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Ukraine3 min read


Why is February 24 So Important?


Today may seem like any other day to most of us. But for over 43 million Ukrainians, it marks the second anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion of their country.

It’s hard to believe, but that’s 730 days of struggling to survive constant uncertainty, hunger, harsh weather, and the danger of missiles and airstrikes.

I recently traveled to Eastern Europe to visit refugees and displaced Ukrainians, and my heart broke for the men, women, and children who are still struggling to survive. They’ve had to endure more than we’ll probably ever know.

Watch this two minute video to learn more:

There’s a famous saying that time heals all wounds. But that hasn’t been the case for almost 10 million refugees and displaced people still facing the horrors of war two years later.

During my trip, I spoke with mothers struggling to feed their children because they couldn’t find jobs, families who were barely surviving the bitterly cold winter without shelter or warm clothing, and kids who hadn’t been able to attend school since before the invasion began.

To be honest, it was a lot to process. I can only imagine how much harder it is to live through it. The worst part is, they still aren’t sure when they’ll be able to go home.

You can send help and hope to refugees worldwide
Help a Ukrainian today to demonstrate God’s love to them!

When I was in Ukraine, it quickly became clear that Ukrainian refugees and displaced people need our help now more than ever. They’re still suffering. The only difference is that the world rallied around them with support, aid, and encouragement when the war first began. But now, many Ukrainians feel as if the world has forgotten them.

That’s why it’s so important that we don’t.

Today, you can show them they are not forgotten. When you give just $35, you’ll provide one refugee or displaced Ukrainian with a week’s worth of lifesaving essentials like food, clean water, warm clothing, medical supplies, and more.

Your gift won’t just provide physical relief … it will also be an enduring reminder that they’re not alone.


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