 a month, you can essentials like a safe place to live, medical care, education, and more. Learn more and give at
- Under: Freedom

Human Trafficking Awareness Day

6 years ago

In places like Thailand and India, extreme poverty has forced many women into the sex industry. But they aren’t the only victims — growing up in the red-light district is detrimental for their children, as well. For just $35 a month, you can help protect one boy or girl from this dangerous environment by providing essentials like a safe place to live, medical care, healthy food, and a quality education. Learn more at
- Under: Child Sponsorship, Freedom

Rescue a child from the sex industry

6 years ago

From the Field


As winter approaches, thousands of Iraqi refugee families are concerned with only one thing: survival. They are in desperate need of heaters, blankets, warm clothes, and winter supplies.
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Meeting Humanitarian Needs One Life at a time

9 years ago

In impoverished communities, the children are often the ones who suffer most. And unless they receive help, many of them will remain trapped in poverty their entire lives. But you can help break the cycle. For just $35 a month, you can provide one child with life-changing essentials like healthy food, medical care, and educational opportunities. You’ll also have the chance to write to that child and build a lasting relationship with him or her. Learn more today at
- Under: Child Sponsorship, From the Field

From the Field: Rescue a child from poverty

6 years ago

Two million Iraqi children are currently out of school due to conflict and massive displacement. An entire generation of schoolchildren are missing out on the crucial social and academic development found in the classroom. What's more, many of these children have suffered considerable trauma. They are in desperate need of the structure, stability, and normalcy a classroom has to offer.
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Forging Futures in the Classroom

9 years ago

A child infected with intestinal worms is living a nightmare. No matter how much he eats, he continues to lose weight. And if he doesn’t receive help … he could die. But you can cure 30 children of deadly parasites for just $30! Every 99 cents you give provides deworming medication that will completely wipe the worms out of a child’s body within days. And families of children who are treated will also a resource telling them about Jesus Christ. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Parasite Medication

From the Field: Cure 30 kids for $30

6 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees

just now
- Under: Community Development, From the Field

From the Field: India | Hope Arrives in the Slums

6 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees

just now

A child infected with intestinal worms is living a nightmare. No matter how much he eats, he continues to lose weight. And if he doesn’t receive help … he could die. But you can cure 30 children of deadly parasites for just $30! Every 99 cents you give provides deworming medication that will completely wipe the worms out of a child’s body within days. And families of children who are treated will also a resource telling them about Jesus Christ. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Parasite Medication

From the Field: Help cure a child like Jennifer

6 years ago

A child infected with intestinal worms is living a nightmare. No matter how much he eats, he continues to lose weight. And if he doesn’t receive help … he could die. But you can cure 30 children of deadly parasites for just $30! Every 99 cents you give provides deworming medication that will completely wipe the worms out of a child’s body within days. And families of children who are treated will also a resource telling them about Jesus Christ. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Parasite Medication

From the Field: Bringing healing to the Amazon

6 years ago
- Under: Child Sponsorship, Freedom, From the Field

From the Field India | Sponsorship Brings Freedom from the Sex Industry

6 years ago

Walking Street in Pattaya is the heart of Thailand's red light district, where countless women and young girls are forced by chains of poverty into a life of sexual slavery. World Help is working to provide a way out—a place of refuge, restoration, and true transformation. And your support is helping us to do exactly that. To learn more, visit
- Under: Freedom, From the Field

From the Field: Thailand | Hope Reaches the Streets of Pattaya

9 years ago

Bangkok is at the center stage of the international sex industry. Night after night, thousands of sex workers earn their living here. But there's so much more to the story. These girls and young women are enslaved to a system without justice . . . without hope. Learn how World Help is partnering to provide these women with second chances through a rehabilitation program that values education, empowerment, and the healing love of Christ. Visit for more information.
- Under: Freedom, From the Field

From the Field: Thailand | Rebuilding Lives of Sex Workers in Bangkok

9 years ago
- Under: Bibles, From the Field, Refugees

Bibles for Iraq

8 years ago

Forty percent of children in Haiti are illiterate. But through child sponsorship, Haiti’s children are receiving education, food, and medical care. When you invest in the life of a child, you give him the tools he needs to succeed in life—and you are helping raise the next generation of Haiti’s leaders. To learn more, visit
- Under: Child Sponsorship, From the Field

From the Field: Haiti | Impacting Haiti’s Future Generation

8 years ago

Writing letters to your sponsored child fosters a special relationship. For these children in Haiti, their sponsor's words are a constant reminder that they are loved, valued, and important. For more information on how you can start a relationship with a child in need, visit
- Under: Child Sponsorship, From the Field

From the Field: Haiti | Words that Breathe Life

8 years ago

Did you know that when you sponsor a child, you give them access to life-saving medical treatment? Because of the love of her sponsor, Landia underwent surgery to have a cancerous tumor removed from her eye. Today, her life is finally returning to normal—she can’t wait to start school! For more information on how you can start your sponsorship journey, visit
- Under: Child Sponsorship, From the Field

From the Field | Where Medicine and Compassion Meet

8 years ago

A victory in Mosul — ISIS’ last major stronghold in Iraq — could signal an imminent defeat for the terrorist group. However, the battle to reclaim this key city threatens to displace as many as 1 million people. These refugees will need emergency food and supplies to survive the days and weeks ahead as the battle rages. The need is massive … time is scarce. Please act. Learn more at
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Mosul

8 years ago

The battle for Mosul has begun. Bombings are becoming more frequent, ISIS snipers are firing on innocent civilians, and terrorists are using women and children as human shields. As many as 1 million refugees will flee the city in the days ahead, and we need your help to provide them with immediate relief. The need is massive … time is scarce. Please act. Learn more at
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | The battle for Mosul

8 years ago

As the Battle for Mosul rages on, the World Help team works to distribute aid and relief to recent evacuees from the embattled city. An estimated influx of 1 million refugees are expected in the coming days. The need is massive. Time is scarce. Please act. Learn more at
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

Outside Mosul: Refugee Crisis in Iraq

8 years ago

As the battle for Mosul rages, hundreds of refugees pour out of the city each day. Most arrive at refugee camps with just the clothes on their backs. Those who are sick, injured, or in need of long-term medical care have nowhere to turn. We need your help to provide these people with the medicine and aid they need to survive. The need is urgent … time is scarce. Please act. Learn more at
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Medical Clinic

8 years ago

More than 100,000 Iraqi Christians have been displaced because of persecution by ISIS. They have lost their homes and possessions, and some have even lost their lives … simply because they believe in Jesus. The survivors desperately need our prayers, and they need our help to survive the uncertain days ahead. The need is massive. Time is scarce. Please act. Learn more at
- Under: From the Field, Persecution, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | International Day of Prayer

8 years ago

The battle for Mosul is growing more intense every day. Already, 250,000 people have fled from the city to escape the heavy gunfire from ISIS snipers, and another 750,000 are expected to flee before the battle ends. Winter is quickly approaching, and many camps are running low on essential supplies like food and blankets. The need is massive … time is scarce. Please act. Learn more at
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Refugee Family

8 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Christ Day

8 years ago

Walking Street in Pattaya is the heart of Thailand's red light district, where countless women and young girls are forced by chains of poverty into a life of sexual slavery. World Help is working to provide a way out—a place of refuge, restoration, and true transformation. And your support is helping us to do exactly that. To learn more, visit
- Under: Freedom, From the Field

From the Field: Thailand | Hope Reaches the Streets of Pattaya (WH)

8 years ago

Pneumonia and other cold-weather illnesses are rampant in the refugee camps, and there are not nearly enough medical supplies for all the people who are sick. Food is running out. People are dying from starvation and exposure.
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

From the Field: Middle East | Near The Syrian Border

8 years ago

For just $35, you can send $189 worth of lifesaving aid to a refugee in need, just like Ashur and Sabeen. They’ll receive essentials like food and medicine as well as a copy of God’s Word.
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field | Healing bodies, healing souls

8 years ago

Nearly 80,000 Syrian refugees are living in the Za’atari refugee camp. Some have been here as long as four years … and it’s becoming increasing difficult to survive. Food is scarce, sanitation is nonexistent, and the harshest winter months have arrived. These people are dying from starvation, pneumonia, and exposure. They need your help to stay alive. Please act now. Every minute counts.
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field | Inside the largest Syrian refugee camp

8 years ago

It’s been nearly two years since a massive earthquake destroyed thousands of lives in Nepal. But today, one village received a symbol of hope and revival — a new church building. Still, the people of Nepal desperately need your help. They especially need clean water since the earthquake destroyed more than 5,000 water sources. For just $15, you can provide clean water to one person in Nepal or one of the countless villages around the world that lack access to this basic resource. Learn more at
- Under: From the Field, Water

From the field | Bringing hope to Nepal

8 years ago

More than 1.2 million people have been forced to flee the violence in South Sudan … and more than 80 percent of these refugees are women and children. They’ve lost their husbands and fathers. They’ve lost their homes. They’ve lost everything. And they need your help.
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

From the field | Life as a child refugee

7 years ago

Sponsorship is giving impoverished children in Uganda a second chance. War and AIDS have left many boys and girls orphaned and trapped in a cycle of poverty. But you can give one child a way out. Your gift of $35 a month will provide essentials such as food, education, and basic medical care. And your prayers and encouragement will give your sponsored child the courage to build a better future. Start your sponsorship journey today at
- Under: Child Sponsorship, From the Field

From the Field | A bright ray of hope in Uganda

7 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees

just now

There are more than 600,000 orphans in Rwanda and many more children who are living in poverty. But through sponsorship, you can offer a child a better future. All it takes is $35 a month to provide the tools to succeed such as food, education, and medical care. Best of all, you’ll give your sponsored child the opportunity to learn about Jesus Christ. Become a sponsor today at
- Under: Child Sponsorship, From the Field

From the field | Rebuilding Rwanda one child at a time

7 years ago
- Under: Freedom, From the Field

From the Field: Thailand | Da's story

7 years ago
- Under: Freedom, From the Field

From the Field: Thailand | Minn's Story

7 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Persecution

From the field | Escape from North Korea

7 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Persecution

From the Field | North Korea - Day 2

7 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Persecution

From the Field | North Korea - Day 3

7 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field | Middle East | Medical Clinics

7 years ago
- Under: Community Development, From the Field, Refugees

From the Field | Middle East | School

7 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field | Middle East | Aid Handouts

7 years ago

Over the past several years, the nation of Cuba has seen a rapidly growing network of local churches. But there are still many people who have never heard the name of Jesus. For just $30, you can help church planters in Cuba and around the world reach more
- Under: Church Planting, From the Field

just now

Hurricane Irma devastated the northern coast of Cuba and the people are starving. During a trip to Cuba, we were able to distribute the first shipment of aid to the island country. By giving $30, you send the gift of food, hope, and more to people in desperate need of aid. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

just now

Hurricane Maria has been called the worst natural disaster on record in Puerto Rico. Months later, many families still don’t have enough food, clean water, or shelter. But your $30 today will help meet the most urgent physical needs of people in Puerto Rico
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

From the Field: Rebuilding lives after Hurricane Maria

7 years ago

Hurricane Maria has been called the worst natural disaster on record in Puerto Rico. Months later, many families still don’t have enough food, clean water, or shelter. But your $30 today will help meet the most urgent physical needs of people in Puerto Rico and around the world. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

From the Field: On the ground in Puerto Rico

7 years ago

Many Syrian families have been living in refugee camps for more than five years. The conditions are deplorable, and they rarely have enough food. They may have escaped civil war and ISIS, but they are still suffering. You can help. For $35, you can provide a refugee with essentials such as food, clothing, and medicine for at least a week. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: A look inside a Syrian refugee camp

6 years ago

A refugee camp can be a hopeless place. There is little food. Almost no medicine. No jobs. No schools. Most of the people are struggling just to survive. But for $35, you can provide essentials such as healthy meals, clothes, and medical care for one refugee that will last more than a week. You can bring hope into this hopeless situation. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: Syrian refugees desperate for help

6 years ago

When Syrian refugees cross the border, they don’t know when they will be able to return home or how they will survive. Their lives have been reduced to what few belongings can fit into a small suitcase or bag. They could easily lose hope. But today, you can meet a refugee’s most urgent needs and remind him he is not alone. Your $35 gift will provide one Syrian refugee with lifesaving essentials such as food, clothing, and medicine. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: Crossing the Syrian border

6 years ago

Most child refugees don’t have a school to attend. But Grow School helps care for young children so parents have the chance to work. Even so, many parents still struggle to provide even basic needs for their children. They need food, clothing, and medicine to survive. And today, you can provide these lifesaving supplies for one refugee. Your $35 gift today will provide essentials such as nutritious meals and medical care. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: Helping Syria’s refugee children

6 years ago

Here in Thailand, thousands of young girls are trapped in cultural slavery. They have been told their entire lives that they have no worth. But you have the chance to change that. For $50, you can introduce one girl to a freedom she has never known. You can provide a safe place to live, education, counseling, medical attention, outreach, and more. But most importantly, you can introduce her to the love of Jesus. Learn more and give at
- Under: Freedom, From the Field

From the Field: Breaking chains in Thailand

6 years ago

In Thailand, cultural slavery begins in the slums. Poverty steals a girl’s hopes and dreams. It forces her to do unthinkable things like enter the sex industry just to survive. But for $50, you can help introduce one girl to freedom. Your gift will help provide things such as a safe place to live, education, medical care, counseling, and outreach. Learn more and give
- Under: Freedom, From the Field

