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Spiritual Development2 min read


Will you help send Mrs. Aarti’s kids to VBS this summer?

April Stumme
May 15, 2018

As summer gets closer, you’ll probably start seeing signs and banners popping up outside of churches in your community — “Vacation Bible School is coming!”

Children in America have a variety of VBS programs to choose from. Many attend multiple Vacation Bible Schools throughout the summer. But for kids in India, that’s not an option.

Mrs. Aarti is a Christian mom living in India who understands what a positive influence VBS can be. “I want my children to know the Word of God more deeply,” she said. “VBS is a good place for them to know God more. I want to send all my four children to VBS this year.”

Mrs. Aarti was thrilled to learn that a local church would be hosting Vacation Bible School in her community this summer. But without help to cover the food and Bible materials the children will receive at VBS, they won’t be able to attend.

That’s where you come in. For just $20, you can help send four children like Mrs. Aarti’s to VBS and provide food for three days this summer.

Many of the children who will attend this VBS and others across the northern part of the country live deep in India’s slums. These children are often neglected; many have never heard the name of Jesus before.

That’s why they need you!

When you send children to VBS, you expose them to God’s Word. You also provide food and send them home with a Bible workbook so they can share what they’ve learned with their family and friends.

And you give them a caring environment where they can feel safe and loved.

Mrs. Aarti understands the importance of teaching children about faith. She knows it’s an investment with long-term benefits.

We must tell our children about Jesus, she said, because “only then will the generation after them also walk in the will of God.”

When you send a child in India to VBS, you give them a gift they’ll never forget — a gift that will influence future generations. And you can send four children for just $20! Imagine the ripple effect if each child goes home and shares the Gospel with his or her family.

Your $20 gift today shows four children that you and Jesus care about them — and it has the potential to transform entire communities with the Gospel. Send four kids to VBS today, and invest in the future of India’s children.


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