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What God Used Our Supporters to Accomplish in 2014

Blog Team
May 28, 2015

Today, we’re thrilled to announce the release of our 2014 Annual Report, Hands, Feet, and Heart.

Inside these pages, you’ll get a glimpse of the beautiful story God has been writing around the world through the faithfulness of ordinary people—individuals, families, and communities who simply wanted to make a difference in the lives of others.

And we’ll even give you a hint: In 2014 alone, our supporters impacted 2,707,283 people worldwide with help for today and hope for tomorrow.

Worth celebrating? We think so!

Watch 2014 in Review from World Help on Vimeo.

You see, just like a human body, World Help is made up of many different parts—all unique and all required to function on a daily basis.

Our hands are the people who serve, make, and prepare. They’re our partners on the ground, the stay-at-home mom who blogs for us when her little ones are napping, our busy staff members, and our business partners who help us campaign and host events.

Our feet are the people who propel us: our messengers, ambassadors, and trip participants. The church planters who travel for miles on foot to share the Gospel. The college students who spend their summer breaks serving in Guatemala and Uganda.

And finally, there is the heart of World Help . . . the very people we serve. At the center of all we do are the people we do it for . . . and the hope of the Gospel that compels us.

This is what our 2014 Annual Report is all about: The story of World Help—of each and every one of us—working together to be the hands, feet, and heart of Jesus on the ground.

Lives changed. Communities transformed. Hope renewed . . . all because a handful of people decided to get involved.

Join us in celebrating what God accomplished last year.



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