From the Field: The source of cultural slavery

6 years ago

When you help introduce a girl to freedom, you provide things such as a safe place to live, education, medical care, counseling, outreach, and more. But most importantly, you give her a chance to learn about spiritual freedom through Jesus. That’s something she will want to share with her family and friends! So your $50 gift does more than introduce just one girl to freedom. It has the power to influence an entire community. Learn more and give at
- Under: Freedom, From the Field

From the Field: Freedom is contagious

6 years ago

When Guatemala’s Fuego volcano erupted, the people of Los Lotes had no warning. The village of 2,000 people was buried under 10 to 20 feet of volcanic ash. The few survivors have lost everything — and they need your help! You can help provide homes for people who lost everything. Any amount you can give will help! Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field

Build homes for volcano victims

6 years ago

In many villages along the Amazon River in Peru, clean water and adequate medical care are almost unheard of. Even more heartbreaking, there were very few churches, and many people in these remote communities have never heard about the love of Jesus. But you can help completely transform a village — both physically and spiritually. Your gift will help provide clean-water wells, build medical clinics, renovate schools, and construct church buildings so local church planters can expand their ministry. Learn more and give at
- Under: Community Development, From the Field

Help transform a village in Peru

6 years ago

El Chico, Guatemala is miles away from a doctor’s office. So people came from all over the village when they heard a medical team was coming to provide healthcare. But the team wasn’t there just to meet people’s physical needs; were also there to share the Gospel. That’s what help and hope is all about … meeting people’s immediate physical needs while also pointing them to eternal hope in Christ. As part of the World Help family, that’s what you’re doing every time you give to help someone in need. Every $5 you give has the power to impact one person’s life … and to introduce them to Christ. Learn more at
- Under: From the Field

Helping heal bodies and souls in Guatemala

6 years ago

World Help President Vernon Brewer reports from a refugee relief center near Erbil, Iraq. At this location, Word Help along with national partners work to relieve the physical and spiritual burdens that come as a result of losing livelihoods, friends, finances, and homes. Yet, through it all, they still have hope.
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

Iraq | Aid Distribution for Christian Refugees

10 years ago

Vernon Brewer reports from the village of Shaqlawa, where 250 Christian families have fled for their lives from ISIS. They have paid a great price for their faith in Jesus Christ—suffering the unthinkable as ISIS’s brutal tactics rage on. World Help has made a commitment to stand in solidarity with Iraqi Christians . . . and we are urging you to join us. Learn more at
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

Iraq | Stand with Persecuted Christians

10 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

Iraq | Greetings Friends at Spark

9 years ago

With the help of the American Church, World Help is able to invest in the the lives of Iraqi children. Displaced from their homes, this "lost generation" is living without education, stability, or opportunity. But together, we are working to restore their futures.
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

Iraq | Rebuilding the Future for Refugee Children

9 years ago

Vernon Brewer reports from our mobile medical clinic just outside Erbil, in northern Iraq. In only the first 2 hours of the day, the medical team was able to treat over 70 patients. Conditions for refugees remain dire, with medical and dental treatment becoming more urgent. To help or learn more about our work in Iraq, visit:
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

Iraq | Medical Clinic Brings Healing to Refugees

9 years ago

With your help, we are able to minister to refugee communities not far from the threat of ISIS. The food, water, mattresses, cooking stoves, and other supplies we provide for these families give them incredible hope. Consider how you can be the hands and feet of Jesus on the ground to Iraqis. Visit to get involved today.
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

Iraq | Help and Hope on the Ground

9 years ago

With your help, we are able to minister to refugee communities not far from the threat of ISIS. The food, water, mattresses, cooking stoves, and other supplies we provide for these families give them incredible hope. Consider how you can be the hands and feet of Jesus on the ground to Iraqis. Visit to get involved today.
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

Iraq | Meeting with Persecution

9 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Rescue Programs

Guatemala | Baby Rescue

9 years ago

World Help and Leading & Loving It are serving together in Guatemala this week. Watch as the team reports from a local dump, where hope is being shared in the midst of extreme poverty. Visit to learn more about the vision of Leading & Loving It to provide 200 children with holistic health care. Or, follow #LALIRescue15 on Twitter for real-time updates.
- Under: From the Field, Rescue Programs

Guatemala | Leading and Love It Rescue

9 years ago

Thank you, Evangel Church, for sharing hope with displaced Iraqi families. Your compassion is making an impact that will outlive you and last for eternity.
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

Evangel Church | Partnering to Bring Hope to Iraq

9 years ago

World Help Vice President of International Programs Mark Hogsed meets with the Marhagin family, one of thousands of families that have lost everything to the April 25 earthquake in Nepal.
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

Nepal | From the Field

9 years ago

World Help Vice President of International Programs Mark Hogsed is in Nepal meeting people that have lost everything to the April 25 earthquake in Nepal. World Help is implementing a holistic, long-term recovery strategy, but we desperately need your help to reach families with life-saving aid as soon as possible. Visit to intervene in this humanitarian crisis.
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

Nepal Earthquake | Aid & Relief

9 years ago

World Help Vice President of International Programs Mark Hogsed is in Nepal meeting people that have lost everything to the April 25 earthquake in Nepal. World Help is implementing a holistic, long-term recovery strategy, but we desperately need your help to reach families with life-saving aid as soon as possible. Visit to intervene in this humanitarian crisis.
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

Nepal Earthquake | Relief & Rebuilding

9 years ago
- Under: Community Development, From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

From the Field in Nepal | Chaku

9 years ago
- Under: Community Development, From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

From the Field in Nepal | Laboring Together

9 years ago
- Under: Child Sponsorship, Community Development, From the Field

From the Field in Nepal | Grace Home

9 years ago
- Under: Community Development, From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

From the Field in Nepal | Rebuild

9 years ago
- Under: Community Development, From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

From the Field in Nepal | Rebuilding Together

9 years ago
- Under: Child Sponsorship, From the Field

From the Field in Nepal | Child Sponsorship

9 years ago
- Under: Community Development, From the Field

From the Field in Nepal | Churches in Need

9 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

From the Field in Nepal | Victims Struggling to Survive

9 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Rescue Programs

From the Field: Guatemala | Rescue Program

9 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees


3 years ago

On the Syrian border, refugees are bracing for winter. Most don’t have enough blankets, coats, heaters, or food. Without help, every day of the coming months will be a fight to survive. But for just $35, you can provide $189 worth of lifesaving aid to a refugee. Your generosity will rescue someone in need and powerfully demonstrate the love of Christ. To learn more or give, visit
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: Refugees are bracing for winter

6 years ago

When you give $35 to provide lifesaving aid to a refugee, you give more than just food, clothing, warm blankets, and medicine. You open the door for them to see the love of Christ demonstrated and to hear the Gospel for the very first time. The Zin family is just one example of how you can provide both help for today and hope for tomorrow when you give to a refugee today. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: Hope for the Zinn family

6 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees

just now

The story of the refugee crisis has fallen out of the news, but refugees around the globe know it is far from over. Imagine how lonely they must feel knowing that much of the world has forgotten about them or simply moved on. Will you remind a refugee today that he is not alone and that you care? Your $35 gift will provide $189 worth of lifesaving aid such as food, medicine, blankets, coats, and more. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: Don’t forget these refugees

6 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees
Homepage Ukraine

just now
- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees
Homepage Ukraine

just now

Winter is the hardest time of the year for refugees to survive. Without emergency supplies, they face the coldest months of the year without anything to keep them warm. Children often suffer the most, and a simple winter illness can turn deadly if left untreated.
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

Send food and winter supplies to refugees

6 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees
Homepage Ukraine

just now

World Help President Vernon Brewer reports from a village near Sulaymaniyah, Iraq. Yazidi refugees have settled in this community after losing everything they had and fleeing from their homes in Sinjar Province over a year ago. Since then, they have been equipped with the life skills necessary to provide for their families, without relying on the help of outsiders. Through initial training and grant money from our implementing partners on the ground, they are able to build a business that is both sustainable and mobile, meaning they can take their trade wherever they finally settle. Hope is being given to these desperate people once again. Learn more about World Help's work in Iraq at
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Small Business Enterprises

9 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees
Homepage Ukraine

just now
- Under: Community Development, From the Field, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Hope for Refugee Children Through Education

9 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees

just now
- Under: From the Field, Persecution, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Interceding for Persecuted Christians

9 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees

just now
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Clinics Bring Healing to the Forgotten

9 years ago
- Under: Bibles, From the Field, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Restoring Hope With the Word of God

9 years ago

Sponsorship changes a child’s present circumstances and future possibilities. When you sponsor a child, you’re not only providing physical needs like food, clothing, and educational opportunities. You’re also building a personal relationship through letter writing and prayer. Become a sponsor today and help rescue a child from poverty for just $35 a month. Learn more at
- Under: Child Sponsorship, From the Field

From the Field: Why child sponsorship matters

6 years ago

Humanitarian Aid


More than 8,000 people are believed to be dead, over 14,000 have suffered injuries, and hundreds of thousands are completely homeless. In a matter of days, our international development team was able to fly to Kathmandu to assist in aid distribution and begin devising a strategy for rebuilding efforts.
- Under: Community Development, Humanitarian Aid, Projects

Rebuilding Nepal

9 years ago

As winter approaches, thousands of Iraqi refugee families are concerned with only one thing: survival. They are in desperate need of heaters, blankets, warm clothes, and winter supplies.
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Meeting Humanitarian Needs One Life at a time

9 years ago

Life as a refugee — with no permanent home and an uncertain future — is hard enough. But when it’s coupled with constant, gnawing hunger, even the most optimistic people can begin to feel hopeless. Many refugees around the world don’t know if they will eat today. Parents are wondering how much longer their children can live without the nutrients they need. They are desperate for help … and for just $35, you can feed one starving refugee today. Your gift will provide emergency food plus medicine and other critical essentials. You can help save a life. Learn more and give at
- Under: Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

Feed a starving refugee

6 years ago

World Help has worked extensively in war-torn Iraq for over a decade. Since the conflict erupted in 2014, our efforts have been focused on providing physical and spiritual relief to those displaced by the conflict. Viyan is just one of the lives impacted by compassionate supporters who intervened...who wanted to make a difference. Support is still needed and many more yearn for hope. Learn how you can get involved:
- Under: Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

Living As A Refugee | Viyan's Story

8 years ago

For just $35, you can send $189 worth of lifesaving aid to a refugee in need, just like Ashur and Sabeen. They’ll receive essentials like food and medicine as well as a copy of God’s Word.
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field | Healing bodies, healing souls

8 years ago

Nearly 80,000 Syrian refugees are living in the Za’atari refugee camp. Some have been here as long as four years … and it’s becoming increasing difficult to survive. Food is scarce, sanitation is nonexistent, and the harshest winter months have arrived. These people are dying from starvation, pneumonia, and exposure. They need your help to stay alive. Please act now. Every minute counts.
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field | Inside the largest Syrian refugee camp

8 years ago
- Under: Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

Peter's Story: A South Sudanese Refugee

7 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field | Middle East | Medical Clinics

7 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field | Middle East | Aid Handouts

7 years ago

Winter is by far one of the most difficult times of the year for refugees. Most families can barely afford food, much less coats and heaters. Without these winter essentials, refugees face sickness or even death. But you can give them the help they need. Just $35 provides one refugee with $189 worth of lifesaving supplies such as food, warm blankets, and medicine. Learn more and give at
- Under: Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

Help a refugee survive this winter

7 years ago

As winter sweeps refugee camps worldwide, many children and families don’t have the supplies they need to survive. Blankets, heaters, and warm clothes are often impossible to find and too expensive to purchase. But for just $35, you can provide $189 worth of food and winter supplies for a refugee. Learn more and give at
- Under: Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

Child refugees need your help this winter

7 years ago

Refugees know what it’s like to face hard circumstances. Many have lost everything and will never be able to return home. But as temperatures drop, refugees around the world aren’t sure how they’ll survive without blankets, warm clothes, or heaters. You can provide the essential aid refugees need this winter. Learn more and give at
- Under: Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

Send warmth to a refugee this winter

7 years ago

Hurricane Irma devastated the northern coast of Cuba and the people are starving. During a trip to Cuba, we were able to distribute the first shipment of aid to the island country. By giving $30, you send the gift of food, hope, and more to people in desperate need of aid. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

just now

Each refugee is unique with his or her own heartbreaking story. But refugees do have one thing in common. They all have certain basic needs — food, clean water, warm clothing, and medicine. And many of these supplies aren’t available in the refugee camps. For just $35, you can provide $189 worth of these lifesaving essentials for a refugee today. Learn more and give at
- Under: Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

All refugees have this one thing in common

7 years ago
- Under: Humanitarian Aid

Humanitarian Aid | Shipping

7 years ago

Hurricane Maria has been called the worst natural disaster on record in Puerto Rico. Months later, many families still don’t have enough food, clean water, or shelter. But your $30 today will help meet the most urgent physical needs of people in Puerto Rico
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

From the Field: Rebuilding lives after Hurricane Maria

7 years ago

Hurricane Maria has been called the worst natural disaster on record in Puerto Rico. Months later, many families still don’t have enough food, clean water, or shelter. But your $30 today will help meet the most urgent physical needs of people in Puerto Rico and around the world. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

From the Field: On the ground in Puerto Rico

7 years ago

Many Syrian families have been living in refugee camps for more than five years. The conditions are deplorable, and they rarely have enough food. They may have escaped civil war and ISIS, but they are still suffering. You can help. For $35, you can provide a refugee with essentials such as food, clothing, and medicine for at least a week. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: A look inside a Syrian refugee camp

