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Clean Water2 min read


Water: from death to life

Kelsey Campbell
Mar 18, 2018

“And this was [John the Baptist’s] message: ‘After me comes the one more powerful than I, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie. I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit’”

— Mark 1: 7-8, NIV.

A symbol of new life

We know there’s nothing more final than death. That’s why the miracle of resurrection is so extraordinary to us.

When Jesus was baptized, He embodied the act of resurrection He would later fulfill after His death on the cross. Buried in a watery grave … and raised to life again.

And when we follow His example and are baptized as believers, it symbolizes the death of our flesh and new life found in Christ.

It’s interesting to think about water as a symbol of new life. But it really makes perfect sense: water cleans, and water renews. Water can be the difference between life and death. Nothing is more universally known as that.  

There’s power in the water

When someone accepts Jesus Christ as Savior and is baptized, there’s an obvious change in his life! It’s not just internal. His new joy and peace are apparent in his actions and in his lifestyle. His way of life is completely altered.

Similarly, when someone gains access to clean water for the first time, almost every aspect of his life changes. He grows healthier. He doesn’t have to worry about giving his children dirty water. And he has more time to provide for his family instead of fetching water from the nearest water source.

Plus, if someone hasn’t already experienced the Living Water of Jesus, providing him with clean water is a perfect opportunity to open that door. He will likely be more receptive to the Gospel once you show him you care by meeting his physical need.

You can provide clean water for one person for an entire year — all it takes is $15!

Your gift will be a powerful testimony about a God and Savior who cares about people’s needs! You can help prepare the way for people to hear about Jesus by providing clean water.


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