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Advocacy1 min read


What’s Your Plan for Mother’s Day?

Blog Team
Apr 28, 2016

She’s cheered alongside you, cried with you, and sacrificed for you for as long as you can remember. She’s strong, she’s beautiful, and she’s wise . . . she’s your mom.

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, we believe these incredible women in our lives deserve more than just another date on the calendar. They deserve the honor of a legacy.

Watch Mothers Day 2016 from World Help.

Beyond the flowers, cards, and the special dinner, we believe moms are honored most when they see their children giving back.

That’s why we want to invite you to give a gift in honor of your mom this year to our Safe Motherhood initiative—an incredible program providing health, healing, and hope for mothers in Ethiopia who have suffered devastating birthing injuries and, in many cases, have lost their babies in the process.

Culturally, these women are seen as “cursed” and are often abandoned by their own families and communities to live out the rest of their days as outcasts. The problem is tragic, but you can give these women a second chance.

Ethiopia Safe Motherhood

Our vision for this program is to provide victims in rural Ethiopia with physical and emotional rehabilitation, support, and reintegration into their communities. (You can learn all about our comprehensive Safe Motherhood initiative here.)

This Mother’s Day, do something different for your mom. Demonstrate your appreciation by showing her what she’s taught you . . . that other people matter . . . that every mom—no matter where she lives or what resources she has—deserves to be loved, celebrated, and empowered.

Because if you really think about it, where would we be today without our moms?



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