6 years ago

A refugee camp can be a hopeless place. There is little food. Almost no medicine. No jobs. No schools. Most of the people are struggling just to survive. But for $35, you can provide essentials such as healthy meals, clothes, and medical care for one refugee that will last more than a week. You can bring hope into this hopeless situation. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: Syrian refugees desperate for help

6 years ago

When Syrian refugees cross the border, they don’t know when they will be able to return home or how they will survive. Their lives have been reduced to what few belongings can fit into a small suitcase or bag. They could easily lose hope. But today, you can meet a refugee’s most urgent needs and remind him he is not alone. Your $35 gift will provide one Syrian refugee with lifesaving essentials such as food, clothing, and medicine. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: Crossing the Syrian border

6 years ago

Most child refugees don’t have a school to attend. But Grow School helps care for young children so parents have the chance to work. Even so, many parents still struggle to provide even basic needs for their children. They need food, clothing, and medicine to survive. And today, you can provide these lifesaving supplies for one refugee. Your $35 gift today will provide essentials such as nutritious meals and medical care. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: Helping Syria’s refugee children

6 years ago

Many Syrian people have been refugees for years. Others have just recently been driven out of their homes by the latest wave of airstrikes and chemical attacks in eastern Ghouta. They each have different backgrounds. They each have different stories of the horrors they have experienced. But they all have one thing in common — they need help. And you can give it to them. For $35, you will provide one refugee with lifesaving supplies such as food, medicine, and more. Learn more and give at
- Under: Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

Syrian refugees need your help to survive

6 years ago

Countless families around the world are facing another day without enough food, clothing, and medical care. These items are sitting in our warehouse right now, provided by grants and generous corporate donors. But they aren’t doing anyone any good here! Today, you can help ship these lifesaving supplies to the people who need them most. Your $30 gift will send $990 worth of nutritious meals, warm blankets, medicine, and more. Learn more and give at
- Under: Humanitarian Aid

Save a life: Ship emergency supplies

6 years ago

Many people today are in urgent need of help. And there are many ways you can get involved and start saving lives. You can donate food, clothing, and other supplies essential supplies or help cover the shipping cost to send these items to the people who need them most. Any amount you can give will make an incredible impact around the world. Learn more and give at
- Under: Humanitarian Aid

Give humanitarian aid to people in need

6 years ago

World Help Vice President of International Programs Mark Hogsed meets with the Marhagin family, one of thousands of families that have lost everything to the April 25 earthquake in Nepal.
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

Nepal | From the Field

9 years ago

World Help Vice President of International Programs Mark Hogsed is in Nepal meeting people that have lost everything to the April 25 earthquake in Nepal. World Help is implementing a holistic, long-term recovery strategy, but we desperately need your help to reach families with life-saving aid as soon as possible. Visit to intervene in this humanitarian crisis.
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

Nepal Earthquake | Aid & Relief

9 years ago

World Help Vice President of International Programs Mark Hogsed is in Nepal meeting people that have lost everything to the April 25 earthquake in Nepal. World Help is implementing a holistic, long-term recovery strategy, but we desperately need your help to reach families with life-saving aid as soon as possible. Visit to intervene in this humanitarian crisis.
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

Nepal Earthquake | Relief & Rebuilding

9 years ago
- Under: Community Development, From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

From the Field in Nepal | Chaku

9 years ago
- Under: Community Development, From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

From the Field in Nepal | Laboring Together

9 years ago
- Under: Community Development, From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

From the Field in Nepal | Rebuild

9 years ago
- Under: Community Development, From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

From the Field in Nepal | Rebuilding Together

9 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

From the Field in Nepal | Victims Struggling to Survive

9 years ago

On the Syrian border, refugees are bracing for winter. Most don’t have enough blankets, coats, heaters, or food. Without help, every day of the coming months will be a fight to survive. But for just $35, you can provide $189 worth of lifesaving aid to a refugee. Your generosity will rescue someone in need and powerfully demonstrate the love of Christ. To learn more or give, visit
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: Refugees are bracing for winter

6 years ago

When you give $35 to provide lifesaving aid to a refugee, you give more than just food, clothing, warm blankets, and medicine. You open the door for them to see the love of Christ demonstrated and to hear the Gospel for the very first time. The Zin family is just one example of how you can provide both help for today and hope for tomorrow when you give to a refugee today. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: Hope for the Zinn family

6 years ago

The story of the refugee crisis has fallen out of the news, but refugees around the globe know it is far from over. Imagine how lonely they must feel knowing that much of the world has forgotten about them or simply moved on. Will you remind a refugee today that he is not alone and that you care? Your $35 gift will provide $189 worth of lifesaving aid such as food, medicine, blankets, coats, and more. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: Don’t forget these refugees

6 years ago

Many families around the world are struggling to survive because of violence, natural disasters, or poverty. But you can provide them with lifesaving supplies such as food, water, medical supplies, and more. We have many of these items sitting in our warehouse, but we need your help to ship them. Every dollar you give sends $33 worth of emergency supplies to help rescue someone and renew their hope. Learn more and give at
- Under: Humanitarian Aid

$1 ships $33 worth of lifesaving supplies

6 years ago

Winter is the hardest time of the year for refugees to survive. Without emergency supplies, they face the coldest months of the year without anything to keep them warm. Children often suffer the most, and a simple winter illness can turn deadly if left untreated.
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

Send food and winter supplies to refugees

6 years ago

Medical care is one of the most critical needs for families in refugee camps around the world. Living in these crowded conditions means sickness spreads quickly. And without treatment, even simple illnesses can become deadly. But for just $35, you can provide
- Under: Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

Provide lifesaving medical care for refugees

6 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Clinics Bring Healing to the Forgotten

9 years ago

Hunger Crisis


War is one of the leading causes of famine. Crops are destroyed, people fleeing can’t afford nutritious food … and it is always the children who suffer most. But for $40, you can help one starving child survive. You gift will provide enough food for an entire year! Give today, and save a life. Learn more at
- Under: Hunger Crisis, Projects

Feed a starving child for a year

6 years ago

The global hunger crisis threatens the lives of countless children. Violence, drought, and poverty have left many without anything to eat, especially across Africa and the Middle East. No child should have to suffer and die from something as preventable as hunger. For just $40, you can feed one hungry child for an entire year. Learn more and give at
- Under: Hunger Crisis

Feed one hungry child for a year

6 years ago

Parasite Medication


A child infected with intestinal worms is living a nightmare. No matter how much he eats, he continues to lose weight. And if he doesn’t receive help … he could die. But you can cure 30 children of deadly parasites for just $30! Every 99 cents you give provides deworming medication that will completely wipe the worms out of a child’s body within days. And families of children who are treated will also a resource telling them about Jesus Christ. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Parasite Medication

From the Field: Cure 30 kids for $30

6 years ago

A child infected with intestinal worms is living a nightmare. No matter how much he eats, he continues to lose weight. And if he doesn’t receive help … he could die. But you can cure 30 children of deadly parasites for just $30! Every 99 cents you give provides deworming medication that will completely wipe the worms out of a child’s body within days. And families of children who are treated will also a resource telling them about Jesus Christ. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Parasite Medication

From the Field: Help cure a child like Jennifer

6 years ago

A child infected with intestinal worms is living a nightmare. No matter how much he eats, he continues to lose weight. And if he doesn’t receive help … he could die. But you can cure 30 children of deadly parasites for just $30! Every 99 cents you give provides deworming medication that will completely wipe the worms out of a child’s body within days. And families of children who are treated will also a resource telling them about Jesus Christ. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Parasite Medication

From the Field: Bringing healing to the Amazon

6 years ago



World Help is committed to providing light in the darkest places on earth.
- Under: Bibles, Persecution, Projects

North Korea | Bible Distribution

7 years ago

More than 100,000 Iraqi Christians have been displaced because of persecution by ISIS. They have lost their homes and possessions, and some have even lost their lives … simply because they believe in Jesus. The survivors desperately need our prayers, and they need our help to survive the uncertain days ahead. The need is massive. Time is scarce. Please act. Learn more at
- Under: From the Field, Persecution, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | International Day of Prayer

8 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Persecution

From the field | Escape from North Korea

7 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Persecution

From the Field | North Korea - Day 2

7 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Persecution

From the Field | North Korea - Day 3

7 years ago

More than 70,000 people are being held in North Korean labor camps simply because they are Christians. But despite the threat of persecution, the North Korean church is rapidly growing. You have the chance to be a part of that! For $10, you can provide hope through the gift of God’s Word to a believer or seeker in North Korea. Learn more and give at
- Under: Bibles, Persecution

just now

For North Korean Christians, each day could be the day that soldiers arrive at their door to take them away to a political labor camp … simply for believing in Jesus. Just owning a Bible puts them and their families in extreme danger. But many are choosing to take that risk. They know God’s Word is worth it, and they continue to beg for more Bibles. Your gift of $10 today prints and sends one Bible to a persecuted believer or seeker in North Korea. Learn more and give at
- Under: Bibles, Persecution

North Korean Christians are desperate for Bibles

7 years ago

The rise of radical Islam in Iraq has driven many Christians to flee the country. Believers are frequently threatened, kidnapped, or even killed for their faith. Christ-followers in Iraq desperately need our prayers and support. Learn more and discover how you can help at
- Under: Persecution

Christian persecution in Iraq

6 years ago

In Jordan, Muslim-background believers face intense persecution from family and friends. Pressure to convert back to Islam comes in the form of discrimination, abuse, and sometimes even physical threats. These brothers and sisters desperately need our prayers and support. Learn more and discover how you can help at
- Under: Persecution

Christian persecution in Jordan

6 years ago

The Islamic militant group al-Shabab often targets believers in Kenya. It has harassed, beaten, kidnapped, and killed dozens of Christians in recent years. Christ-followers from Kenya desperately need our prayers and support. Learn more and discover how you can help at
- Under: Persecution

Christian persecution in Kenya

6 years ago

Buddhism and nationalism go hand-in-hand in the country of Myanmar. Conversion to Christianity is often seen as a betrayal of both country and family. Believers from Myanmar desperately need our prayers and support. Learn more and discover how you can help at
- Under: Persecution

Christian persecution in Myanmar

6 years ago

In Nepal, Hindu nationalists view any other religion as a threat to their country’s identity. Extremists say they especially want to make the nation “Christian-free.” Nepali believers desperately need our prayers and support. Learn more and discover how you can help at
- Under: Persecution

Christian persecution in Nepal

6 years ago

In many parts of Nigeria, Christianity is seen as a religion that needs to be eradicated. Muslim extremists demand that believers convert to Islam or face death. These persecuted Christians desperately need our prayers and support. Learn more and discover how you can help at
- Under: Persecution

Christian persecution in Nigeria

6 years ago

North Korea has been ranked as the most dangerous place for Christians to live for 16 years in a row. An estimated 70,000 Christ-followers are currently enslaved in labor camps. These persecuted believers desperately need our prayers and support. Learn more and discover how you can help at
- Under: Persecution

Christian persecution in North Korea

6 years ago

Islamic nationalists from Sudan have pushed for the cleansing of all other religions from their nation, destroying churches and driving many Christians into South Sudan. These persecuted believers desperately need our prayers and support. Learn more and discover how you can help at
- Under: Persecution

Christian persecution in Sudan

6 years ago

Syrian Christians are at risk because of Islamic extremist groups. Many churches have been destroyed, and Muslim-background believers often face serious threats. They desperately need our prayers and support. Learn more and discover how you can help at
- Under: Persecution

Christian persecution in Syria

6 years ago

A rise of secularism mixed with Islamic extremism has threatened the safety of Ethiopian believers. Christians must often worship in secret to avoid abuse. They desperately need our prayers and support. Learn more and discover how you can help at
- Under: Persecution

Christian persecution in Ethiopia

6 years ago
- Under: Persecution

Provide practical help for persecuted Christians

6 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Persecution, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Interceding for Persecuted Christians

9 years ago



The refugee crisis is not isolated to any one part of the globe. People worldwide have been driven from their homes for a variety of reasons including violence, famine, and severe religious persecution. But they all have one thing in common: They’ve lost everything. You can give one desperate refugee the help he needs and show him the love of Christ. Your gift today will provide lifesaving supplies such as healthy food, clean water, medicine, and more. Learn more and give at
- Under: Projects, Refugees

just now

As winter approaches, thousands of Iraqi refugee families are concerned with only one thing: survival. They are in desperate need of heaters, blankets, warm clothes, and winter supplies.
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Meeting Humanitarian Needs One Life at a time

9 years ago

Two million Iraqi children are currently out of school due to conflict and massive displacement. An entire generation of schoolchildren are missing out on the crucial social and academic development found in the classroom. What's more, many of these children have suffered considerable trauma. They are in desperate need of the structure, stability, and normalcy a classroom has to offer.
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Forging Futures in the Classroom

9 years ago

Life as a refugee — with no permanent home and an uncertain future — is hard enough. But when it’s coupled with constant, gnawing hunger, even the most optimistic people can begin to feel hopeless. Many refugees around the world don’t know if they will eat today. Parents are wondering how much longer their children can live without the nutrients they need. They are desperate for help … and for just $35, you can feed one starving refugee today. Your gift will provide emergency food plus medicine and other critical essentials. You can help save a life. Learn more and give at
- Under: Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

Feed a starving refugee

6 years ago
- Under: Bibles, From the Field, Refugees

Bibles for Iraq

8 years ago

World Help has worked extensively in war-torn Iraq for over a decade. Since the conflict erupted in 2014, our efforts have been focused on providing physical and spiritual relief to those displaced by the conflict. Viyan is just one of the lives impacted by compassionate supporters who intervened...who wanted to make a difference. Support is still needed and many more yearn for hope. Learn how you can get involved:
- Under: Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

