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We are proud to be reviewed and held accountable by these independent third-party organizations.

Spiritual Development

True change is possible only when the needs of the whole person are met — body and soul. While all of our programs have a spiritual component, certain projects are exclusively established for the spiritual development of people around the world. Your support meets both physical and spiritual needs.



Bible Distribution

Bibles, New Testaments, Children’s storybook Bibles

Spiritual Training

Spiritual Training

Pastor conference, Vacation Bible Schools, Leadership training

Church Planting

Church Planting

Church planter support and training

Ways to Help

Send Bibles

Through your gift of Bible distribution you can place a copy of God’s Word into the hands of someone who needs it the most — whether it’s a persecuted Christian or a seeker who’s never heard the name of Jesus Christ — you can give them the most precious gift of all.

Send a child to VBS

Many children living in the slums of India have never had a chance to hear the Gospel. But this summer, you can introduce one boy or girl to the hope found in Jesus. Just $5 sends a child to a three-day Vacation Bible School where he will receive food and a Bible workbook.

Church Planting

By helping plant a church, you cultivate a Christian community in one of the most spiritually dark places on earth. Your investment will help bring hope to the nations.

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