With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation — Isaiah 12:3, ESV.
You’ve probably heard the phrase “water is life.” But what does that really mean? For most of us, water is everywhere. We have never truly had to go without it. When people say, “water is life,” is it just an exaggeration?
We asked three people from different countries what clean water meant to them. Here’s what they had to say.
A brighter future for the children of Zimbabwe
“You cannot preach about living waters to someone who does not have clean water in their village.” Those are the words of Albert Mavunge, World Help’s Zimbabwe partner and a man passionate about bringing physical and spiritual healing to people through clean water.
When World Help donors gave generously to provide a well in Zimbabwe, Albert made sure it was built for a community that needed it most. The village of Murambe desperately needed clean water.
Boys and girls who had to walk more than 10 miles to school were parched by the time they got to the classroom. Their thirst kept them from concentrating on their studies, but if they drank the dirty water from the nearby river, they could become seriously ill and miss school altogether. Then, everything changed with the gift of clean water.
The children of Murambe now are able to focus in class, are no longer sick from water-related illnesses, and are getting a quality education. They now have a brighter future ahead of them.
“It’s life changing,” Albert said. “And every dollar you put toward a water well brings life to that community, brings an economy to that community, and it brings the Living Water, which is Jesus Christ.”
A reason to smile for one community in Uganda
It’s a sunny day in Kituuti, Uganda, and a group of young children stands in the shade of the palm trees. They are gathered to celebrate a new well, something their village has desperately needed.
At the center of the crowd is 70-year-old Ruth Nakityo, who is a leader in the community. She has spent years watching her village suffer from a lack of clean water, so this is a joyful day.
“Water had become a serious problem in our area,” Ruth shared. “The children had been going late to school because they had to first get water. Carrying these heavy water containers from the far places where the water pond is located hurts their chests and sometimes causes chronic diseases.”
Sometimes, these waterborne diseases even led to a premature, preventable death. Not to mention, the local economy struggled as people didn’t have enough water to consistently irrigate their crops.
Ruth knows this well will change everything in Kituuti.
“Water is life,” she says to the crowd gathered around. “Thanks to World Help and [the people] God used to fund this water-well project. Uganda loves you! Now this water source will help us at homes, schools, and at church. The community has a reason to smile.”
One young boy takes the handle of the well and begins to pump it up and down. A stream of water springs forth and with it, applause. The people of Kituuti rejoice — because where there was once death, now there can be life.
Sending clean water around the world
Scott Griffin isn’t from Zimbabwe or Uganda; he’s from North Carolina. But over the years, he has come to understand deeply the importance of clean water.
Scott is the president of Practicon — a dental supply company that has dedicated itself to serving the least of these. A portion from every sale of their SmileGoods toothbrush goes toward providing wells in countries such as Guatemala, India, and Peru.
Many of these countries are considered “water poor,” meaning there is not enough clean water to meet people’s basic needs. Providing clean water helps keep families healthy and safe. It brings literal, physical life.
But for Scott, providing a well to a community stuck in water poverty has another significant purpose.
“It’s having a bigger impact than just providing clean water,” he said. “The ultimate goal is that [the community] would realize it was from people who love Jesus and who want to share that love through providing a well. Hopefully it will lead to spiritual growth, as well.”
Since 2010, Scott’s company has given clean water to 13 impoverished communities — and that water has brought life to the people living there.
* * *
Today, the children of Murambe are happy and healthy. The people of Kituuti are thriving. And the lives of the families benefiting from Practicon’s generosity have never been better.

But there are many others around the world who still need help. One in every 10 people lacks access to clean water. Simple, treatable illnesses such as diarrhea have become some of the leading causes of death in young children because they have nothing to drink but dirty water.
This is unacceptable … and you can do something about it. You have a chance to give life.
For just $15, you can provide someone with clean water for an entire year. He will no longer have to spend time walking to the nearest river or pond. He will no longer be sick from waterborne diseases. Children will no longer miss school, and parents will no longer struggle to grow crops. But most importantly, when you give clean water to people, you are also demonstrating Christ’s love to them.
When you give clean water, you aren’t just quenching someone’s thirst — you are saving a life.
Give water and give life to someone in need today.