Living As A Refugee | Viyan's Story

8 years ago

A victory in Mosul — ISIS’ last major stronghold in Iraq — could signal an imminent defeat for the terrorist group. However, the battle to reclaim this key city threatens to displace as many as 1 million people. These refugees will need emergency food and supplies to survive the days and weeks ahead as the battle rages. The need is massive … time is scarce. Please act. Learn more at
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Mosul

8 years ago

The battle for Mosul has begun. Bombings are becoming more frequent, ISIS snipers are firing on innocent civilians, and terrorists are using women and children as human shields. As many as 1 million refugees will flee the city in the days ahead, and we need your help to provide them with immediate relief. The need is massive … time is scarce. Please act. Learn more at
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | The battle for Mosul

8 years ago

As the Battle for Mosul rages on, the World Help team works to distribute aid and relief to recent evacuees from the embattled city. An estimated influx of 1 million refugees are expected in the coming days. The need is massive. Time is scarce. Please act. Learn more at
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

Outside Mosul: Refugee Crisis in Iraq

8 years ago

As the battle for Mosul rages, hundreds of refugees pour out of the city each day. Most arrive at refugee camps with just the clothes on their backs. Those who are sick, injured, or in need of long-term medical care have nowhere to turn. We need your help to provide these people with the medicine and aid they need to survive. The need is urgent … time is scarce. Please act. Learn more at
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Medical Clinic

8 years ago

More than 100,000 Iraqi Christians have been displaced because of persecution by ISIS. They have lost their homes and possessions, and some have even lost their lives … simply because they believe in Jesus. The survivors desperately need our prayers, and they need our help to survive the uncertain days ahead. The need is massive. Time is scarce. Please act. Learn more at
- Under: From the Field, Persecution, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | International Day of Prayer

8 years ago

The battle for Mosul is growing more intense every day. Already, 250,000 people have fled from the city to escape the heavy gunfire from ISIS snipers, and another 750,000 are expected to flee before the battle ends. Winter is quickly approaching, and many camps are running low on essential supplies like food and blankets. The need is massive … time is scarce. Please act. Learn more at
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Refugee Family

8 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Christ Day

8 years ago

Pneumonia and other cold-weather illnesses are rampant in the refugee camps, and there are not nearly enough medical supplies for all the people who are sick. Food is running out. People are dying from starvation and exposure.
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

From the Field: Middle East | Near The Syrian Border

8 years ago

For just $35, you can send $189 worth of lifesaving aid to a refugee in need, just like Ashur and Sabeen. They’ll receive essentials like food and medicine as well as a copy of God’s Word.
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field | Healing bodies, healing souls

8 years ago

Nearly 80,000 Syrian refugees are living in the Za’atari refugee camp. Some have been here as long as four years … and it’s becoming increasing difficult to survive. Food is scarce, sanitation is nonexistent, and the harshest winter months have arrived. These people are dying from starvation, pneumonia, and exposure. They need your help to stay alive. Please act now. Every minute counts.
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field | Inside the largest Syrian refugee camp

8 years ago

More than 1.2 million people have been forced to flee the violence in South Sudan … and more than 80 percent of these refugees are women and children. They’ve lost their husbands and fathers. They’ve lost their homes. They’ve lost everything. And they need your help.
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

From the field | Life as a child refugee

7 years ago
- Under: Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

Peter's Story: A South Sudanese Refugee

7 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field | Middle East | Medical Clinics

7 years ago
- Under: Community Development, From the Field, Refugees

From the Field | Middle East | School

7 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field | Middle East | Aid Handouts

7 years ago

Winter is by far one of the most difficult times of the year for refugees. Most families can barely afford food, much less coats and heaters. Without these winter essentials, refugees face sickness or even death. But you can give them the help they need. Just $35 provides one refugee with $189 worth of lifesaving supplies such as food, warm blankets, and medicine. Learn more and give at
- Under: Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

Help a refugee survive this winter

7 years ago

When the Zin family was violently driven from their home, they never dreamed anything good could come of it. But God had a plan. After visiting the refugee clinic made possible by World Help supporters, the entire family came to Christ! When you give aid to a refugee for just $35, you do more than provide physical aid. You open doors to share the Gospel. Learn more and give at
- Under: Refugees

God meant it for good: The Zin family

7 years ago

As winter sweeps refugee camps worldwide, many children and families don’t have the supplies they need to survive. Blankets, heaters, and warm clothes are often impossible to find and too expensive to purchase. But for just $35, you can provide $189 worth of food and winter supplies for a refugee. Learn more and give at
- Under: Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

Child refugees need your help this winter

7 years ago

Refugees know what it’s like to face hard circumstances. Many have lost everything and will never be able to return home. But as temperatures drop, refugees around the world aren’t sure how they’ll survive without blankets, warm clothes, or heaters. You can provide the essential aid refugees need this winter. Learn more and give at
- Under: Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

Send warmth to a refugee this winter

7 years ago

Each refugee is unique with his or her own heartbreaking story. But refugees do have one thing in common. They all have certain basic needs — food, clean water, warm clothing, and medicine. And many of these supplies aren’t available in the refugee camps. For just $35, you can provide $189 worth of these lifesaving essentials for a refugee today. Learn more and give at
- Under: Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

All refugees have this one thing in common

7 years ago

Many Syrian families have been living in refugee camps for more than five years. The conditions are deplorable, and they rarely have enough food. They may have escaped civil war and ISIS, but they are still suffering. You can help. For $35, you can provide a refugee with essentials such as food, clothing, and medicine for at least a week. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: A look inside a Syrian refugee camp

6 years ago

A refugee camp can be a hopeless place. There is little food. Almost no medicine. No jobs. No schools. Most of the people are struggling just to survive. But for $35, you can provide essentials such as healthy meals, clothes, and medical care for one refugee that will last more than a week. You can bring hope into this hopeless situation. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: Syrian refugees desperate for help

6 years ago

When Syrian refugees cross the border, they don’t know when they will be able to return home or how they will survive. Their lives have been reduced to what few belongings can fit into a small suitcase or bag. They could easily lose hope. But today, you can meet a refugee’s most urgent needs and remind him he is not alone. Your $35 gift will provide one Syrian refugee with lifesaving essentials such as food, clothing, and medicine. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: Crossing the Syrian border

6 years ago

Most child refugees don’t have a school to attend. But Grow School helps care for young children so parents have the chance to work. Even so, many parents still struggle to provide even basic needs for their children. They need food, clothing, and medicine to survive. And today, you can provide these lifesaving supplies for one refugee. Your $35 gift today will provide essentials such as nutritious meals and medical care. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: Helping Syria’s refugee children

6 years ago

Many Syrian people have been refugees for years. Others have just recently been driven out of their homes by the latest wave of airstrikes and chemical attacks in eastern Ghouta. They each have different backgrounds. They each have different stories of the horrors they have experienced. But they all have one thing in common — they need help. And you can give it to them. For $35, you will provide one refugee with lifesaving supplies such as food, medicine, and more. Learn more and give at
- Under: Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

Syrian refugees need your help to survive

6 years ago

World Help President Vernon Brewer reports from a refugee relief center near Erbil, Iraq. At this location, Word Help along with national partners work to relieve the physical and spiritual burdens that come as a result of losing livelihoods, friends, finances, and homes. Yet, through it all, they still have hope.
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

Iraq | Aid Distribution for Christian Refugees

10 years ago

Vernon Brewer reports from the village of Shaqlawa, where 250 Christian families have fled for their lives from ISIS. They have paid a great price for their faith in Jesus Christ—suffering the unthinkable as ISIS’s brutal tactics rage on. World Help has made a commitment to stand in solidarity with Iraqi Christians . . . and we are urging you to join us. Learn more at
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

Iraq | Stand with Persecuted Christians

10 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

Iraq | Greetings Friends at Spark

9 years ago

With the help of the American Church, World Help is able to invest in the the lives of Iraqi children. Displaced from their homes, this "lost generation" is living without education, stability, or opportunity. But together, we are working to restore their futures.
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

Iraq | Rebuilding the Future for Refugee Children

9 years ago

Vernon Brewer reports from our mobile medical clinic just outside Erbil, in northern Iraq. In only the first 2 hours of the day, the medical team was able to treat over 70 patients. Conditions for refugees remain dire, with medical and dental treatment becoming more urgent. To help or learn more about our work in Iraq, visit:
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

Iraq | Medical Clinic Brings Healing to Refugees

9 years ago

With your help, we are able to minister to refugee communities not far from the threat of ISIS. The food, water, mattresses, cooking stoves, and other supplies we provide for these families give them incredible hope. Consider how you can be the hands and feet of Jesus on the ground to Iraqis. Visit to get involved today.
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

Iraq | Help and Hope on the Ground

9 years ago

With your help, we are able to minister to refugee communities not far from the threat of ISIS. The food, water, mattresses, cooking stoves, and other supplies we provide for these families give them incredible hope. Consider how you can be the hands and feet of Jesus on the ground to Iraqis. Visit to get involved today.
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

Iraq | Meeting with Persecution

9 years ago

Thank you, Evangel Church, for sharing hope with displaced Iraqi families. Your compassion is making an impact that will outlive you and last for eternity.
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

Evangel Church | Partnering to Bring Hope to Iraq

9 years ago

On the Syrian border, refugees are bracing for winter. Most don’t have enough blankets, coats, heaters, or food. Without help, every day of the coming months will be a fight to survive. But for just $35, you can provide $189 worth of lifesaving aid to a refugee. Your generosity will rescue someone in need and powerfully demonstrate the love of Christ. To learn more or give, visit
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: Refugees are bracing for winter

6 years ago

When you give $35 to provide lifesaving aid to a refugee, you give more than just food, clothing, warm blankets, and medicine. You open the door for them to see the love of Christ demonstrated and to hear the Gospel for the very first time. The Zin family is just one example of how you can provide both help for today and hope for tomorrow when you give to a refugee today. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: Hope for the Zinn family

6 years ago

The story of the refugee crisis has fallen out of the news, but refugees around the globe know it is far from over. Imagine how lonely they must feel knowing that much of the world has forgotten about them or simply moved on. Will you remind a refugee today that he is not alone and that you care? Your $35 gift will provide $189 worth of lifesaving aid such as food, medicine, blankets, coats, and more. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: Don’t forget these refugees

6 years ago

Winter is the hardest time of the year for refugees to survive. Without emergency supplies, they face the coldest months of the year without anything to keep them warm. Children often suffer the most, and a simple winter illness can turn deadly if left untreated.
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

Send food and winter supplies to refugees

6 years ago

World Help President Vernon Brewer reports from a village near Sulaymaniyah, Iraq. Yazidi refugees have settled in this community after losing everything they had and fleeing from their homes in Sinjar Province over a year ago. Since then, they have been equipped with the life skills necessary to provide for their families, without relying on the help of outsiders. Through initial training and grant money from our implementing partners on the ground, they are able to build a business that is both sustainable and mobile, meaning they can take their trade wherever they finally settle. Hope is being given to these desperate people once again. Learn more about World Help's work in Iraq at
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Small Business Enterprises

9 years ago
- Under: Community Development, From the Field, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Hope for Refugee Children Through Education

9 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Persecution, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Interceding for Persecuted Christians

9 years ago

Medical care is one of the most critical needs for families in refugee camps around the world. Living in these crowded conditions means sickness spreads quickly. And without treatment, even simple illnesses can become deadly. But for just $35, you can provide
- Under: Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

Provide lifesaving medical care for refugees

6 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Clinics Bring Healing to the Forgotten

9 years ago
- Under: Bibles, From the Field, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Restoring Hope With the Word of God

9 years ago

Rescue Programs


We shared Blanca Olivia's story with you in the Operation Baby Rescue Documentary. Now hear from Blanca's mother about how Operation Baby Rescue impacted her.
- Under: Rescue Programs

Blanca’s Mother (Baby Rescue Story)

8 years ago

For just $50, you can rescue a child on the brink of starvation in Haiti, Uganda, or Guatemala … a child like My Love, who would have died without the intervention of someone like you. Learn more at
- Under: Rescue Programs

Haiti Rescue Story: My Love

8 years ago

For just $50, you can rescue a child on the brink of starvation in Haiti, Uganda, or Guatemala … a child like Vanessa, who would have died without the intervention of someone like you. Learn more at
- Under: Rescue Programs

Haiti Rescue Story: Vanessa

8 years ago

Like many children in Haiti, Danielson was on the brink of death because of malnutrition — and so was his mother, Shedling. But that’s when someone stepped in and provided the care they desperately needed. You, too, can rescue a child like Danielson today. For just $50, you will provide emergency food and a medical evaluation to one malnourished child in Haiti, Uganda, or Guatemala. Visit to learn more.
- Under: Rescue Programs

A mother and son restored to health

6 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Rescue Programs

Guatemala | Baby Rescue

9 years ago

World Help and Leading & Loving It are serving together in Guatemala this week. Watch as the team reports from a local dump, where hope is being shared in the midst of extreme poverty. Visit to learn more about the vision of Leading & Loving It to provide 200 children with holistic health care. Or, follow #LALIRescue15 on Twitter for real-time updates.
- Under: From the Field, Rescue Programs

Guatemala | Leading and Love It Rescue

9 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Rescue Programs

From the Field: Guatemala | Rescue Program

9 years ago

Leading & Loving It and World Help are joining forces to rescue and restore severely malnourished children in some of Guatemala’s most impoverished communities. Learn more and join the rescue at
- Under: Rescue Programs

Rescue and Restore | Leading & Loving and World Help

9 years ago
- Under: Rescue Programs

Baby Rescue | Jerry's Story

9 years ago



Clean water is one of our most vital needs. But one in 10 people around the world don’t have access to it. When you give one person the gift of clean water, you give him improved health. You give him more time that can be spent working or getting an education instead of walking miles to gather water. And you give him an opportunity to see the love of Christ at work. Learn more and give at
- Under: Projects, Water

Give water. Give life.

