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Gifts-in-Kind: Ukraine

Date Completed: February 23, 2024

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Preview thumbnail for the article: Give someone the biggest (and most life-changing) gift they've ever received
Where Needed Most

Give someone the biggest (and most life-changing) gift they've ever received

What’s the biggest present you ever received? Maybe it was a giant . . .

Location: Lviv Oblast, Ukraine

GPS Coordinates: 49.839700, 24.029700

Project Details:

The product you provided has made an eternal impact and is already at work helping save lives. Because you chose to supply gifts-in-kind, an entire community now has crucial items they’ve been waiting for.


The baby clothes you helped ship were a tremendous blessing for many displaced children and infants in Ukraine. When winter arrived, families had no warm clothing to protect themselves or their young children from the cold. But thanks to you, hundreds of families received new baby clothes like jackets and onesies to keep their infants and children warm. Your gift saved lives! "Thank you for the help," one grandmother said. "Thank God for sending you in such a time of need."

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