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International Day of Prayer2 min read


Why I’m Praying for North Korea this International Day of Prayer

Vernon Brewer
Oct 17, 2023


Can you imagine going to prison just because you owned a Bible, being sent to a labor camp because you were caught praying, or getting sentenced to death because you tried to tell others about Jesus?

These are all daily realities that Christians living in North Korea must endure. They face unimaginable persecution just because they follow Christ.

International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church is on Nov. 5, less than a month away. This year, I’ve chosen to pray for the protection and freedom of persecuted North Korean Christians.

Watch this video to learn why the underground church in North Korea needs our prayers:

Not only do North Korean Christians have to hide their faith, but they’re also facing starvation due to a severe food shortage and an ongoing famine.

And since suspected Christians in North Korea are relegated to the lowest positions of society, they often receive even less food than the average person. Now, many North Korean Christians are on the brink of starvation.

They desperately need our help.

If they’re going to survive this famine, they urgently need food. But despite intense persecution and the threat of harsh punishment if caught, North Korean Christians are also asking for Bibles.

Your $20 gift will provide one persecuted North Korean Christian with a week’s worth of food and their very own Bible. And since underground church members usually share God’s Word with trusted family and friends, your gift will impact at least five people.

Remember to pray for North Korea this International Day of Prayer this Nov. 5!
Your gift will provide physical and spiritual help and hope to persecuted North Korean Christians

International Day of Prayer may still be a few weeks away, but please don’t wait to give. Persecuted members of North Korea’s underground church are desperately waiting for both physical and spiritual relief. The sooner we receive your gift, the sooner we can rush the aid they need.

And please don’t forget to join me in praying for persecuted North Korean Christians on Nov. 5. Together, we can stand with our suffering brothers and sisters in Christ and remind them they’re not alone.


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