7 years ago
- Under: Water, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Community Water Project

8 years ago
- Under: Water, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Water Well

8 years ago

It’s been nearly two years since a massive earthquake destroyed thousands of lives in Nepal. But today, one village received a symbol of hope and revival — a new church building. Still, the people of Nepal desperately need your help. They especially need clean water since the earthquake destroyed more than 5,000 water sources. For just $15, you can provide clean water to one person in Nepal or one of the countless villages around the world that lack access to this basic resource. Learn more at
- Under: From the Field, Water

From the field | Bringing hope to Nepal

8 years ago

With clean water, people are healthier. They can spend more time working instead of walking to distance water sources. Children can attend school and build successful futures. Best of all since water projects are often built near local churches, people have the opportunity to learn about the Gospel every time they collect water. Clean water changes everything. And you can give this life-changing gift to someone today for just $15. Learn more and give at
- Under: Water

Clean water changes everything

7 years ago

You’ve probably heard the phrase “water is life.” But what does that mean? Listen as our Zimbabwe partner explains how clean water has changed the lives of people in the village of Murambe. Clean water supports education, local commerce, and affects both the physical and spiritual health of anyone who draws from the well. Water truly is life, and you can give clean water to someone for an entire year for just $15. Find out more at
- Under: Water

Water is life

7 years ago
- Under: Water

World Water Day | Water for Kirinda

10 years ago

In Matthew 10:42, Jesus says, “And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward” (NIV). Today, you can provide one year of clean water for a person in poverty. All it takes is $15. Learn more and give at
- Under: Water

Gift the gift of clean water

6 years ago
- Under: Child Sponsorship, Water

Brenda's Story

9 years ago

World Help Gifts

- Under: Projects, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts

8 years ago

Gift of a Bible to those in need
- Under: Bibles, World Help Gifts

just now

Impact of the gift of cows to those in need
- Under: Community Development, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Cows

8 years ago

Impact of the gift of pigs to those in need
- Under: Community Development, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Pigs

8 years ago

Impact of the gift of chickens to those in need
- Under: Community Development, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Chickens

8 years ago
- Under: Community Development, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Goats

8 years ago
- Under: Community Development, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Vocational Training

8 years ago
- Under: Community Development, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Uniforms

8 years ago
- Under: World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Bicycles

8 years ago
- Under: World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Homes of Hope

8 years ago
- Under: World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Immunizations

8 years ago
- Under: Community Development, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Livestock Bundle

8 years ago
- Under: Community Development, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Merchandise

8 years ago
- Under: World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Shoes

8 years ago
- Under: Water, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Community Water Project

8 years ago
- Under: Water, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Water Well

8 years ago

This Christmas, choose to transform a life forever. Give gifts that change lives. Learn more:
- Under: World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Transform a life today ...

8 years ago

For Jay and Michele-Lyn Ault, the World Help Gifts catalog gave them a way to refocus on the birth of Jesus with their four kids. “Christmas was really supposed to be about Jesus, and we were only spending a few minutes reading the Christmas story on Christmas Day,” Michele-Lyn said. “The rest of it was going to gift buying.”
- Under: World Help Gifts

Why our family chooses to give charitable gifts for Christmas

7 years ago

Can you imagine sending your children to school without shoes? Kids in developing countries are constantly at risk of injury without shoes, and many are barred from attending school if they can’t meet the dress code. When a child receives a pair of high quality shoes, it fosters dignity, confidence, and so much more. To learn about this and other life-changing gifts you can give this holiday season, visit
- Under: World Help Gifts

Many kids are wishing for shoes this Christmas

6 years ago

At night, many children around the world are vulnerable to one of the world’s deadliest diseases — mosquito-transmitted malaria. Bed nets are a simple yet cost-effective tool that can drastically reduce the risk of malaria and other diseases carried by mosquitos. To learn more about this and other lifesaving gifts you can give this holiday season, visit
- Under: World Help Gifts

Mosquito nets are a lifesaving gift

6 years ago

A refugee’s Christmas wish list is simple: food, water, medicine, and other vital supplies that we often take for granted. Receiving these items will not only help him survive, but will also provide comfort during the holiday season. He will know that even though he is far away from home and friends, he is not forgotten. And your gift multiplies — $35 provides $189 worth of aid! Learn more about this and other lifesaving gifts you can give this holiday season at
- Under: World Help Gifts

Help provide Christmas for a refugee

6 years ago

Did you know it takes as little as $5 to change the life of a person in need? Your gift will provide urgent physical help and spiritual hope in some of the world’s most impoverished places. You can help give food for the hungry, medical attention for the sick, or Bibles and church buildings for persecuted Christians. Visit learn more about how you can get involved and rescue someone today.
- Under: World Help Gifts

It takes as little as $12 to help change a life

6 years ago
- Under: Water

World Water Day | Water for Kirinda

10 years ago
- Under: Water, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Water Well

8 years ago
- Under: Community Development, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Vocational Training

8 years ago
- Under: Community Development, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Uniforms

8 years ago

This Christmas, choose to transform a life forever. Give gifts that change lives. Learn more:
- Under: World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Transform a life today ...

8 years ago
- Under: World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Shoes

8 years ago

Impact of the gift of pigs to those in need
- Under: Community Development, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Pigs

8 years ago
- Under: Community Development, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Merchandise

8 years ago
- Under: Community Development, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Livestock Bundle

8 years ago
- Under: World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Immunizations

8 years ago
- Under: World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Homes of Hope

8 years ago
- Under: Community Development, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Goats

8 years ago

Impact of the gift of cows to those in need
- Under: Community Development, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Cows

8 years ago
- Under: Water, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Community Water Project

8 years ago

Impact of the gift of chickens to those in need
- Under: Community Development, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Chickens

8 years ago
- Under: World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts | Bicycles

8 years ago

Gift of a Bible to those in need
- Under: Bibles, World Help Gifts

just now
- Under: Projects, World Help Gifts

World Help Gifts

8 years ago

For Jay and Michele-Lyn Ault, the World Help Gifts catalog gave them a way to refocus on the birth of Jesus with their four kids. “Christmas was really supposed to be about Jesus, and we were only spending a few minutes reading the Christmas story on Christmas Day,” Michele-Lyn said. “The rest of it was going to gift buying.”
- Under: World Help Gifts

Why our family chooses to give charitable gifts for Christmas

7 years ago

World Help is a Christian humanitarian organization serving the physical and spiritual needs of people in impoverished community around the world. Since 1991, the World Help family has impacted more than 80 million people in over 70 different countries with help for today and hope for tomorrow. We invite you to get involved today. Your support will help bring clean water to communities, lifesaving supplies to people in need, Bibles to persecuted Christians, and so much more. Learn more and give at
- Under: About World Help

Who is World Help?

6 years ago

You’ve probably heard the phrase “water is life.” But what does that mean? Listen as our Zimbabwe partner explains how clean water has changed the lives of people in the village of Murambe. Clean water supports education, local commerce, and affects both the physical and spiritual health of anyone who draws from the well. Water truly is life, and you can give clean water to someone for an entire year for just $15. Find out more at
- Under: Water

Water is life

7 years ago
- Under: Community Development, Projects

Village Transformation

8 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees

just now

Sponsorship truly changes a child’s present circumstances and future possibilities. When you sponsor a child, you’re not only providing physical needs such as food, clothing, and educational opportunities. You’re also building a personal relationship through letter writing and prayer. Sponsor a child and change a life for just $35 a month. Learn more and give at
- Under: Child Sponsorship, Children of the World

The power of sponsorship

6 years ago

The Children of the World International Children's Choir wants to take a moment to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and let you know that we are thankful for you. This Thanksgiving, count your blessings … and know you are cherished by all of us here at World Help. God bless you!
- Under: Children of the World

The Children of the World wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!

6 years ago
- Under: Children of the World

The Children of the World International Children's Choir

7 years ago

Many Syrian people have been refugees for years. Others have just recently been driven out of their homes by the latest wave of airstrikes and chemical attacks in eastern Ghouta. They each have different backgrounds. They each have different stories of the horrors they have experienced. But they all have one thing in common — they need help. And you can give it to them. For $35, you will provide one refugee with lifesaving supplies such as food, medicine, and more. Learn more and give at
- Under: Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

Syrian refugees need your help to survive

6 years ago

In the Bang Na slum of Thailand, children are left alone while their mothers are forced to work in factories during the day … and Bangkok’s red-light districts at night. These kids are often at risk of being exploited for labor or sex, and they have no hope of an education. The cycle will continue with their own children someday if nothing changes. But when you sponsor one of these precious children, you will help keep her off the streets and give her the chance to have an education. Visit to learn more.
- Under: Child Sponsorship, Freedom

Stop cultural slavery before it begins

6 years ago

Refugees know what it’s like to face hard circumstances. Many have lost everything and will never be able to return home. But as temperatures drop, refugees around the world aren’t sure how they’ll survive without blankets, warm clothes, or heaters. You can provide the essential aid refugees need this winter. Learn more and give at
- Under: Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

Send warmth to a refugee this winter

7 years ago

Winter is the hardest time of the year for refugees to survive. Without emergency supplies, they face the coldest months of the year without anything to keep them warm. Children often suffer the most, and a simple winter illness can turn deadly if left untreated.
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

Send food and winter supplies to refugees

6 years ago

Countless families around the world are facing another day without enough food, clothing, and medical care. These items are sitting in our warehouse right now, provided by grants and generous corporate donors. But they aren’t doing anyone any good here! Today, you can help ship these lifesaving supplies to the people who need them most. Your $30 gift will send $990 worth of nutritious meals, warm blankets, medicine, and more. Learn more and give at
- Under: Humanitarian Aid

Save a life: Ship emergency supplies

6 years ago

Leading & Loving It and World Help are joining forces to rescue and restore severely malnourished children in some of Guatemala’s most impoverished communities. Learn more and join the rescue at
- Under: Rescue Programs

Rescue and Restore | Leading & Loving and World Help

9 years ago

In places like Thailand and India, extreme poverty has forced many women into the sex industry. But they aren’t the only victims — growing up in the red-light district is detrimental for their children, as well. For just $35 a month, you can help protect one boy or girl from this dangerous environment by providing essentials like a safe place to live, medical care, healthy food, and a quality education. Learn more at
- Under: Child Sponsorship, Freedom

Rescue a child from the sex industry

6 years ago

More than 8,000 people are believed to be dead, over 14,000 have suffered injuries, and hundreds of thousands are completely homeless. In a matter of days, our international development team was able to fly to Kathmandu to assist in aid distribution and begin devising a strategy for rebuilding efforts.
- Under: Community Development, Humanitarian Aid, Projects

Rebuilding Nepal

9 years ago

World Help sponsors are transforming the lives of thousands of children with help and hope. They change the lives of children by impacting global communities, providing confidence and encouragement, and opening the door for healthy futures. Visit to learn how you can come to the aid of disadvantaged children worldwide and "put your love on the map."
- Under: Child Sponsorship

Put Your Love on the Map | Child Sponsorship

9 years ago
- Under: Persecution

Provide practical help for persecuted Christians

6 years ago

Medical care is one of the most critical needs for families in refugee camps around the world. Living in these crowded conditions means sickness spreads quickly. And without treatment, even simple illnesses can become deadly. But for just $35, you can provide
- Under: Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

Provide lifesaving medical care for refugees

6 years ago
- Under: Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

Peter's Story: A South Sudanese Refugee

7 years ago

As the Battle for Mosul rages on, the World Help team works to distribute aid and relief to recent evacuees from the embattled city. An estimated influx of 1 million refugees are expected in the coming days. The need is massive. Time is scarce. Please act. Learn more at
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

Outside Mosul: Refugee Crisis in Iraq

8 years ago

For North Korean Christians, each day could be the day that soldiers arrive at their door to take them away to a political labor camp … simply for believing in Jesus. Just owning a Bible puts them and their families in extreme danger. But many are choosing to take that risk. They know God’s Word is worth it, and they continue to beg for more Bibles. Your gift of $10 today prints and sends one Bible to a persecuted believer or seeker in North Korea. Learn more and give at
- Under: Bibles, Persecution

North Korean Christians are desperate for Bibles

7 years ago

World Help is committed to providing light in the darkest places on earth.
- Under: Bibles, Persecution, Projects

North Korea | Bible Distribution

7 years ago

World Help Vice President of International Programs Mark Hogsed is in Nepal meeting people that have lost everything to the April 25 earthquake in Nepal. World Help is implementing a holistic, long-term recovery strategy, but we desperately need your help to reach families with life-saving aid as soon as possible. Visit to intervene in this humanitarian crisis.
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

Nepal Earthquake | Relief & Rebuilding

9 years ago

World Help Vice President of International Programs Mark Hogsed is in Nepal meeting people that have lost everything to the April 25 earthquake in Nepal. World Help is implementing a holistic, long-term recovery strategy, but we desperately need your help to reach families with life-saving aid as soon as possible. Visit to intervene in this humanitarian crisis.
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

Nepal Earthquake | Aid & Relief

9 years ago

World Help Vice President of International Programs Mark Hogsed meets with the Marhagin family, one of thousands of families that have lost everything to the April 25 earthquake in Nepal.
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

Nepal | From the Field

9 years ago

At night, many children around the world are vulnerable to one of the world’s deadliest diseases — mosquito-transmitted malaria. Bed nets are a simple yet cost-effective tool that can drastically reduce the risk of malaria and other diseases carried by mosquitos. To learn more about this and other lifesaving gifts you can give this holiday season, visit
- Under: World Help Gifts

Mosquito nets are a lifesaving gift

6 years ago

Can you imagine sending your children to school without shoes? Kids in developing countries are constantly at risk of injury without shoes, and many are barred from attending school if they can’t meet the dress code. When a child receives a pair of high quality shoes, it fosters dignity, confidence, and so much more. To learn about this and other life-changing gifts you can give this holiday season, visit
- Under: World Help Gifts

Many kids are wishing for shoes this Christmas

6 years ago

Many communities around the world lack access to critical needs like food, medical care, and clean water. Without these essentials, families spend every day just trying to survive. These people deserve a Village Transformation — one that drastically improves health, education, economics, and spiritual growth. That’s where YOU come in. You can help restore a community to a thriving place where families are empowered to build brighter futures for generations to come. Learn more at
- Under: Community Development

Make a commitment to transform a village

6 years ago

World Help has worked extensively in war-torn Iraq for over a decade. Since the conflict erupted in 2014, our efforts have been focused on providing physical and spiritual relief to those displaced by the conflict. Viyan is just one of the lives impacted by compassionate supporters who intervened...who wanted to make a difference. Support is still needed and many more yearn for hope. Learn how you can get involved:
- Under: Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

Living As A Refugee | Viyan's Story

8 years ago

When you invite World Help’s Children of the World International Children’s choir to your church, you will be blessed with song, dance, spoken word, and creative media. You’ll learn about the staggering realities of poverty, the untold stories of disadvantaged children … and how your church can help. These children have traveled around the world from countries including the Philippines, Uganda, Honduras, and Nepal to minister to churches just like yours. To book the choir today, call 800-541-6691.
- Under: Children of the World

Let the Children of the World encourage your church!

