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From the Field2 min read


We Didn't Know We Had Water Under Our Feet

Vernon Brewer
Mar 07, 2011

Wow . . . What an incredible day in Rwanda!

Our team just dedicated a new clean water well that was a direct result of the First Annual causelife Golf Tournament. And this is an impressive well. Solar panels stand 20 feet high and pump the deep bore well so that it runs clean water uphill throughout the village. One thing Africa has a lot of is sunshine, and I love the fact that we could use the natural resources of the country to provide these Rwandans with life!

The golf tournament was such a success and my hat’s off to Kevin Foster and everyone else that made it possible. Who would have ever thought that playing golf could result in thousands of lives being impacted for a lifetime in Rwanda.

A woman from the village led us in a prayer. She praised God for the love that complete strangers poured out on them, “Lord, thank you for your wisdom that you gave to men, for we didn’t know we had water under our feet.”

Talk about a powerful moment. They never knew that what they desperately needed was right under their feet. But because others wanted to show the love of God to strangers . . . they now have life. And our partners are ensuring that they find spiritual life as well.

I told the villagers through a translator that this was done because Jesus loved them and that He was the source of Living Water. Skip Taylor, World Help’s chairman of the board, prayed the dedication prayer.

Tears filled their eyes as they repeatedly thanked us. We could hardly leave the village as they crowded around us and shook our hands in gratefulness.

In keeping with World Help’s commitment to total transformation, a team of 26 counseling graduate students from Liberty University’s Distance Learning Program arrived in the village on a special mission . . . to provide much-needed counseling to victims of the Rwandan Genocide. They have so many emotional wounds that have never healed which have impacted them in ways beyond description. So these students are working with those villagers, as well as hundreds of other Rwandans while they are in country.


I know that sometimes it’s hard to grasp why those in developing countries suffer so much, even if they have natural resources right under their feet. But unfortunately, many times they simply don’t know that they are within reach of life, both spiritual and physical.

While this could be frustrating, it is also amazing when you think about it. God has chosen to use us to reveal His love to others. That is exactly what World Help’s purpose is.

And thanks to all those who participated in the causelife Golf Tournament . . . that is exactly what happened today.



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