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[Watch]: We’re on the Ground in the Holy Land — Here are the Greatest Needs Right Now

Blog Team
Oct 18, 2023


In less than two weeks since Hamas’ initial attack in Israel, the crisis in the Holy Land has only gotten worse.

That’s why we currently have a team on the ground in the Holy Land to assess the greatest needs firsthand. They’re working with our partners and talking with displaced families about the best ways to help.

Watch this short video to learn more about what’s going on in the Holy Land:

As time passes, essentials like food, clean water, shelter, and medical supplies are running low. Many people have also lost their jobs, so they can’t even afford to buy what little food and water is available. Tens of thousands of men, women, and children are living day-to-day without the supplies they need to survive.

And as war continues to devastate the Holy Land, people are losing hope that lifesaving aid will ever come. Will you be the one to answer their cries for help?

Every $50 you give will provide one family survival kit packed with essentials like food, clean water, medical supplies, and more to people affected by the war. Your gift will be a lifeline for people in the Holy Land who need it most.

When you give today, you’ll be a tangible reminder of God’s love. You’ll also remind people in the Holy Land that they’re not alone in their darkest hour.


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