7 years ago
- Under: Community Development

Kelly's House | Special Needs Home, Guatemala

8 years ago

Did you know it takes as little as $5 to change the life of a person in need? Your gift will provide urgent physical help and spiritual hope in some of the world’s most impoverished places. You can help give food for the hungry, medical attention for the sick, or Bibles and church buildings for persecuted Christians. Visit learn more about how you can get involved and rescue someone today.
- Under: World Help Gifts

It takes as little as $12 to help change a life

6 years ago

Vernon Brewer reports from the village of Shaqlawa, where 250 Christian families have fled for their lives from ISIS. They have paid a great price for their faith in Jesus Christ—suffering the unthinkable as ISIS’s brutal tactics rage on. World Help has made a commitment to stand in solidarity with Iraqi Christians . . . and we are urging you to join us. Learn more at
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

Iraq | Stand with Persecuted Christians

10 years ago

With the help of the American Church, World Help is able to invest in the the lives of Iraqi children. Displaced from their homes, this "lost generation" is living without education, stability, or opportunity. But together, we are working to restore their futures.
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

Iraq | Rebuilding the Future for Refugee Children

9 years ago

With your help, we are able to minister to refugee communities not far from the threat of ISIS. The food, water, mattresses, cooking stoves, and other supplies we provide for these families give them incredible hope. Consider how you can be the hands and feet of Jesus on the ground to Iraqis. Visit to get involved today.
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

Iraq | Meeting with Persecution

9 years ago

Vernon Brewer reports from our mobile medical clinic just outside Erbil, in northern Iraq. In only the first 2 hours of the day, the medical team was able to treat over 70 patients. Conditions for refugees remain dire, with medical and dental treatment becoming more urgent. To help or learn more about our work in Iraq, visit:
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

Iraq | Medical Clinic Brings Healing to Refugees

9 years ago

With your help, we are able to minister to refugee communities not far from the threat of ISIS. The food, water, mattresses, cooking stoves, and other supplies we provide for these families give them incredible hope. Consider how you can be the hands and feet of Jesus on the ground to Iraqis. Visit to get involved today.
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

Iraq | Help and Hope on the Ground

9 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

Iraq | Greetings Friends at Spark

9 years ago

World Help President Vernon Brewer reports from a refugee relief center near Erbil, Iraq. At this location, Word Help along with national partners work to relieve the physical and spiritual burdens that come as a result of losing livelihoods, friends, finances, and homes. Yet, through it all, they still have hope.
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

Iraq | Aid Distribution for Christian Refugees

10 years ago
- Under: Humanitarian Aid

Humanitarian Aid | Shipping

7 years ago

Human trafficking is a multi-billion dollar industry. But not all those bought and sold for sex are trafficked in the traditional sense. In Thailand and India, for example, girls are told they need to be the breadwinners for their families. Without an education, that often means a life in the sex industry. But by sponsoring a child in this culture, you can help break the cycle of cultural slavery before it even begins. For $35 a month, you can essentials like a safe place to live, medical care, education, and more. Learn more and give at
- Under: Freedom

Human Trafficking Awareness Day

6 years ago

El Chico, Guatemala is miles away from a doctor’s office. So people came from all over the village when they heard a medical team was coming to provide healthcare. But the team wasn’t there just to meet people’s physical needs; were also there to share the Gospel. That’s what help and hope is all about … meeting people’s immediate physical needs while also pointing them to eternal hope in Christ. As part of the World Help family, that’s what you’re doing every time you give to help someone in need. Every $5 you give has the power to impact one person’s life … and to introduce them to Christ. Learn more at
- Under: From the Field

Helping heal bodies and souls in Guatemala

6 years ago

In many villages along the Amazon River in Peru, clean water and adequate medical care are almost unheard of. Even more heartbreaking, there were very few churches, and many people in these remote communities have never heard about the love of Jesus. But you can help completely transform a village — both physically and spiritually. Your gift will help provide clean-water wells, build medical clinics, renovate schools, and construct church buildings so local church planters can expand their ministry. Learn more and give at
- Under: Community Development, From the Field

Help transform a village in Peru

6 years ago

More than 70,000 people are being held in North Korean labor camps simply because they are Christians. But despite the threat of persecution, the North Korean church is rapidly growing. You have the chance to be a part of that! For $10, you can provide hope through the gift of God’s Word to a believer or seeker in North Korea. Learn more and give at
- Under: Bibles, Persecution

just now

A refugee’s Christmas wish list is simple: food, water, medicine, and other vital supplies that we often take for granted. Receiving these items will not only help him survive, but will also provide comfort during the holiday season. He will know that even though he is far away from home and friends, he is not forgotten. And your gift multiplies — $35 provides $189 worth of aid! Learn more about this and other lifesaving gifts you can give this holiday season at
- Under: World Help Gifts

Help provide Christmas for a refugee

6 years ago

Many girls in Thailand and India have never been asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Because of poverty, they have only one option: life trapped in the sex industry. But you can help introduce one girl to freedom today. Your gift of $50 will help provide her with a safe place to live, counseling, education, medical care, outreach, and more. Learn more and give at
- Under: Freedom

Help introduce one girl to freedom

6 years ago
- Under: Freedom

Help end cultural slavery

6 years ago

For the last 25 years, World Help has worked to provide help for today and hope for tomorrow to impoverished communities around the world. We believe that transformation is only possible when the needs of the body and the soul are met at the same time. This shows people that they matter to God both now and for eternity. For thousands of Guatemalans, this ethos has brought immediate and long-term hope. Learn more about World Help's holistic approach to transforming lives in Guatemala, and how you can partner with us.
- Under: About World Help

Help and Hope | Guatemala

9 years ago

Winter is by far one of the most difficult times of the year for refugees. Most families can barely afford food, much less coats and heaters. Without these winter essentials, refugees face sickness or even death. But you can give them the help they need. Just $35 provides one refugee with $189 worth of lifesaving supplies such as food, warm blankets, and medicine. Learn more and give at
- Under: Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

Help a refugee survive this winter

7 years ago

The refugee crisis is not isolated to any one part of the globe. People worldwide have been driven from their homes for a variety of reasons including violence, famine, and severe religious persecution. But they all have one thing in common: They’ve lost everything. You can give one desperate refugee the help he needs and show him the love of Christ. Your gift today will provide lifesaving supplies such as healthy food, clean water, medicine, and more. Learn more and give at
- Under: Projects, Refugees

just now

Many girls in Thailand and India are trapped in a life of cultural and sexual slavery. But for $50, you can help one girl gain her freedom. You will help provide her with a safe place to live, access to education, medical care, and trauma counseling. Most importantly, you will help introduce her to the ultimate source of freedom — Jesus Christ. Learn more and give at
- Under: Freedom

Help a girl find physical and spiritual freedom

6 years ago

Whether you sponsor a child or have provided for others around the world, you have shown the love of Christ. For that, we want to say a big “thank you” and wish you a very happy Valentine’s Day! You are making an eternal difference in so many ways for people in need.
- Under: Children of the World

Happy Valentine’s Day from the Children of the World

6 years ago

World Help is a mosaic of people united by one desire: To be the hands, feet, and heart of Jesus. Thank you for uniting with us to share hope. Together, we can change the world!
- Under: About World Help

Hands, Feet, and Heart

9 years ago

World Help is a mosaic of people united by one desire: To be the hands, feet, and heart of Jesus. Thank you for uniting with us to share hope. Together, we can change the world!
- Under: Creative Giving

Hands, Feet and Heart (Planned Giving)

8 years ago

For just $50, you can rescue a child on the brink of starvation in Haiti, Uganda, or Guatemala … a child like Vanessa, who would have died without the intervention of someone like you. Learn more at
- Under: Rescue Programs

Haiti Rescue Story: Vanessa

8 years ago

For just $50, you can rescue a child on the brink of starvation in Haiti, Uganda, or Guatemala … a child like My Love, who would have died without the intervention of someone like you. Learn more at
- Under: Rescue Programs

Haiti Rescue Story: My Love

8 years ago

World Help and Leading & Loving It are serving together in Guatemala this week. Watch as the team reports from a local dump, where hope is being shared in the midst of extreme poverty. Visit to learn more about the vision of Leading & Loving It to provide 200 children with holistic health care. Or, follow #LALIRescue15 on Twitter for real-time updates.
- Under: From the Field, Rescue Programs

Guatemala | Leading and Love It Rescue

9 years ago
- Under: Child Sponsorship

Guatemala | Child Sponsorship Party

9 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Rescue Programs

Guatemala | Baby Rescue

9 years ago

When the Zin family was violently driven from their home, they never dreamed anything good could come of it. But God had a plan. After visiting the refugee clinic made possible by World Help supporters, the entire family came to Christ! When you give aid to a refugee for just $35, you do more than provide physical aid. You open doors to share the Gospel. Learn more and give at
- Under: Refugees

God meant it for good: The Zin family

7 years ago

You can give in more ways than by check, cash, or credit card ... and you can save doing so. Learn more at:
- Under: Creative Giving

Give wisely through your stocks

8 years ago

Clean water is one of our most vital needs. But one in 10 people around the world don’t have access to it. When you give one person the gift of clean water, you give him improved health. You give him more time that can be spent working or getting an education instead of walking miles to gather water. And you give him an opportunity to see the love of Christ at work. Learn more and give at
- Under: Projects, Water

Give water. Give life.

7 years ago

In Matthew 10:42, Jesus says, “And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward” (NIV). Today, you can provide one year of clean water for a person in poverty. All it takes is $15. Learn more and give at
- Under: Water

Gift the gift of clean water

6 years ago

Many people today are in urgent need of help. And there are many ways you can get involved and start saving lives. You can donate food, clothing, and other supplies essential supplies or help cover the shipping cost to send these items to the people who need them most. Any amount you can give will make an incredible impact around the world. Learn more and give at
- Under: Humanitarian Aid

Give humanitarian aid to people in need

6 years ago
- Under: About World Help

General World Help Overview

8 years ago

Sponsorship changes a child’s present circumstances and future possibilities. When you sponsor a child, you’re not only providing physical needs like food, clothing, and educational opportunities. You’re also building a personal relationship through letter writing and prayer. Become a sponsor today and help rescue a child from poverty for just $35 a month. Learn more at

From the Field: Why child sponsorship matters

6 years ago

Sponsorship changes a child’s present circumstances and future possibilities. When you sponsor a child, you’re not only providing physical needs like food, clothing, and educational opportunities. You’re also building a personal relationship through letter writing and prayer. Become a sponsor today and help rescue a child from poverty for just $35 a month. Learn more at
- Under: Child Sponsorship, From the Field

From the Field: Why child sponsorship matters

6 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees
Homepage Ukraine

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- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees
Homepage Ukraine

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- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees

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- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees

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- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees

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- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees

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- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees

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- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees
Homepage Ukraine

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- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees
Homepage Ukraine

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- Under: From the Field, Ukraine Refugees


3 years ago

In Thailand, cultural slavery begins in the slums. Poverty steals a girl’s hopes and dreams. It forces her to do unthinkable things like enter the sex industry just to survive. But for $50, you can help introduce one girl to freedom. Your gift will help provide things such as a safe place to live, education, medical care, counseling, and outreach. Learn more and give
- Under: Freedom, From the Field

From the Field: The source of cultural slavery

6 years ago

Bangkok is at the center stage of the international sex industry. Night after night, thousands of sex workers earn their living here. But there's so much more to the story. These girls and young women are enslaved to a system without justice . . . without hope. Learn how World Help is partnering to provide these women with second chances through a rehabilitation program that values education, empowerment, and the healing love of Christ. Visit for more information.
- Under: Freedom, From the Field

