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Refugee crisis2 min read


What took 2 years in Syria, took only 4 days in Ukraine

Blog Team
Feb 28, 2022

More than 500,000 people have now fled Ukraine, the United Nations says.

To put that into perspective, it took two whole years during the Syrian civil war before the number of refugees in neighboring Turkey reached 220,000 … but it took only four days for almost as many people to flee from Ukraine to Poland after Thursday’s invasion.

It’s going to take all of us working together to respond to this unprecedented humanitarian disaster. And you can do your part for as little as $35! That’s all it takes to provide a week’s worth of essentials to a person in Ukraine or another high-conflict area.

Here are some ways your gift for Ukraine will be used:

  • To provide temporary shelter for Ukrainian families on the run

  • To help relocate refugees to more permanent living situations

  • To provide rice, porridge, spaghetti, and other food for hungry Ukrainians

  • To purchase mattresses and blankets for the displaced

  • To provide copies of God’s Word, giving hope to people in crisis

Your generosity will be a tremendous gift to someone who is homeless, scared, and feeling alone right now.

“The people who live in these areas are used to hearing explosions,” one of our Ukrainian partners said, “but the escalated threat has become too much. Many feel drained spiritually, emotionally, and physically. They desperately need words of encouragement and to know they are not forgotten.”

Will you stand with Ukraine and help provide lifesaving supplies for a refugee on the run today?

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