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Spiritual Development3 min read


What Would Happen If You Chose to Act?

Amanda Mattingly
Jun 28, 2016

“It’s amazing what God does when you commit your plans to Him and it is something He wants,” Susie Butler said.

What happens when we take a step of faith and allow God to use us for his purposes? Oftentimes, we can hesitate in taking a step toward what God is asking us to do out of fear or uncertainty. But we each have unique gifts, and if we simply trust God to use those gifts and talents, we may be completely blown away by how God shows up and makes a way.

The Butler family is passionate about the work of God around the world and has strategically invested in the development of impoverished communities. After attending the President’s Council as a family, Scott and Susie’s oldest son, Austin, knew in his heart they were supposed to get involved and help those in need around the world.

Austin told his family in the car on their drive home, “We have to do something!” Since they loved golf, Austin expressed that they could have a tournament to raise funds. And that very day, they began planning and organizing their 2015 Water Fore Life Golf Tournament.

Butler Family World Help

Each member of the Butler family played their own unique role to make the event a success from the organization, making contacts, and sharing the event. Even Austin’s younger siblings Alec, Aleeya, and Ashley helped set up the week before the event and the day of the tournament. It was truly a family project they were all passionate about . . . and they each played an integral part.

“It was really cool for them to be involved in it and see how they wanted and were willing to sacrifice their time and be involved in raising money for those less fortunate,” Austin said.

Beyond all the hard work the Butler family put into this golf tournament to help those in need, they always found time to pray together as a family and ask that God would lead them in their efforts. Anytime they felt they were unsure how everything would all come together, they would join in prayer as a family and commit all their work to Him.

Water Fore Life

Choosing to use the funds they raised specifically in Nepal, they wanted to invest in both physical help through clean water, as well as investing in the spiritual health of the people through church buildings.

“I thought about how God tells us to go into all the world and preach the Gospel and meet the needs of the poor,” Austin said. “A well did help meet the physical needs of the poor, but how could we help them eternally? So we wanted to provide church buildings so the people would have a place to worship as well as learn and grow in their faith.”

Through their event, the family and their supporters raised the funds to provide not only five wells but also two church buildings!

Only one month after the golf tournament, the massive earthquakes hit Nepal, devastating the nation.

“We as a family felt God had gone before us in helping to bring the right amount in because He knew the people in Nepal would need to rebuild and have new church buildings and new wells drilled. It was exciting to see that happen,” Scott said.

Water Fore Life Golf Tournament

God used this faithful family to make an eternal impact in Nepal. Each family member played a role and brought like-minded individuals together through their tournament, ultimately impacting other individuals in Nepal.

Just like the Butler family, you can make an incredible impact . . . helping someone in need through your own gifts and abilities. How will you choose to make a difference?

You can choose to impact a life today.



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