From the Field: Thailand | Rebuilding Lives of Sex Workers in Bangkok

9 years ago
- Under: Freedom, From the Field

From the Field: Thailand | Minn's Story

7 years ago

Walking Street in Pattaya is the heart of Thailand's red light district, where countless women and young girls are forced by chains of poverty into a life of sexual slavery. World Help is working to provide a way out—a place of refuge, restoration, and true transformation. And your support is helping us to do exactly that. To learn more, visit
- Under: Freedom, From the Field

From the Field: Thailand | Hope Reaches the Streets of Pattaya

9 years ago

Walking Street in Pattaya is the heart of Thailand's red light district, where countless women and young girls are forced by chains of poverty into a life of sexual slavery. World Help is working to provide a way out—a place of refuge, restoration, and true transformation. And your support is helping us to do exactly that. To learn more, visit
- Under: Freedom, From the Field

From the Field: Thailand | Hope Reaches the Streets of Pattaya (WH)

8 years ago
- Under: Freedom, From the Field

From the Field: Thailand | Da's story

7 years ago

A refugee camp can be a hopeless place. There is little food. Almost no medicine. No jobs. No schools. Most of the people are struggling just to survive. But for $35, you can provide essentials such as healthy meals, clothes, and medical care for one refugee that will last more than a week. You can bring hope into this hopeless situation. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: Syrian refugees desperate for help

6 years ago

In impoverished communities, the children are often the ones who suffer most. And unless they receive help, many of them will remain trapped in poverty their entire lives. But you can help break the cycle. For just $35 a month, you can provide one child with life-changing essentials like healthy food, medical care, and educational opportunities. You’ll also have the chance to write to that child and build a lasting relationship with him or her. Learn more today at
- Under: Child Sponsorship, From the Field

From the Field: Rescue a child from poverty

6 years ago

On the Syrian border, refugees are bracing for winter. Most don’t have enough blankets, coats, heaters, or food. Without help, every day of the coming months will be a fight to survive. But for just $35, you can provide $189 worth of lifesaving aid to a refugee. Your generosity will rescue someone in need and powerfully demonstrate the love of Christ. To learn more or give, visit
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: Refugees are bracing for winter

6 years ago

Hurricane Maria has been called the worst natural disaster on record in Puerto Rico. Months later, many families still don’t have enough food, clean water, or shelter. But your $30 today will help meet the most urgent physical needs of people in Puerto Rico
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

From the Field: Rebuilding lives after Hurricane Maria

7 years ago

Over the past several years, the nation of Cuba has seen a rapidly growing network of local churches. But there are still many people who have never heard the name of Jesus. For just $30, you can help church planters in Cuba and around the world reach more
- Under: Church Planting, From the Field

just now

Hurricane Maria has been called the worst natural disaster on record in Puerto Rico. Months later, many families still don’t have enough food, clean water, or shelter. But your $30 today will help meet the most urgent physical needs of people in Puerto Rico and around the world. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

From the Field: On the ground in Puerto Rico

7 years ago

Pneumonia and other cold-weather illnesses are rampant in the refugee camps, and there are not nearly enough medical supplies for all the people who are sick. Food is running out. People are dying from starvation and exposure.
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

From the Field: Middle East | Near The Syrian Border

8 years ago

The battle for Mosul has begun. Bombings are becoming more frequent, ISIS snipers are firing on innocent civilians, and terrorists are using women and children as human shields. As many as 1 million refugees will flee the city in the days ahead, and we need your help to provide them with immediate relief. The need is massive … time is scarce. Please act. Learn more at
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | The battle for Mosul

8 years ago

World Help President Vernon Brewer reports from a village near Sulaymaniyah, Iraq. Yazidi refugees have settled in this community after losing everything they had and fleeing from their homes in Sinjar Province over a year ago. Since then, they have been equipped with the life skills necessary to provide for their families, without relying on the help of outsiders. Through initial training and grant money from our implementing partners on the ground, they are able to build a business that is both sustainable and mobile, meaning they can take their trade wherever they finally settle. Hope is being given to these desperate people once again. Learn more about World Help's work in Iraq at
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Small Business Enterprises

9 years ago
- Under: Bibles, From the Field, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Restoring Hope With the Word of God

9 years ago

The battle for Mosul is growing more intense every day. Already, 250,000 people have fled from the city to escape the heavy gunfire from ISIS snipers, and another 750,000 are expected to flee before the battle ends. Winter is quickly approaching, and many camps are running low on essential supplies like food and blankets. The need is massive … time is scarce. Please act. Learn more at
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Refugee Family

8 years ago

A victory in Mosul — ISIS’ last major stronghold in Iraq — could signal an imminent defeat for the terrorist group. However, the battle to reclaim this key city threatens to displace as many as 1 million people. These refugees will need emergency food and supplies to survive the days and weeks ahead as the battle rages. The need is massive … time is scarce. Please act. Learn more at
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Mosul

8 years ago

As winter approaches, thousands of Iraqi refugee families are concerned with only one thing: survival. They are in desperate need of heaters, blankets, warm clothes, and winter supplies.
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Meeting Humanitarian Needs One Life at a time

9 years ago

As the battle for Mosul rages, hundreds of refugees pour out of the city each day. Most arrive at refugee camps with just the clothes on their backs. Those who are sick, injured, or in need of long-term medical care have nowhere to turn. We need your help to provide these people with the medicine and aid they need to survive. The need is urgent … time is scarce. Please act. Learn more at
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Medical Clinic

8 years ago

More than 100,000 Iraqi Christians have been displaced because of persecution by ISIS. They have lost their homes and possessions, and some have even lost their lives … simply because they believe in Jesus. The survivors desperately need our prayers, and they need our help to survive the uncertain days ahead. The need is massive. Time is scarce. Please act. Learn more at
- Under: From the Field, Persecution, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | International Day of Prayer

8 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Persecution, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Interceding for Persecuted Christians

9 years ago
- Under: Community Development, From the Field, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Hope for Refugee Children Through Education

9 years ago

Two million Iraqi children are currently out of school due to conflict and massive displacement. An entire generation of schoolchildren are missing out on the crucial social and academic development found in the classroom. What's more, many of these children have suffered considerable trauma. They are in desperate need of the structure, stability, and normalcy a classroom has to offer.
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Forging Futures in the Classroom

9 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Clinics Bring Healing to the Forgotten

9 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

From the Field: Iraq | Christ Day

8 years ago
- Under: Community Development, From the Field

From the Field: India | Hope Arrives in the Slums

6 years ago

When you give $35 to provide lifesaving aid to a refugee, you give more than just food, clothing, warm blankets, and medicine. You open the door for them to see the love of Christ demonstrated and to hear the Gospel for the very first time. The Zin family is just one example of how you can provide both help for today and hope for tomorrow when you give to a refugee today. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: Hope for the Zinn family

6 years ago

Most child refugees don’t have a school to attend. But Grow School helps care for young children so parents have the chance to work. Even so, many parents still struggle to provide even basic needs for their children. They need food, clothing, and medicine to survive. And today, you can provide these lifesaving supplies for one refugee. Your $35 gift today will provide essentials such as nutritious meals and medical care. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: Helping Syria’s refugee children

6 years ago

A child infected with intestinal worms is living a nightmare. No matter how much he eats, he continues to lose weight. And if he doesn’t receive help … he could die. But you can cure 30 children of deadly parasites for just $30! Every 99 cents you give provides deworming medication that will completely wipe the worms out of a child’s body within days. And families of children who are treated will also a resource telling them about Jesus Christ. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Parasite Medication

From the Field: Help cure a child like Jennifer

6 years ago

Writing letters to your sponsored child fosters a special relationship. For these children in Haiti, their sponsor's words are a constant reminder that they are loved, valued, and important. For more information on how you can start a relationship with a child in need, visit
- Under: Child Sponsorship, From the Field

From the Field: Haiti | Words that Breathe Life

8 years ago

Forty percent of children in Haiti are illiterate. But through child sponsorship, Haiti’s children are receiving education, food, and medical care. When you invest in the life of a child, you give him the tools he needs to succeed in life—and you are helping raise the next generation of Haiti’s leaders. To learn more, visit
- Under: Child Sponsorship, From the Field

From the Field: Haiti | Impacting Haiti’s Future Generation

8 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Rescue Programs

From the Field: Guatemala | Rescue Program

9 years ago

When you help introduce a girl to freedom, you provide things such as a safe place to live, education, medical care, counseling, outreach, and more. But most importantly, you give her a chance to learn about spiritual freedom through Jesus. That’s something she will want to share with her family and friends! So your $50 gift does more than introduce just one girl to freedom. It has the power to influence an entire community. Learn more and give at
- Under: Freedom, From the Field

From the Field: Freedom is contagious

6 years ago

Hurricane Irma devastated the northern coast of Cuba and the people are starving. During a trip to Cuba, we were able to distribute the first shipment of aid to the island country. By giving $30, you send the gift of food, hope, and more to people in desperate need of aid. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

just now

The story of the refugee crisis has fallen out of the news, but refugees around the globe know it is far from over. Imagine how lonely they must feel knowing that much of the world has forgotten about them or simply moved on. Will you remind a refugee today that he is not alone and that you care? Your $35 gift will provide $189 worth of lifesaving aid such as food, medicine, blankets, coats, and more. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: Don’t forget these refugees

6 years ago

A child infected with intestinal worms is living a nightmare. No matter how much he eats, he continues to lose weight. And if he doesn’t receive help … he could die. But you can cure 30 children of deadly parasites for just $30! Every 99 cents you give provides deworming medication that will completely wipe the worms out of a child’s body within days. And families of children who are treated will also a resource telling them about Jesus Christ. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Parasite Medication

From the Field: Cure 30 kids for $30

6 years ago

When Syrian refugees cross the border, they don’t know when they will be able to return home or how they will survive. Their lives have been reduced to what few belongings can fit into a small suitcase or bag. They could easily lose hope. But today, you can meet a refugee’s most urgent needs and remind him he is not alone. Your $35 gift will provide one Syrian refugee with lifesaving essentials such as food, clothing, and medicine. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: Crossing the Syrian border

6 years ago

A child infected with intestinal worms is living a nightmare. No matter how much he eats, he continues to lose weight. And if he doesn’t receive help … he could die. But you can cure 30 children of deadly parasites for just $30! Every 99 cents you give provides deworming medication that will completely wipe the worms out of a child’s body within days. And families of children who are treated will also a resource telling them about Jesus Christ. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Parasite Medication

From the Field: Bringing healing to the Amazon

6 years ago

Here in Thailand, thousands of young girls are trapped in cultural slavery. They have been told their entire lives that they have no worth. But you have the chance to change that. For $50, you can introduce one girl to a freedom she has never known. You can provide a safe place to live, education, counseling, medical attention, outreach, and more. But most importantly, you can introduce her to the love of Jesus. Learn more and give at
- Under: Freedom, From the Field

From the Field: Breaking chains in Thailand

6 years ago

Many Syrian families have been living in refugee camps for more than five years. The conditions are deplorable, and they rarely have enough food. They may have escaped civil war and ISIS, but they are still suffering. You can help. For $35, you can provide a refugee with essentials such as food, clothing, and medicine for at least a week. Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field: A look inside a Syrian refugee camp

6 years ago
- Under: Child Sponsorship, Freedom, From the Field

From the Field India | Sponsorship Brings Freedom from the Sex Industry

6 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

From the Field in Nepal | Victims Struggling to Survive

9 years ago
- Under: Community Development, From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

From the Field in Nepal | Rebuilding Together

9 years ago
- Under: Community Development, From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

From the Field in Nepal | Rebuild

9 years ago
- Under: Community Development, From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

From the Field in Nepal | Laboring Together

9 years ago
- Under: Child Sponsorship, Community Development, From the Field

From the Field in Nepal | Grace Home

9 years ago
- Under: Community Development, From the Field

From the Field in Nepal | Churches in Need

9 years ago
- Under: Child Sponsorship, From the Field

From the Field in Nepal | Child Sponsorship

9 years ago
- Under: Community Development, From the Field, Humanitarian Aid

From the Field in Nepal | Chaku

9 years ago

Did you know that when you sponsor a child, you give them access to life-saving medical treatment? Because of the love of her sponsor, Landia underwent surgery to have a cancerous tumor removed from her eye. Today, her life is finally returning to normal—she can’t wait to start school! For more information on how you can start your sponsorship journey, visit
- Under: Child Sponsorship, From the Field

From the Field | Where Medicine and Compassion Meet

8 years ago

There are more than 600,000 orphans in Rwanda and many more children who are living in poverty. But through sponsorship, you can offer a child a better future. All it takes is $35 a month to provide the tools to succeed such as food, education, and medical care. Best of all, you’ll give your sponsored child the opportunity to learn about Jesus Christ. Become a sponsor today at
- Under: Child Sponsorship, From the Field

From the field | Rebuilding Rwanda one child at a time

7 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Persecution

From the Field | North Korea - Day 3

7 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Persecution

From the Field | North Korea - Day 2

7 years ago
- Under: Community Development, From the Field, Refugees

From the Field | Middle East | School

7 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field | Middle East | Aid Handouts

7 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field | Middle East | Medical Clinics

7 years ago

More than 1.2 million people have been forced to flee the violence in South Sudan … and more than 80 percent of these refugees are women and children. They’ve lost their husbands and fathers. They’ve lost their homes. They’ve lost everything. And they need your help.
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

From the field | Life as a child refugee

7 years ago

Nearly 80,000 Syrian refugees are living in the Za’atari refugee camp. Some have been here as long as four years … and it’s becoming increasing difficult to survive. Food is scarce, sanitation is nonexistent, and the harshest winter months have arrived. These people are dying from starvation, pneumonia, and exposure. They need your help to stay alive. Please act now. Every minute counts.
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field | Inside the largest Syrian refugee camp

8 years ago

For just $35, you can send $189 worth of lifesaving aid to a refugee in need, just like Ashur and Sabeen. They’ll receive essentials like food and medicine as well as a copy of God’s Word.
- Under: From the Field, Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

From the Field | Healing bodies, healing souls

8 years ago
- Under: From the Field, Persecution

From the field | Escape from North Korea

7 years ago

It’s been nearly two years since a massive earthquake destroyed thousands of lives in Nepal. But today, one village received a symbol of hope and revival — a new church building. Still, the people of Nepal desperately need your help. They especially need clean water since the earthquake destroyed more than 5,000 water sources. For just $15, you can provide clean water to one person in Nepal or one of the countless villages around the world that lack access to this basic resource. Learn more at
- Under: From the Field, Water

From the field | Bringing hope to Nepal

8 years ago

Sponsorship is giving impoverished children in Uganda a second chance. War and AIDS have left many boys and girls orphaned and trapped in a cycle of poverty. But you can give one child a way out. Your gift of $35 a month will provide essentials such as food, education, and basic medical care. And your prayers and encouragement will give your sponsored child the courage to build a better future. Start your sponsorship journey today at
- Under: Child Sponsorship, From the Field

From the Field | A bright ray of hope in Uganda

7 years ago

Thailand is a major hub for victims of the sex industry both from rural, impoverished areas of the country and other nations with impoverished backgrounds. Women and young girls are forcibly taken or lured with promises of economic opportunity in cities like Pattaya which is home to at least 30,000-50,000 sex workers.
- Under: Freedom, Projects

Freedom from the Sex Industry | Thailand

8 years ago

The global hunger crisis threatens the lives of countless children. Violence, drought, and poverty have left many without anything to eat, especially across Africa and the Middle East. No child should have to suffer and die from something as preventable as hunger. For just $40, you can feed one hungry child for an entire year. Learn more and give at
- Under: Hunger Crisis

Feed one hungry child for a year

6 years ago

Life as a refugee — with no permanent home and an uncertain future — is hard enough. But when it’s coupled with constant, gnawing hunger, even the most optimistic people can begin to feel hopeless. Many refugees around the world don’t know if they will eat today. Parents are wondering how much longer their children can live without the nutrients they need. They are desperate for help … and for just $35, you can feed one starving refugee today. Your gift will provide emergency food plus medicine and other critical essentials. You can help save a life. Learn more and give at
- Under: Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

Feed a starving refugee

6 years ago

War is one of the leading causes of famine. Crops are destroyed, people fleeing can’t afford nutritious food … and it is always the children who suffer most. But for $40, you can help one starving child survive. You gift will provide enough food for an entire year! Give today, and save a life. Learn more at
- Under: Hunger Crisis, Projects

Feed a starving child for a year

6 years ago

Thank you, Evangel Church, for sharing hope with displaced Iraqi families. Your compassion is making an impact that will outlive you and last for eternity.
- Under: From the Field, Refugees

Evangel Church | Partnering to Bring Hope to Iraq

9 years ago

Have you ever thought, “I would love to give more, but I just don’t have enough in my checking account?” The truth is there are numerous gifts you can afford when you begin to look beyond your checkbook. Contact one of World Help’s financial experts today to discover how you can put your financial assets to work helping others. Visit to learn more.
- Under: Creative Giving

Discover creative ways to increase your giving

6 years ago

Faithful World Help supporters have planted churches, distributed God's Word, and brought hope to the nation of Cuba for over two decades. As doors swing open for more spiritual development in the nation, it's time for you to engage Cuba further--to share the hope of God with even more individuals.
- Under: Church Planting, Projects

Cuba for Christ

9 years ago

With clean water, people are healthier. They can spend more time working instead of walking to distance water sources. Children can attend school and build successful futures. Best of all since water projects are often built near local churches, people have the opportunity to learn about the Gospel every time they collect water. Clean water changes everything. And you can give this life-changing gift to someone today for just $15. Learn more and give at
- Under: Water

Clean water changes everything

7 years ago

Syrian Christians are at risk because of Islamic extremist groups. Many churches have been destroyed, and Muslim-background believers often face serious threats. They desperately need our prayers and support. Learn more and discover how you can help at
- Under: Persecution

Christian persecution in Syria

6 years ago

Islamic nationalists from Sudan have pushed for the cleansing of all other religions from their nation, destroying churches and driving many Christians into South Sudan. These persecuted believers desperately need our prayers and support. Learn more and discover how you can help at
- Under: Persecution

Christian persecution in Sudan

6 years ago

North Korea has been ranked as the most dangerous place for Christians to live for 16 years in a row. An estimated 70,000 Christ-followers are currently enslaved in labor camps. These persecuted believers desperately need our prayers and support. Learn more and discover how you can help at
- Under: Persecution

Christian persecution in North Korea

6 years ago

In many parts of Nigeria, Christianity is seen as a religion that needs to be eradicated. Muslim extremists demand that believers convert to Islam or face death. These persecuted Christians desperately need our prayers and support. Learn more and discover how you can help at
- Under: Persecution

Christian persecution in Nigeria

6 years ago

In Nepal, Hindu nationalists view any other religion as a threat to their country’s identity. Extremists say they especially want to make the nation “Christian-free.” Nepali believers desperately need our prayers and support. Learn more and discover how you can help at
- Under: Persecution

Christian persecution in Nepal

6 years ago

Buddhism and nationalism go hand-in-hand in the country of Myanmar. Conversion to Christianity is often seen as a betrayal of both country and family. Believers from Myanmar desperately need our prayers and support. Learn more and discover how you can help at
- Under: Persecution

Christian persecution in Myanmar

6 years ago

The Islamic militant group al-Shabab often targets believers in Kenya. It has harassed, beaten, kidnapped, and killed dozens of Christians in recent years. Christ-followers from Kenya desperately need our prayers and support. Learn more and discover how you can help at
- Under: Persecution

Christian persecution in Kenya

6 years ago

In Jordan, Muslim-background believers face intense persecution from family and friends. Pressure to convert back to Islam comes in the form of discrimination, abuse, and sometimes even physical threats. These brothers and sisters desperately need our prayers and support. Learn more and discover how you can help at
- Under: Persecution

Christian persecution in Jordan

6 years ago

The rise of radical Islam in Iraq has driven many Christians to flee the country. Believers are frequently threatened, kidnapped, or even killed for their faith. Christ-followers in Iraq desperately need our prayers and support. Learn more and discover how you can help at
- Under: Persecution

Christian persecution in Iraq

6 years ago

A rise of secularism mixed with Islamic extremism has threatened the safety of Ethiopian believers. Christians must often worship in secret to avoid abuse. They desperately need our prayers and support. Learn more and discover how you can help at
- Under: Persecution

Christian persecution in Ethiopia

6 years ago
- Under: Child Sponsorship, Children of the World

Child Sponsorship Testimony | Amrit

7 years ago
- Under: Child Sponsorship

Child Sponsorship Birthday

7 years ago
- Under: Child Sponsorship, Children of the World

Child Sponsorship | Wangdi's Story

8 years ago

REBUILD FUTURES | CHILD SPONSORSHIP To invest in a child is to invest in the future. World Help’s Child Sponsorship Program provides help and hope to thousands of children in 25 countries around the world. Rescuing is just the beginning . . . lasting transformation takes time and commitment. In the place of heartache and devastation, hope is able to take root . . . healing and renewing what was once broken. Through sponsorship, children are given the chance to thrive with access to healthcare, educational opportunities, nutritious food, clean water, and most important, the message of hope through Jesus Christ. FOR ONLY $35 A MONTH, YOU CAN BEGIN MAKING A LASTING DIFFERENCE IN A CHILD’S LIFE. As a sponsor, you’ll be able to correspond with your child, send gifts, participate in special projects, and receive updates and photos. Our response to brokenness must be to act as Restorers, people who initiate and cultivate wholeness and stability in the lives of those who need it. This creates an environment where hope can begin to flourish again. And when a child has hope, the days ahead are full of possibility and potential. The concept is simple, but the impact is eternal. Renew hope for a child who desperately needs someone who cares. Become a sponsor today!
- Under: Child Sponsorship

Child Sponsorship | Umaru's Story

12 years ago

World Help’s Child Sponsorship Program is creating brighter futures for thousands of children in 25 countries around the world . . . children just like Saroj. For just $35 a month, you can provide an impoverished child with healthcare, a quality education, nutrition, clean water, and most important, the message of God's love for them. The concept is simple, but the results are eternal. Make this transformation investment in the life of a child who desperately needs it. Start your sponsorship journey today at
- Under: Child Sponsorship

Child Sponsorship | Saroj's Story

9 years ago
- Under: Child Sponsorship

Child Sponsorship | Ronald's Story

11 years ago
- Under: Child Sponsorship, Children of the World

Child Sponsorship | Rohit's Story

6 years ago

REBUILD FUTURES | CHILD SPONSORSHIP To invest in a child is to invest in the future. World Help’s Child Sponsorship Program provides help and hope to thousands of children in 25 countries around the world. Rescuing is just the beginning . . . lasting transformation takes time and commitment. In the place of heartache and devastation, hope is able to take root . . . healing and renewing what was once broken. Through sponsorship, children are given the chance to thrive with access to healthcare, educational opportunities, nutritious food, clean water, and most important, the message of hope through Jesus Christ. FOR ONLY $35 A MONTH, YOU CAN BEGIN MAKING A LASTING DIFFERENCE IN A CHILD’S LIFE. As a sponsor, you’ll be able to correspond with your child, send gifts, participate in special projects, and receive updates and photos. Our response to brokenness must be to act as Restorers, people who initiate and cultivate wholeness and stability in the lives of those who need it. This creates an environment where hope can begin to flourish again. And when a child has hope, the days ahead are full of possibility and potential. The concept is simple, but the impact is eternal. Renew hope for a child who desperately needs someone who cares. Become a sponsor today!
- Under: Child Sponsorship

Child Sponsorship | Francis' Story

12 years ago

As winter sweeps refugee camps worldwide, many children and families don’t have the supplies they need to survive. Blankets, heaters, and warm clothes are often impossible to find and too expensive to purchase. But for just $35, you can provide $189 worth of food and winter supplies for a refugee. Learn more and give at
- Under: Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

Child refugees need your help this winter

7 years ago

This year we are celebrating World Help’s 25th anniversary—a quarter century of providing help and hope around the world! Since inception, we have seen and over 70 million lives impacted worldwide! Thank you for joining us for this incredible journey . . . your faith, compassion, and generosity are making miracles possible.
- Under: About World Help

Celebrating 25 Years of Help and Hope

9 years ago

When Guatemala’s Fuego volcano erupted, the people of Los Lotes had no warning. The village of 2,000 people was buried under 10 to 20 feet of volcanic ash. The few survivors have lost everything — and they need your help! You can help provide homes for people who lost everything. Any amount you can give will help! Learn more and give at
- Under: From the Field

Build homes for volcano victims

6 years ago
- Under: Child Sponsorship, Water

Brenda's Story

9 years ago

We shared Blanca Olivia's story with you in the Operation Baby Rescue Documentary. Now hear from Blanca's mother about how Operation Baby Rescue impacted her.
- Under: Rescue Programs

Blanca’s Mother (Baby Rescue Story)

8 years ago
- Under: Bibles, From the Field, Refugees

Bibles for Iraq

8 years ago
- Under: Bibles, Projects

just now
- Under: Bibles

just now
- Under: Rescue Programs

Baby Rescue | Jerry's Story

9 years ago

When Tabitha was 3 years old, she was all alone. She had no future. But because of sponsorship, she was able to live at a children’s home where she received food, clothing, education, and love. Tabitha’s mentors at the children’s home — lovingly nicknamed “aunties” and “uncles” — invested in all areas of her life. After Tabitha finished her education, she became a teacher at the same school where she was mentored as a girl. She has come full circle — now she is an “auntie.”
- Under: Child Sponsorship, Children of the World

Auntie Tabitha’s sponsorship journey

6 years ago

Each refugee is unique with his or her own heartbreaking story. But refugees do have one thing in common. They all have certain basic needs — food, clean water, warm clothing, and medicine. And many of these supplies aren’t available in the refugee camps. For just $35, you can provide $189 worth of these lifesaving essentials for a refugee today. Learn more and give at
- Under: Humanitarian Aid, Refugees

All refugees have this one thing in common

7 years ago

Like many children in Haiti, Danielson was on the brink of death because of malnutrition — and so was his mother, Shedling. But that’s when someone stepped in and provided the care they desperately needed. You, too, can rescue a child like Danielson today. For just $50, you will provide emergency food and a medical evaluation to one malnourished child in Haiti, Uganda, or Guatemala. Visit to learn more.
- Under: Rescue Programs

A mother and son restored to health

6 years ago

Looking for something to send your sponsored child that’s inexpensive, easily shipped, personal, and fun? Try this paper spinner craft! Read more about in our blog.
- Under: Child Sponsorship

A Fun Craft for Your Sponsored Child

8 years ago

Many families around the world are struggling to survive because of violence, natural disasters, or poverty. But you can provide them with lifesaving supplies such as food, water, medical supplies, and more. We have many of these items sitting in our warehouse, but we need your help to ship them. Every dollar you give sends $33 worth of emergency supplies to help rescue someone and renew their hope. Learn more and give at
- Under: Humanitarian Aid

$1 ships $33 worth of lifesaving supplies

6 years ago
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